International History of the Modern World

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims to convey an understanding of the concepts and key thematic nodes of the International History of the Modern World, in addition to the guidelines and related historiographic languages, also through thematic investigation proposed by the teacher. The course also aims to provide instrumental and conceptual tools suitable for historical communication, both scientific and popular.
Expected learning outcomes
The course aims to introduce students to the historiographical reflections on the International History of the Modern Word, opening them to the use of published and unpublished sources and the printed and online bibliographic tools. Students will be introduced to different methodologies of historical investigation and the study of archival documentation. At the end of the course students will be able to critically read primary sources and scientific texts and to develop independent reflections on the main historical and historiographical issues related to the International History of the Modern World. These skills will be acquired through a direct and continuous meeting with the teacher in the classroom. The discussion around the proposed sources will be an essential moment of critical reflection and methodological learning. Participation in meetings and seminars organized within the Department of Historical Studies will also be of great importance. Students opting not to attend the lessons will be able to make use of the educational tools provided by the teacher on Ariel, deepen their knowledge of main topics through special readings with the agreement with the teacher and contact the teacher during office hours.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
Title of the course: Globalization and rise of the West between the 15th and 18th centuries.
Module 1: World history: origins and development of a historiographic perspective
Module 2: Globalization and global connections in the Modern Age
Module 3: Power and Plenty: the "military revolution" in a global perspective

One of the features of the early modern period, between the 15th and 18th centuries, lies in the intensification of the connections and interdependencies between the different areas of the globe. This complex process, which has been defined as the "globalization of history", is the subject of this course.
The first module of the course is dedicated to a review of the historiographical perspectives through the relations between states within Europe were interpreted and those between Europe and non-European societies and civilizations. Particular attention will be paid to the emergence and consolidation of those perspectives - world history, global history, connected or entangled history... - which have proposed to go beyond Eurocentric interpretations.
The second module will be aimed at the analysis of the fundamental developments - political, economic, social and cultural in the broadest meaning of the term - that make up this process of "globalization of history" and the contribution they have made to the emergence of modern industrial society.
Finally, in the third module, will be explored the relationship between the process of world-system construction and the industrial revolution.
Prerequisites for admission
There are no specific requirements different from those requested for the admission to the MA degree in Historical Science. However, a good knowledge of the basic features of modern history is recommended.
Teaching methods
Attendance to classes is strongly recommended although not compulsory. The teaching is delivered through frontal lectures aimed primarily at the acquisition of knowledge, competence and specific language of the subject. Discussion with the teacher in the classroom is integrant part of the didactic method and aims at promoting a critical attitude and the capacity to apply the acquired competence and knowledge.
The teaching is also based on didactic and multimedia material provided on Ariel.
In addition to frontal lectures, team works and/or individual presentations are envisaged.
Teaching Resources
Attending students:
- Program for 6 cfu:
Knowledge of the topics taught in lectures (modules 1 and 2)

Knowledge of the following volumes:
1. Sebastian Conrad, Storia globale. Un'introduzione, Carocci, Roma 2015
2. Vittorio H. Beonio-Brocchieri, Immagini del tempo e della storia nella modernità, Carocci, Roma 2022
23 Charles Parker, Relazioni globali in età moderna 1400-1800, Il Mulino, Bologna 2012

- Program for 9 cfu:
Knowledge of the topics taught in lectures (modules 1, 2 and 3)

Knowledge the following volumes:
1. Sebastian Conrad, Storia globale. Un'introduzione, Carocci, Roma 2015
2. Vittorio H. Beonio-Brocchieri, Immagini del tempo e della storia nella modernità, Carocci, Roma 2022.
3. Charles Parker, Relazioni globali in età moderna 1400-1800, Il Mulino, Bologna 2012

And of one of the following four volumes:

1. Robert C. Allen, "La rivoluzione industriale inglese. Una prospettiva globale", Il Mulino, Bologna 2011.
2. Jack Goldstone, "Perché l'Europa? L'ascesa dell'Occidente nella storia mondiale, 1500-1850", Il MUlino, Bologna 2010
3. Kenneth Pomeranz, "La grande divergenza. La Cina, l'Europa e la nascita dell'economia mondiale", Il Mulino, Bologna 2004.
4. Jan Luiten van Zanden, "The Long Road to the Industrial Revolution", Brill, Leiden, 2012.

Non-attending students:
- Program for 6 cfu:

Knowledge of the following volumes:
1. Sebastian Conrad, Storia globale. Un'introduzione, Carocci, Roma 2015
2. Vittorio H. Beonio-Brocchieri, Immagini del tempo e della storia nella modernità, Carocci, Roma 2022.
3. Charles Parker, Relazioni globali in età moderna 1400-1800, Il Mulino, Bologna 2012
4. Mauro Carboni, L'ascesa economica dell'Europa, Il Mulino, Bologna 2016

- Program for 9 cfu:

Knowledge of the following volumes:
1. . Sebastian Conrad, Storia globale. Un'introduzione, Carocci, Roma 2015
2. Vittorio H. Beonio-Brocchieri, Immagini del tempo e della storia nella modernità, Carocci, Roma 2022.
2. Charles Parker, Relazioni globali in età moderna 1400-1800, Il Mulino, Bologna 2012
3. Mauro Carboni, L'ascesa economica dell'Europa, Il Mulino, Bologna 2016

And of one of the following volumes
1. Robert C. Allen, "La rivoluzione industriale inglese. Una prospettiva globale", Il Mulino, Bologna 2011.
2. Jack Goldstone, "Perché l'Europa? L'ascesa dell'Occidente nella storia mondiale, 1500-1850", Il MUlino, Bologna 2010
3. Kenneth Pomeranz, "La grande divergenza. La Cina, l'Europa e la nascita dell'economia mondiale", Il Mulino, Bologna 2004.
4. Jan Luiten van Zanden, "The Long Road to the Industrial Revolution", Brill, Leiden, 2012.

International and Erasmus students are invited to promptly get in touch with the professor in order to arrange a reading plan (available in English) for exam preparation.
Assessment methods and Criteria
- Type of examination: oral interrogation,
- Evaluation criteria: capacity to demonstrate and elaborate knowledge; capacity for critical reflection on the completed work; quality of exposition, competence in the use of specialised lexicon.
- Type of evaluation method: mark in 30s

The format of the exam for students with disabilities should be arranged in advance with the professor, as well as the relevant office.
M-STO/02 - MODERN HISTORY - University credits: 9
Lessons: 60 hours
Professor: Beonio Brocchieri Vittorio