International, European, and Comparative Environmental Law

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
IUS/02 IUS/13 IUS/14
Learning objectives
The course explores and analyses the foundations and the main principles and rules of Environmental Law in an international, European, and comparative law perspective. In the second part, selected topics will be addressed in the three perspectives (International, European and comparative).
Expected learning outcomes
By the end of this course unit, students will:
- have knowledge and understanding of the policy options, regulatorytechniques, and implementation challenges of the environmental law, in itsinternational, European, and comparative dimensions;
- have advanced knowledge and understanding of the legal principles,approaches, and techniques of environmental law and adequate knowledge andunderstanding of international and European rules relating to selected areas ofenvironmental law;
- understand the interplay between the different levels of environmentalregulation (international, European, domestic), as well as how "legaltransplants" shape the making and implementation of environmental law;
- be able to identify and analyse legal issues of environmental law in amulti-level system, conduct basic research of the relevant materials, report onselected issues and cases, and apply their knowledge to other cases raisingsimilar legal issues
- structure an adequate argument on practical cases, including: identify andsynthesise the relevant facts, identify and analyse the applicable legalframework in a multilevel system, make a reasonable and coherent argument onthe application of the rules to the facts of the case, and draw consequentialconclusions;
- express advanced concepts of environmental law in a multi-level andcomparative perspective law in a coherent and adequate fashion, using properlegal terminology.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
IUS/02 - COMPARATIVE PRIVATE LAW - University credits: 3
IUS/13 - INTERNATIONAL LAW - University credits: 2
IUS/14 - EUROPEAN UNION LAW - University credits: 1
Lessons: 48 hours