Internal Medicine
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
The course is divided into 2 years, the 5th and 6th. It is proposed to provide diagnostic criteria, differential diagnosis and therapeutic tools for the main diseases of interest in internal medicine. As an example: cardiovascular, pulmonary, hematologic, gastro-hepatological, endocrinological, nephrological, infectious diseases. The course also aims to provide the basis for the diagnosis and management of the elderly patient and the neoplastic patient. During the course the main pathophysiological mechanisms will be briefly recalled, with particular attention to polymorbidities that often coexist above all in elderly patients. The bases will be provided to carry out the most probable diagnosis and the most appropriate therapy of internal medical conditions and their complications, to highlight the complexity linked to polymorbidity.
The teaching method involves the discussion of clinical cases, through which to discuss the various possible differential diagnoses and the appropriate therapy setting, according to the most updated guidelines.
The teaching method involves the discussion of clinical cases, through which to discuss the various possible differential diagnoses and the appropriate therapy setting, according to the most updated guidelines.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course the student must be able to recognize and manage the patient with internal disease, performing differential diagnostics and setting the most suitable therapy. The student must also be able to interpret the most common laboratory and instrumental exams and set up the follow-up of the main internist pathologies. The exam will be done at the end of the 6th year of Internal Medicine course and will consist of a practical test that will take place in the Internal Medicine Units and an oral test with at least two examiners.
Lesson period: year
Assessment methods: Esame alla fine del gruppo
Assessment result: Inserire codice AF
Single course
This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.
Course syllabus and organization
Linea Policlinico
Prerequisites for admission
Based on the knowledge acquired in the courses of previous years, the student should have the ability to create a diagnostic pathway of the main clinical manifestations. In particular, he/she should know the pathogenetic and pathophysiological bases, risk factors and prognostic factors of diseases; their epidemiological, anatomo-pathological and semeiological, laboratory and instrumental characterization; and be able to set up a course based on possible differential diagnoses. In addition, he/she should be able, based on the pharmacological knowledge of treatment, and how to evaluate the evidence in medicine
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam will assess the student's ability to organize, collect and interpret the data of patients and to plan a diagnostic-therapeutic pathways to reach a correct diagnosis and to define the most appropriate therapy. The following contents will be specifically evaluated during the Oral Exam
(a) Discussion of a clinical case with emphasis:
- to the differential diagnosis
- to the definition of a rational diagnostic pathway based on: epidemiological criteria, rational use of diagnostic resources, optimal risk-benefit and cost-effectiveness ratio, and expected prognosis
(b) Discussion of the criteria for therapy setting in the treatment of different conditions with emphasis on the exposition of the modalities of clinical use of major drugs and their therapeutic efficacy and the principal contraindications and side effects in the use of the most commonly used drugs
(a) Discussion of a clinical case with emphasis:
- to the differential diagnosis
- to the definition of a rational diagnostic pathway based on: epidemiological criteria, rational use of diagnostic resources, optimal risk-benefit and cost-effectiveness ratio, and expected prognosis
(b) Discussion of the criteria for therapy setting in the treatment of different conditions with emphasis on the exposition of the modalities of clinical use of major drugs and their therapeutic efficacy and the principal contraindications and side effects in the use of the most commonly used drugs
Internal medicine
Course syllabus
The topics covered in the Internal Medicine teaching are the following:
Cardiovascular diseases
Respiratory system diseases
Hematopoietic pathologies Hemostasis pathologies and thrombosis
Hepato-gastroenterological pathologies
Metabolic disorders (classification with diabetes)
Approach to autoimmune diseases
Approach to the cancer patient (main pathologies therapeutic treatment side effects ...)
Approach to complex clinical pictures (confusional states, frailty of the elderly subject, weight disorders, electrolyte disturbances, non-typical abdominal pain, nosocomial infections ...)
Statistical and epidemiological evaluation of the main pathologies
Medicine between Hospital and Community
By way of example, the list of some pathological conditions is reported which will be evaluated for prevalence, severity, evolution, exemplary in order to explore the maturity acquired in therapeutic decisionsof Internal medicine topics:
- Bronchial asthma, acute attack and chronic treatment
- COPD and exacerbation of COPD
- Pneumonia
- Hypertension
- Acute and chronic coronary syndromes
- Atrial fibrillation
- Acute and chronic heart failure
- Venous thromboembolic disease (DVT and PE)
- Diabetes mellitus
- Decompensated liver cirrhosis (ascites, hepatic encephalopathy, prevention of digestive bleeding)
- Infections of the urinary tract
- Acute and chronic renal failure
- Rhabdomyolysis
- Dehydration and fluid reduction
- Electrolyte imbalances (K +, Ca ++)
- Anemia
- Non-surgical acute abdomen
Cardiovascular diseases
Respiratory system diseases
Hematopoietic pathologies Hemostasis pathologies and thrombosis
Hepato-gastroenterological pathologies
Metabolic disorders (classification with diabetes)
Approach to autoimmune diseases
Approach to the cancer patient (main pathologies therapeutic treatment side effects ...)
Approach to complex clinical pictures (confusional states, frailty of the elderly subject, weight disorders, electrolyte disturbances, non-typical abdominal pain, nosocomial infections ...)
Statistical and epidemiological evaluation of the main pathologies
Medicine between Hospital and Community
By way of example, the list of some pathological conditions is reported which will be evaluated for prevalence, severity, evolution, exemplary in order to explore the maturity acquired in therapeutic decisionsof Internal medicine topics:
- Bronchial asthma, acute attack and chronic treatment
- COPD and exacerbation of COPD
- Pneumonia
- Hypertension
- Acute and chronic coronary syndromes
- Atrial fibrillation
- Acute and chronic heart failure
- Venous thromboembolic disease (DVT and PE)
- Diabetes mellitus
- Decompensated liver cirrhosis (ascites, hepatic encephalopathy, prevention of digestive bleeding)
- Infections of the urinary tract
- Acute and chronic renal failure
- Rhabdomyolysis
- Dehydration and fluid reduction
- Electrolyte imbalances (K +, Ca ++)
- Anemia
- Non-surgical acute abdomen
Teaching methods
The course uses the teaching tools listed below in relation to the diversified teaching activities foreseen during the course.
Innovative and interactive frontal lesson It will start with the presentation of clinical cases and the best diagnostic-therapeutic procedure will be discussed together with the students encouraging the discussion of methodological aspects. Material will be provided to the student to develop, in the non-presence hours, some parts that will later be presented in the in-presence hours and discussed collegially. Simulation of multidisciplinary presentations of the different clinical problems will also be proposed with the presence of more than one faculty member. The latest methods of innovative teaching (Flipped classroom, problem based learning and pro/cons debate, peer teaching, collaborative learning ) will also be used in the in-presence hours (frontal teaching)
Multidisciplinary clinical seminars clinical problems with multi-pathological aspects addressed by specialists from different disciplines
Tutorial professional activities
Attendance in the inpatients Unit of Internal Medicine (internship elective and preparation of degree thesis) on individual student request, following one of the tutors of the course as part of the assistance activities carried out in the department of belonging, the Day Hospital and out patients setting
Innovative and interactive frontal lesson It will start with the presentation of clinical cases and the best diagnostic-therapeutic procedure will be discussed together with the students encouraging the discussion of methodological aspects. Material will be provided to the student to develop, in the non-presence hours, some parts that will later be presented in the in-presence hours and discussed collegially. Simulation of multidisciplinary presentations of the different clinical problems will also be proposed with the presence of more than one faculty member. The latest methods of innovative teaching (Flipped classroom, problem based learning and pro/cons debate, peer teaching, collaborative learning ) will also be used in the in-presence hours (frontal teaching)
Multidisciplinary clinical seminars clinical problems with multi-pathological aspects addressed by specialists from different disciplines
Tutorial professional activities
Attendance in the inpatients Unit of Internal Medicine (internship elective and preparation of degree thesis) on individual student request, following one of the tutors of the course as part of the assistance activities carried out in the department of belonging, the Day Hospital and out patients setting
Teaching Resources
The book proposed is Harrison Principles of Internal Medicine, 21 th edition. During the teaching activities, Professors will provide references for the consultation of the update literature available online, with particular attention to the New England Journal of Medicine, Lancet, British Medical Journal-BMJ; journals published by the American College of Physicians; Cochrane Library, and the most recent guidelines
Medical oncology
Course syllabus
1. "Clinical biology" of cancer
2. Clinica methodology in Oncology
3. Principales of multidisciplinary cancer treatment
4. Principales of medical cancer treatment
5. Complications of cancer desease
6. Complications of cancer treatment
7. Evidence building and state of the art on Oncology
8. Rare versus frequent cancers
9. Cancer: Description of 1 Model
10. Cancer: Staging and treatment strategy
11. Principla of communication skills in cancer care
12. Clinical decision-making in Oncology
2. Clinica methodology in Oncology
3. Principales of multidisciplinary cancer treatment
4. Principales of medical cancer treatment
5. Complications of cancer desease
6. Complications of cancer treatment
7. Evidence building and state of the art on Oncology
8. Rare versus frequent cancers
9. Cancer: Description of 1 Model
10. Cancer: Staging and treatment strategy
11. Principla of communication skills in cancer care
12. Clinical decision-making in Oncology
Teaching methods
The course uses the teaching tools listed below in relation to the diversified teaching activities foreseen during the course.
· Frontal lessons - Presentation of clinical cases aimed at promoting the discussion of methodological aspects (clinical epidemiology, medical reasoning); specific pathological conditions which, due to their prevalence, exemplarity and complexity, require a more in-depth treatment, or have recently been updated or reviewed (guidelines, reviews according to EBM); analysis of the ethical dimensions of clinical decisions.
· Tutorial professional activities "Medical Clinical Practice Skills" - Training course carried out at the Hospital Medicine Departments following dedicated tutors, oriented towards the acquisition of Elementary Teaching Units relating to specific practical skills (ETU). This part is defined by a section of the skills booklet for the 3 last years which will be delivered to the students and signed by the tutor chosen to acquire each of the UDE.
·Professionalizing tutorial activities "Clinical reasoning: Making Thinking Visible (MTV)" - Teaching module dedicated to the guided discussion, on: strategies for critical collection of clinical evidence and their interpretation; disease severity assessment in terms of severity thresholds or alteration intensity; formulation of rational pathways of diagnosis and therapy; analysis of the critical aspects that influence diagnostic and therapeutic decisions; definition of the risk-benefit ratio using "threshold approach" models for clinical decisions; drug therapy management (choice of drugs and their dosage in relation to the patient's characteristics; criteria for monitoring therapeutic efficacy and side effects; criteria for establishing success or failure of therapy, duration and suspension of therapy ). These activities are dedicated to 5th year.
- "General Medicine" professional tutoring activities Attendance at a general practitioner's clinic
- Attendance in the wards of Internal Medicine (internship elective and preparation of degree thesis) on individual student request, following one of the tutors of the course as part of the assistance activities carried out in the department of belonging, the Day Hospital.
· Frontal lessons - Presentation of clinical cases aimed at promoting the discussion of methodological aspects (clinical epidemiology, medical reasoning); specific pathological conditions which, due to their prevalence, exemplarity and complexity, require a more in-depth treatment, or have recently been updated or reviewed (guidelines, reviews according to EBM); analysis of the ethical dimensions of clinical decisions.
· Tutorial professional activities "Medical Clinical Practice Skills" - Training course carried out at the Hospital Medicine Departments following dedicated tutors, oriented towards the acquisition of Elementary Teaching Units relating to specific practical skills (ETU). This part is defined by a section of the skills booklet for the 3 last years which will be delivered to the students and signed by the tutor chosen to acquire each of the UDE.
·Professionalizing tutorial activities "Clinical reasoning: Making Thinking Visible (MTV)" - Teaching module dedicated to the guided discussion, on: strategies for critical collection of clinical evidence and their interpretation; disease severity assessment in terms of severity thresholds or alteration intensity; formulation of rational pathways of diagnosis and therapy; analysis of the critical aspects that influence diagnostic and therapeutic decisions; definition of the risk-benefit ratio using "threshold approach" models for clinical decisions; drug therapy management (choice of drugs and their dosage in relation to the patient's characteristics; criteria for monitoring therapeutic efficacy and side effects; criteria for establishing success or failure of therapy, duration and suspension of therapy ). These activities are dedicated to 5th year.
- "General Medicine" professional tutoring activities Attendance at a general practitioner's clinic
- Attendance in the wards of Internal Medicine (internship elective and preparation of degree thesis) on individual student request, following one of the tutors of the course as part of the assistance activities carried out in the department of belonging, the Day Hospital.
Teaching Resources
· Harrison's Priciples of Internal Medicine, McGraw Hill19th Edition, capitoli: 3, 4, 10, 15, 17, 18, 91, 99, 100, 102, 103, 104, 120, 121, 122, 125 (disponibile anche in ebook nella libreria digitale dell'Università di Milano,
· Papadakis MA et al Current Medical Diagnosis & Treatment, McGraw Hill, capitolo nell'Edizione 2017: 9
· Robbins and Cotran. Pathologic basis of Desease (9th Edizione)
· Goodman & Gilman's. "The pharmacological basis of therapeutics". 12th Edizione. Compagnie McGraw-Hill
· Slides and materiale scientifico forniti durante le lezioni.
· Papadakis MA et al Current Medical Diagnosis & Treatment, McGraw Hill, capitolo nell'Edizione 2017: 9
· Robbins and Cotran. Pathologic basis of Desease (9th Edizione)
· Goodman & Gilman's. "The pharmacological basis of therapeutics". 12th Edizione. Compagnie McGraw-Hill
· Slides and materiale scientifico forniti durante le lezioni.
Medical statistics
Course syllabus
Data coding: how to structure a database
- The R software and the R Commander interface module
- Import data into R from an Excel file
- The descriptive statics with R Commader:
graphs, numerical summary indices, contingency tables
- Inference procedures with R commander:
hypothesis tests and confidence intervals for averages and proportions
- The search for general medical information on Medline and Health on the Net Foundation.
- Notes on guided diagnosis systems available on the Internet
- The PubMed database
(search with MeSH terms, search with keywords, basic and advanced methods)
-The Scopus database
(basic and advanced search, how to derive the authors' H index)
- the Impact Factor: The Journal of Citation Report database
- Systematic reviews: the Cochrane Library database
- The R software and the R Commander interface module
- Import data into R from an Excel file
- The descriptive statics with R Commader:
graphs, numerical summary indices, contingency tables
- Inference procedures with R commander:
hypothesis tests and confidence intervals for averages and proportions
- The search for general medical information on Medline and Health on the Net Foundation.
- Notes on guided diagnosis systems available on the Internet
- The PubMed database
(search with MeSH terms, search with keywords, basic and advanced methods)
-The Scopus database
(basic and advanced search, how to derive the authors' H index)
- the Impact Factor: The Journal of Citation Report database
- Systematic reviews: the Cochrane Library database
Teaching methods
· Frontal lessons - Presentation of clinical cases aimed at promoting the discussion of methodological aspects (clinical epidemiology, medical reasoning); specific pathological conditions which, due to their prevalence, exemplarity and complexity, require a more in-depth treatment, or have recently been updated or reviewed (guidelines, reviews according to EBM); analysis of the ethical dimensions of clinical decisions.
· Tutorial professional activities "Medical Clinical Practice Skills" - Training course carried out at the Hospital Medicine Departments following dedicated tutors, oriented towards the acquisition of Elementary Teaching Units relating to specific practical skills (ETU). This part is defined by a section of the skills booklet for the 3 last years which will be delivered to the students and signed by the tutor chosen to acquire each of the UDE.
·Professionalizing tutorial activities "Clinical reasoning: Making Thinking Visible (MTV)" - Teaching module dedicated to the guided discussion, on: strategies for critical collection of clinical evidence and their interpretation; disease severity assessment in terms of severity thresholds or alteration intensity; formulation of rational pathways of diagnosis and therapy; analysis of the critical aspects that influence diagnostic and therapeutic decisions; definition of the risk-benefit ratio using "threshold approach" models for clinical decisions; drug therapy management (choice of drugs and their dosage in relation to the patient's characteristics; criteria for monitoring therapeutic efficacy and side effects; criteria for establishing success or failure of therapy, duration and suspension of therapy ). These activities are dedicated to 5th year.
- "General Medicine" professional tutoring activities Attendance at a general practitioner's clinic
- Attendance in the wards of Internal Medicine (internship elective and preparation of degree thesis) on individual student request, following one of the tutors of the course as part of the assistance activities carried out in the department of belonging, the Day Hospital.
· Tutorial professional activities "Medical Clinical Practice Skills" - Training course carried out at the Hospital Medicine Departments following dedicated tutors, oriented towards the acquisition of Elementary Teaching Units relating to specific practical skills (ETU). This part is defined by a section of the skills booklet for the 3 last years which will be delivered to the students and signed by the tutor chosen to acquire each of the UDE.
·Professionalizing tutorial activities "Clinical reasoning: Making Thinking Visible (MTV)" - Teaching module dedicated to the guided discussion, on: strategies for critical collection of clinical evidence and their interpretation; disease severity assessment in terms of severity thresholds or alteration intensity; formulation of rational pathways of diagnosis and therapy; analysis of the critical aspects that influence diagnostic and therapeutic decisions; definition of the risk-benefit ratio using "threshold approach" models for clinical decisions; drug therapy management (choice of drugs and their dosage in relation to the patient's characteristics; criteria for monitoring therapeutic efficacy and side effects; criteria for establishing success or failure of therapy, duration and suspension of therapy ). These activities are dedicated to 5th year.
- "General Medicine" professional tutoring activities Attendance at a general practitioner's clinic
- Attendance in the wards of Internal Medicine (internship elective and preparation of degree thesis) on individual student request, following one of the tutors of the course as part of the assistance activities carried out in the department of belonging, the Day Hospital.
Teaching Resources
The book proposed is Harrison Principles of Internal Medicine, 21th edition. During the teaching activities, Professors will provide references for the consultation of the update literature available online, with particular attention to the New England Journal of Medicine, Lancet, British Medical Journal-BMJ; journals published by the American College of Physicians; Cochrane Library, and the most recent guidelines
Internal medicine
MED/09 - INTERNAL MEDICINE - University credits: 5
Lessons: 48 hours
: 12 hours
: 12 hours
Caraceni Augusto Tommaso Giovanni, Costantino Giorgio Massimiliano, Cugno Massimo, Fracanzani Anna Ludovica, Gualtierotti Roberta, La Mura Vincenzo, Lombardi Federico, Lombardi Rosa, Montano Nicola, Motta Irene, Payvandi Flora, Solbiati Monica, Tobaldini Eleonora, Valenti Luca Vittorio Carlo
Caraceni Augusto Tommaso Giovanni, Costantino Giorgio Massimiliano, Cugno Massimo, Fracanzani Anna Ludovica, Gualtierotti Roberta, La Mura Vincenzo, Lombardi Federico, Lombardi Rosa, Montano Nicola, Motta Irene, Payvandi Flora, Solbiati Monica, Tobaldini Eleonora, Valenti Luca Vittorio Carlo
Medical oncology
MED/06 - MEDICAL ONCOLOGY - University credits: 2
Lessons: 16 hours
: 8 hours
: 8 hours
De Braud Filippo Guglielmo Maria
De Braud Filippo Guglielmo Maria
Medical statistics
MED/01 - MEDICAL STATISTICS - University credits: 1
Lessons: 8 hours
: 4 hours
: 4 hours
Casazza Giovanni
Casazza GiovanniLinea San Donato
Prerequisites for admission
Based on the knowledge acquired in the courses of previous years, the student should have the ability to create a diagnostic pathway of the main clinical manifestations. In particular, he/she should know the pathogenetic and pathophysiological bases, risk factors and prognostic factors of diseases; their epidemiological, anatomo-pathological and semeiological, laboratory and instrumental characterization; and be able to set up a course based on possible differential diagnoses. In addition, he/she should be able, based on the pharmacological knowledge of treatment, and how to evaluate the evidence in medicine
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam will assess the student's ability to organize, collect and interpret the data of patients and to plan a diagnostic-therapeutic pathways to reach a correct diagnosis and to define the most appropriate therapy. The following contents will be specifically evaluated during the Oral Exam
(a) Discussion of a clinical case with emphasis:
- to the differential diagnosis
- to the definition of a rational diagnostic pathway based on: epidemiological criteria, rational use of diagnostic resources, optimal risk-benefit and cost-effectiveness ratio, and expected prognosis
(b) Discussion of the criteria for therapy setting in the treatment of different conditions with emphasis on the exposition of the modalities of clinical use of major drugs and their therapeutic efficacy and the principal contraindications and side effects in the use of the most commonly used drugs
(a) Discussion of a clinical case with emphasis:
- to the differential diagnosis
- to the definition of a rational diagnostic pathway based on: epidemiological criteria, rational use of diagnostic resources, optimal risk-benefit and cost-effectiveness ratio, and expected prognosis
(b) Discussion of the criteria for therapy setting in the treatment of different conditions with emphasis on the exposition of the modalities of clinical use of major drugs and their therapeutic efficacy and the principal contraindications and side effects in the use of the most commonly used drugs
Internal medicine
Course syllabus
Cardiovascular diseases
Respiratory system diseases
Hematopoietic pathologies Hemostasis pathologies and thrombosis
Hepato-gastroenterological pathologies
Metabolic disorders (classification with diabetes)
Approach to autoimmune diseases
Approach to the cancer patient (main pathologies therapeutic treatment side effects ...)
Approach to complex clinical pictures (confusional states, frailty of the elderly subject, weight disorders, electrolyte disturbances, non-typical abdominal pain, nosocomial infections ...)
Statistical and epidemiological evaluation of the main pathologies
Medicine between Hospital and Community
By way of example, the list of some pathological conditions is reported which will be evaluated for prevalence, severity, evolution, exemplary in order to explore the maturity acquired in therapeutic decisionsof Internal medicine topics:
- Bronchial asthma, acute attack and chronic treatment
- COPD and exacerbation of COPD
- Pneumonia
- Hypertension
- Acute and chronic coronary syndromes
- Atrial fibrillation
- Acute and chronic heart failure
- Venous thromboembolic disease (DVT and PE)
- Diabetes mellitus
- Decompensated liver cirrhosis (ascites, hepatic encephalopathy, prevention of digestive bleeding)
- Infections of the urinary tract
- Acute and chronic renal failure
- Rhabdomyolysis
- Dehydration and fluid reduction
- Electrolyte imbalances (K +, Ca ++)
- Anemia
- Non-surgical acute abdomen
Respiratory system diseases
Hematopoietic pathologies Hemostasis pathologies and thrombosis
Hepato-gastroenterological pathologies
Metabolic disorders (classification with diabetes)
Approach to autoimmune diseases
Approach to the cancer patient (main pathologies therapeutic treatment side effects ...)
Approach to complex clinical pictures (confusional states, frailty of the elderly subject, weight disorders, electrolyte disturbances, non-typical abdominal pain, nosocomial infections ...)
Statistical and epidemiological evaluation of the main pathologies
Medicine between Hospital and Community
By way of example, the list of some pathological conditions is reported which will be evaluated for prevalence, severity, evolution, exemplary in order to explore the maturity acquired in therapeutic decisionsof Internal medicine topics:
- Bronchial asthma, acute attack and chronic treatment
- COPD and exacerbation of COPD
- Pneumonia
- Hypertension
- Acute and chronic coronary syndromes
- Atrial fibrillation
- Acute and chronic heart failure
- Venous thromboembolic disease (DVT and PE)
- Diabetes mellitus
- Decompensated liver cirrhosis (ascites, hepatic encephalopathy, prevention of digestive bleeding)
- Infections of the urinary tract
- Acute and chronic renal failure
- Rhabdomyolysis
- Dehydration and fluid reduction
- Electrolyte imbalances (K +, Ca ++)
- Anemia
- Non-surgical acute abdomen
Teaching methods
The course uses the teaching tools listed below in relation to the diversified teaching activities foreseen during the course.
Innovative and interactive frontal lesson It will start with the presentation of clinical cases and the best diagnostic-therapeutic procedure will be discussed together with the students encouraging the discussion of methodological aspects. Material will be provided to the student to develop, in the non-presence hours, some parts that will later be presented in the in-presence hours and discussed collegially. Simulation of multidisciplinary presentations of the different clinical problems will also be proposed with the presence of more than one faculty member. The latest methods of innovative teaching (Flipped classroom, problem based learning and pro/cons debate, peer teaching, collaborative learning ) will also be used in the in-presence hours (frontal teaching)
Multidisciplinary clinical seminars clinical problems with multi-pathological aspects addressed by specialists from different disciplines
Tutorial professional activities
Attendance in the inpatients Unit of Internal Medicine (internship elective and preparation of degree thesis) on individual student request, following one of the tutors of the course as part of the assistance activities carried out in the department of belonging, the Day Hospital and out patients setting
Innovative and interactive frontal lesson It will start with the presentation of clinical cases and the best diagnostic-therapeutic procedure will be discussed together with the students encouraging the discussion of methodological aspects. Material will be provided to the student to develop, in the non-presence hours, some parts that will later be presented in the in-presence hours and discussed collegially. Simulation of multidisciplinary presentations of the different clinical problems will also be proposed with the presence of more than one faculty member. The latest methods of innovative teaching (Flipped classroom, problem based learning and pro/cons debate, peer teaching, collaborative learning ) will also be used in the in-presence hours (frontal teaching)
Multidisciplinary clinical seminars clinical problems with multi-pathological aspects addressed by specialists from different disciplines
Tutorial professional activities
Attendance in the inpatients Unit of Internal Medicine (internship elective and preparation of degree thesis) on individual student request, following one of the tutors of the course as part of the assistance activities carried out in the department of belonging, the Day Hospital and out patients setting
Teaching Resources
The book proposed is Harrison Principles of Internal Medicine, 21 th edition. During the teaching activities, Professors will provide references for the consultation of the update literature available online, with particular attention to the New England Journal of Medicine, Lancet, British Medical Journal-BMJ; journals published by the American College of Physicians; Cochrane Library, and the most recent guidelines
Medical oncology
Course syllabus
1. "Clinical biology" of cancer
2. Clinica methodology in Oncology
3. Principales of multidisciplinary cancer treatment
4. Principales of medical cancer treatment
5. Complications of cancer desease
6. Complications of cancer treatment
7. Evidence building and state of the art on Oncology
8. Rare versus frequent cancers
9. Cancer: Description of 1 Model
10. Cancer: Staging and treatment strategy
11. Principla of communication skills in cancer care
12. Clinical decision-making in Oncology
2. Clinica methodology in Oncology
3. Principales of multidisciplinary cancer treatment
4. Principales of medical cancer treatment
5. Complications of cancer desease
6. Complications of cancer treatment
7. Evidence building and state of the art on Oncology
8. Rare versus frequent cancers
9. Cancer: Description of 1 Model
10. Cancer: Staging and treatment strategy
11. Principla of communication skills in cancer care
12. Clinical decision-making in Oncology
Teaching methods
The course uses the teaching tools listed below in relation to the diversified teaching activities foreseen during the course.
· Frontal lessons - Presentation of clinical cases aimed at promoting the discussion of methodological aspects (clinical epidemiology, medical reasoning); specific pathological conditions which, due to their prevalence, exemplarity and complexity, require a more in-depth treatment, or have recently been updated or reviewed (guidelines, reviews according to EBM); analysis of the ethical dimensions of clinical decisions.
· Tutorial professional activities "Medical Clinical Practice Skills" - Training course carried out at the Hospital Medicine Departments following dedicated tutors, oriented towards the acquisition of Elementary Teaching Units relating to specific practical skills (ETU). This part is defined by a section of the skills booklet for the 3 last years which will be delivered to the students and signed by the tutor chosen to acquire each of the UDE.
·Professionalizing tutorial activities "Clinical reasoning: Making Thinking Visible (MTV)" - Teaching module dedicated to the guided discussion, on: strategies for critical collection of clinical evidence and their interpretation; disease severity assessment in terms of severity thresholds or alteration intensity; formulation of rational pathways of diagnosis and therapy; analysis of the critical aspects that influence diagnostic and therapeutic decisions; definition of the risk-benefit ratio using "threshold approach" models for clinical decisions; drug therapy management (choice of drugs and their dosage in relation to the patient's characteristics; criteria for monitoring therapeutic efficacy and side effects; criteria for establishing success or failure of therapy, duration and suspension of therapy ). These activities are dedicated to 5th year.
- "General Medicine" professional tutoring activities Attendance at a general practitioner's clinic
- Attendance in the wards of Internal Medicine (internship elective and preparation of degree thesis) on individual student request, following one of the tutors of the course as part of the assistance activities carried out in the department of belonging, the Day Hospital.
· Frontal lessons - Presentation of clinical cases aimed at promoting the discussion of methodological aspects (clinical epidemiology, medical reasoning); specific pathological conditions which, due to their prevalence, exemplarity and complexity, require a more in-depth treatment, or have recently been updated or reviewed (guidelines, reviews according to EBM); analysis of the ethical dimensions of clinical decisions.
· Tutorial professional activities "Medical Clinical Practice Skills" - Training course carried out at the Hospital Medicine Departments following dedicated tutors, oriented towards the acquisition of Elementary Teaching Units relating to specific practical skills (ETU). This part is defined by a section of the skills booklet for the 3 last years which will be delivered to the students and signed by the tutor chosen to acquire each of the UDE.
·Professionalizing tutorial activities "Clinical reasoning: Making Thinking Visible (MTV)" - Teaching module dedicated to the guided discussion, on: strategies for critical collection of clinical evidence and their interpretation; disease severity assessment in terms of severity thresholds or alteration intensity; formulation of rational pathways of diagnosis and therapy; analysis of the critical aspects that influence diagnostic and therapeutic decisions; definition of the risk-benefit ratio using "threshold approach" models for clinical decisions; drug therapy management (choice of drugs and their dosage in relation to the patient's characteristics; criteria for monitoring therapeutic efficacy and side effects; criteria for establishing success or failure of therapy, duration and suspension of therapy ). These activities are dedicated to 5th year.
- "General Medicine" professional tutoring activities Attendance at a general practitioner's clinic
- Attendance in the wards of Internal Medicine (internship elective and preparation of degree thesis) on individual student request, following one of the tutors of the course as part of the assistance activities carried out in the department of belonging, the Day Hospital.
Teaching Resources
· Harrison's Priciples of Internal Medicine, McGraw Hill19th Edition, capitoli: 3, 4, 10, 15, 17, 18, 91, 99, 100, 102, 103, 104, 120, 121, 122, 125 (disponibile anche in ebook nella libreria digitale dell'Università di Milano,
· Papadakis MA et al Current Medical Diagnosis & Treatment, McGraw Hill, capitolo nell'Edizione 2017: 9
· Robbins and Cotran. Pathologic basis of Desease (9th Edizione)
· Goodman & Gilman's. "The pharmacological basis of therapeutics". 12th Edizione. Compagnie McGraw-Hill
· Slides and materiale scientifico forniti durante le lezioni.
· Papadakis MA et al Current Medical Diagnosis & Treatment, McGraw Hill, capitolo nell'Edizione 2017: 9
· Robbins and Cotran. Pathologic basis of Desease (9th Edizione)
· Goodman & Gilman's. "The pharmacological basis of therapeutics". 12th Edizione. Compagnie McGraw-Hill
· Slides and materiale scientifico forniti durante le lezioni.
Medical statistics
Course syllabus
Data coding: how to structure a database
- The R software and the R Commander interface module
- Import data into R from an Excel file
- The descriptive statics with R Commader:
graphs, numerical summary indices, contingency tables
- Inference procedures with R commander:
hypothesis tests and confidence intervals for averages and proportions
- The search for general medical information on Medline and Health on the Net Foundation.
- Notes on guided diagnosis systems available on the Internet
- The PubMed database
(search with MeSH terms, search with keywords, basic and advanced methods)
-The Scopus database
(basic and advanced search, how to derive the authors' H index)
- the Impact Factor: The Journal of Citation Report database
- Systematic reviews: the Cochrane Library database
- The R software and the R Commander interface module
- Import data into R from an Excel file
- The descriptive statics with R Commader:
graphs, numerical summary indices, contingency tables
- Inference procedures with R commander:
hypothesis tests and confidence intervals for averages and proportions
- The search for general medical information on Medline and Health on the Net Foundation.
- Notes on guided diagnosis systems available on the Internet
- The PubMed database
(search with MeSH terms, search with keywords, basic and advanced methods)
-The Scopus database
(basic and advanced search, how to derive the authors' H index)
- the Impact Factor: The Journal of Citation Report database
- Systematic reviews: the Cochrane Library database
Teaching methods
The course uses the teaching tools listed below in relation to the diversified teaching activities foreseen during the course.
· Frontal lessons - Presentation of clinical cases aimed at promoting the discussion of methodological aspects (clinical epidemiology, medical reasoning); specific pathological conditions which, due to their prevalence, exemplarity and complexity, require a more in-depth treatment, or have recently been updated or reviewed (guidelines, reviews according to EBM); analysis of the ethical dimensions of clinical decisions.
· Tutorial professional activities "Medical Clinical Practice Skills" - Training course carried out at the Hospital Medicine Departments following dedicated tutors, oriented towards the acquisition of Elementary Teaching Units relating to specific practical skills (ETU). This part is defined by a section of the skills booklet for the 3 last years which will be delivered to the students and signed by the tutor chosen to acquire each of the UDE.
·Professionalizing tutorial activities "Clinical reasoning: Making Thinking Visible (MTV)" - Teaching module dedicated to the guided discussion, on: strategies for critical collection of clinical evidence and their interpretation; disease severity assessment in terms of severity thresholds or alteration intensity; formulation of rational pathways of diagnosis and therapy; analysis of the critical aspects that influence diagnostic and therapeutic decisions; definition of the risk-benefit ratio using "threshold approach" models for clinical decisions; drug therapy management (choice of drugs and their dosage in relation to the patient's characteristics; criteria for monitoring therapeutic efficacy and side effects; criteria for establishing success or failure of therapy, duration and suspension of therapy ). These activities are dedicated to 5th year.
- "General Medicine" professional tutoring activities Attendance at a general practitioner's clinic
- Attendance in the wards of Internal Medicine (internship elective and preparation of degree thesis) on individual student request, following one of the tutors of the course as part of the assistance activities carried out in the department of belonging, the Day Hospital.
· Frontal lessons - Presentation of clinical cases aimed at promoting the discussion of methodological aspects (clinical epidemiology, medical reasoning); specific pathological conditions which, due to their prevalence, exemplarity and complexity, require a more in-depth treatment, or have recently been updated or reviewed (guidelines, reviews according to EBM); analysis of the ethical dimensions of clinical decisions.
· Tutorial professional activities "Medical Clinical Practice Skills" - Training course carried out at the Hospital Medicine Departments following dedicated tutors, oriented towards the acquisition of Elementary Teaching Units relating to specific practical skills (ETU). This part is defined by a section of the skills booklet for the 3 last years which will be delivered to the students and signed by the tutor chosen to acquire each of the UDE.
·Professionalizing tutorial activities "Clinical reasoning: Making Thinking Visible (MTV)" - Teaching module dedicated to the guided discussion, on: strategies for critical collection of clinical evidence and their interpretation; disease severity assessment in terms of severity thresholds or alteration intensity; formulation of rational pathways of diagnosis and therapy; analysis of the critical aspects that influence diagnostic and therapeutic decisions; definition of the risk-benefit ratio using "threshold approach" models for clinical decisions; drug therapy management (choice of drugs and their dosage in relation to the patient's characteristics; criteria for monitoring therapeutic efficacy and side effects; criteria for establishing success or failure of therapy, duration and suspension of therapy ). These activities are dedicated to 5th year.
- "General Medicine" professional tutoring activities Attendance at a general practitioner's clinic
- Attendance in the wards of Internal Medicine (internship elective and preparation of degree thesis) on individual student request, following one of the tutors of the course as part of the assistance activities carried out in the department of belonging, the Day Hospital.
Teaching Resources
The book proposed is Harrison Principles of Internal Medicine, 20th edition. During the teaching activities, Professors will provide references for the consultation of the update literature available online, with particular attention to the New England Journal of Medicine, Lancet, British Medical Journal-BMJ; journals published by the American College of Physicians; Cochrane Library, and the most recent guidelines
Internal medicine
MED/09 - INTERNAL MEDICINE - University credits: 5
Lessons: 48 hours
: 12 hours
: 12 hours
Alfieri Carlo Maria, Caraceni Augusto Tommaso Giovanni, Gualtierotti Roberta, Proietti Marco, Secchi Francesco, Vecchi Maurizio, Zanichelli Andrea
Medical oncology
MED/06 - MEDICAL ONCOLOGY - University credits: 2
Lessons: 16 hours
: 8 hours
: 8 hours
Cavalieri Stefano, Licitra Lisa Francesca Linda
Medical statistics
MED/01 - MEDICAL STATISTICS - University credits: 1
Lessons: 8 hours
: 4 hours
: 4 hours
La Vecchia Carlo Vitantonio Battista
La Vecchia Carlo Vitantonio BattistaLinea San Giuseppe
Prerequisites for admission
Based on the knowledge acquired in the courses of previous years, the student should have the ability to create a diagnostic pathway of the main clinical manifestations. In particular, he/she should know the pathogenetic and pathophysiological bases, risk factors and prognostic factors of diseases; their epidemiological, anatomo-pathological and semeiological, laboratory and instrumental characterization; and be able to set up a course based on possible differential diagnoses. In addition, he/she should be able, based on the pharmacological knowledge of treatment, and how to evaluate the evidence in medicine
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam will assess the student's ability to organize, collect and interpret the data of patients and to plan a diagnostic-therapeutic pathways to reach a correct diagnosis and to define the most appropriate therapy. The following contents will be specifically evaluated during the Oral Exam
(a) Discussion of a clinical case with emphasis:
- to the differential diagnosis
- to the definition of a rational diagnostic pathway based on: epidemiological criteria, rational use of diagnostic resources, optimal risk-benefit and cost-effectiveness ratio, and expected prognosis
(b) Discussion of the criteria for therapy setting in the treatment of different conditions with emphasis on the exposition of the modalities of clinical use of major drugs and their therapeutic efficacy and the principal contraindications and side effects in the use of the most commonly used drugs
(a) Discussion of a clinical case with emphasis:
- to the differential diagnosis
- to the definition of a rational diagnostic pathway based on: epidemiological criteria, rational use of diagnostic resources, optimal risk-benefit and cost-effectiveness ratio, and expected prognosis
(b) Discussion of the criteria for therapy setting in the treatment of different conditions with emphasis on the exposition of the modalities of clinical use of major drugs and their therapeutic efficacy and the principal contraindications and side effects in the use of the most commonly used drugs
Internal medicine
Course syllabus
Cardiovascular diseases
Respiratory system diseases
Hematopoietic pathologies Hemostasis pathologies and thrombosis
Hepato-gastroenterological pathologies
Metabolic disorders (classification with diabetes)
Approach to autoimmune diseases
Approach to the cancer patient (main pathologies therapeutic treatment side effects ...)
Approach to complex clinical pictures (confusional states, frailty of the elderly subject, weight disorders, electrolyte disturbances, non-typical abdominal pain, nosocomial infections ...)
Statistical and epidemiological evaluation of the main pathologies
Medicine between Hospital and Community
By way of example, the list of some pathological conditions is reported which will be evaluated for prevalence, severity, evolution, exemplary in order to explore the maturity acquired in therapeutic decisionsof Internal medicine topics:
- Bronchial asthma, acute attack and chronic treatment
- COPD and exacerbation of COPD
- Pneumonia
- Hypertension
- Acute and chronic coronary syndromes
- Atrial fibrillation
- Acute and chronic heart failure
- Venous thromboembolic disease (DVT and PE)
- Diabetes mellitus
- Decompensated liver cirrhosis (ascites, hepatic encephalopathy, prevention of digestive bleeding)
- Infections of the urinary tract
- Acute and chronic renal failure
- Rhabdomyolysis
- Dehydration and fluid reduction
- Electrolyte imbalances (K +, Ca ++)
- Anemia
- Non-surgical acute abdomen
Respiratory system diseases
Hematopoietic pathologies Hemostasis pathologies and thrombosis
Hepato-gastroenterological pathologies
Metabolic disorders (classification with diabetes)
Approach to autoimmune diseases
Approach to the cancer patient (main pathologies therapeutic treatment side effects ...)
Approach to complex clinical pictures (confusional states, frailty of the elderly subject, weight disorders, electrolyte disturbances, non-typical abdominal pain, nosocomial infections ...)
Statistical and epidemiological evaluation of the main pathologies
Medicine between Hospital and Community
By way of example, the list of some pathological conditions is reported which will be evaluated for prevalence, severity, evolution, exemplary in order to explore the maturity acquired in therapeutic decisionsof Internal medicine topics:
- Bronchial asthma, acute attack and chronic treatment
- COPD and exacerbation of COPD
- Pneumonia
- Hypertension
- Acute and chronic coronary syndromes
- Atrial fibrillation
- Acute and chronic heart failure
- Venous thromboembolic disease (DVT and PE)
- Diabetes mellitus
- Decompensated liver cirrhosis (ascites, hepatic encephalopathy, prevention of digestive bleeding)
- Infections of the urinary tract
- Acute and chronic renal failure
- Rhabdomyolysis
- Dehydration and fluid reduction
- Electrolyte imbalances (K +, Ca ++)
- Anemia
- Non-surgical acute abdomen
Teaching methods
The course uses the teaching tools listed below in relation to the diversified teaching activities foreseen during the course.
Innovative and interactive frontal lesson It will start with the presentation of clinical cases and the best diagnostic-therapeutic procedure will be discussed together with the students encouraging the discussion of methodological aspects. Material will be provided to the student to develop, in the non-presence hours, some parts that will later be presented in the in-presence hours and discussed collegially. Simulation of multidisciplinary presentations of the different clinical problems will also be proposed with the presence of more than one faculty member. The latest methods of innovative teaching (Flipped classroom, problem based learning and pro/cons debate, peer teaching, collaborative learning ) will also be used in the in-presence hours (frontal teaching)
Multidisciplinary clinical seminars clinical problems with multi-pathological aspects addressed by specialists from different disciplines
Tutorial professional activities
Attendance in the inpatients Unit of Internal Medicine (internship elective and preparation of degree thesis) on individual student request, following one of the tutors of the course as part of the assistance activities carried out in the department of belonging, the Day Hospital and out patients setting
Innovative and interactive frontal lesson It will start with the presentation of clinical cases and the best diagnostic-therapeutic procedure will be discussed together with the students encouraging the discussion of methodological aspects. Material will be provided to the student to develop, in the non-presence hours, some parts that will later be presented in the in-presence hours and discussed collegially. Simulation of multidisciplinary presentations of the different clinical problems will also be proposed with the presence of more than one faculty member. The latest methods of innovative teaching (Flipped classroom, problem based learning and pro/cons debate, peer teaching, collaborative learning ) will also be used in the in-presence hours (frontal teaching)
Multidisciplinary clinical seminars clinical problems with multi-pathological aspects addressed by specialists from different disciplines
Tutorial professional activities
Attendance in the inpatients Unit of Internal Medicine (internship elective and preparation of degree thesis) on individual student request, following one of the tutors of the course as part of the assistance activities carried out in the department of belonging, the Day Hospital and out patients setting
Teaching Resources
The book proposed is Harrison Principles of Internal Medicine, 21 th edition. During the teaching activities, Professors will provide references for the consultation of the update literature available online, with particular attention to the New England Journal of Medicine, Lancet, British Medical Journal-BMJ; journals published by the American College of Physicians; Cochrane Library, and the most recent guidelines
Medical oncology
Course syllabus
1. "Clinical biology" of cancer
2. Clinica methodology in Oncology
3. Principales of multidisciplinary cancer treatment
4. Principales of medical cancer treatment
5. Complications of cancer desease
6. Complications of cancer treatment
7. Evidence building and state of the art on Oncology
8. Rare versus frequent cancers
9. Cancer: Description of 1 Model
10. Cancer: Staging and treatment strategy
11. Principla of communication skills in cancer care
12. Clinical decision-making in Oncology
2. Clinica methodology in Oncology
3. Principales of multidisciplinary cancer treatment
4. Principales of medical cancer treatment
5. Complications of cancer desease
6. Complications of cancer treatment
7. Evidence building and state of the art on Oncology
8. Rare versus frequent cancers
9. Cancer: Description of 1 Model
10. Cancer: Staging and treatment strategy
11. Principla of communication skills in cancer care
12. Clinical decision-making in Oncology
Teaching methods
The course uses the teaching tools listed below in relation to the diversified teaching activities foreseen during the course.
· Frontal lessons - Presentation of clinical cases aimed at promoting the discussion of methodological aspects (clinical epidemiology, medical reasoning); specific pathological conditions which, due to their prevalence, exemplarity and complexity, require a more in-depth treatment, or have recently been updated or reviewed (guidelines, reviews according to EBM); analysis of the ethical dimensions of clinical decisions.
· Tutorial professional activities "Medical Clinical Practice Skills" - Training course carried out at the Hospital Medicine Departments following dedicated tutors, oriented towards the acquisition of Elementary Teaching Units relating to specific practical skills (ETU). This part is defined by a section of the skills booklet for the 3 last years which will be delivered to the students and signed by the tutor chosen to acquire each of the UDE.
· Frontal lessons - Presentation of clinical cases aimed at promoting the discussion of methodological aspects (clinical epidemiology, medical reasoning); specific pathological conditions which, due to their prevalence, exemplarity and complexity, require a more in-depth treatment, or have recently been updated or reviewed (guidelines, reviews according to EBM); analysis of the ethical dimensions of clinical decisions.
· Tutorial professional activities "Medical Clinical Practice Skills" - Training course carried out at the Hospital Medicine Departments following dedicated tutors, oriented towards the acquisition of Elementary Teaching Units relating to specific practical skills (ETU). This part is defined by a section of the skills booklet for the 3 last years which will be delivered to the students and signed by the tutor chosen to acquire each of the UDE.
Teaching Resources
· Harrison's Priciples of Internal Medicine, McGraw Hill19th Edition, chapters: 3, 4, 10, 15, 17, 18, 91, 99, 100, 102, 103, 104, 120, 121, 122, 125 (also available as ebook in the digital library of the University of Milan,
· Papadakis MA et al Current Medical Diagnosis & Treatment, McGraw Hill, chapters on the 2017 Edition: 9
· Robbins and Cotran. Pathologic basis of Desease (9th Edizion)
· Goodman & Gilman's. "The pharmacological basis of therapeutics". 12th Edizione. The McGraw-Hill companies
· Slides and scientific material forniti provided during the lectures.
· Papadakis MA et al Current Medical Diagnosis & Treatment, McGraw Hill, chapters on the 2017 Edition: 9
· Robbins and Cotran. Pathologic basis of Desease (9th Edizion)
· Goodman & Gilman's. "The pharmacological basis of therapeutics". 12th Edizione. The McGraw-Hill companies
· Slides and scientific material forniti provided during the lectures.
Medical statistics
Course syllabus
- Data coding: how to structure a database
- The R software and the R Commander interface module
- Import data into R from an Excel file
- The descriptive statics with R Commader:
graphs, numerical summary indices, contingency tables
- Inference procedures with R commander:
hypothesis tests and confidence intervals for averages and proportions
- The search for general medical information on Medline and Health on the Net Foundation.
- Notes on guided diagnosis systems available on the Internet
- The PubMed database
(search with MeSH terms, search with keywords, basic and advanced methods)
-The Scopus database
(basic and advanced search, how to derive the authors' H index)
- the Impact Factor: The Journal of Citation Report database
- Systematic reviews: the Cochrane Library database
- The R software and the R Commander interface module
- Import data into R from an Excel file
- The descriptive statics with R Commader:
graphs, numerical summary indices, contingency tables
- Inference procedures with R commander:
hypothesis tests and confidence intervals for averages and proportions
- The search for general medical information on Medline and Health on the Net Foundation.
- Notes on guided diagnosis systems available on the Internet
- The PubMed database
(search with MeSH terms, search with keywords, basic and advanced methods)
-The Scopus database
(basic and advanced search, how to derive the authors' H index)
- the Impact Factor: The Journal of Citation Report database
- Systematic reviews: the Cochrane Library database
Teaching methods
The course uses the teaching tools listed below in relation to the diversified teaching activities foreseen during the course.
· Frontal lessons - Presentation of clinical cases aimed at promoting the discussion of methodological aspects (clinical epidemiology, medical reasoning); specific pathological conditions which, due to their prevalence, exemplarity and complexity, require a more in-depth treatment, or have recently been updated or reviewed (guidelines, reviews according to EBM); analysis of the ethical dimensions of clinical decisions.
· Tutorial professional activities "Medical Clinical Practice Skills" - Training course carried out at the Hospital Medicine Departments following dedicated tutors, oriented towards the acquisition of Elementary Teaching Units relating to specific practical skills (ETU). This part is defined by a section of the skills booklet for the 3 last years which will be delivered to the students and signed by the tutor chosen to acquire each of the UDE
· Frontal lessons - Presentation of clinical cases aimed at promoting the discussion of methodological aspects (clinical epidemiology, medical reasoning); specific pathological conditions which, due to their prevalence, exemplarity and complexity, require a more in-depth treatment, or have recently been updated or reviewed (guidelines, reviews according to EBM); analysis of the ethical dimensions of clinical decisions.
· Tutorial professional activities "Medical Clinical Practice Skills" - Training course carried out at the Hospital Medicine Departments following dedicated tutors, oriented towards the acquisition of Elementary Teaching Units relating to specific practical skills (ETU). This part is defined by a section of the skills booklet for the 3 last years which will be delivered to the students and signed by the tutor chosen to acquire each of the UDE
Teaching Resources
The book proposed is Harrison Principles of Internal Medicine, 20th edition. During the teaching activities, Professors will provide references for the consultation of the update literature available online, with particular attention to the New England Journal of Medicine, Lancet, British Medical Journal-BMJ; journals published by the American College of Physicians; Cochrane Library, and the most recent guidelines
Internal medicine
MED/09 - INTERNAL MEDICINE - University credits: 5
Lessons: 48 hours
: 12 hours
: 12 hours
Caraceni Augusto Tommaso Giovanni, Centanni Luigi Giuseppe, Costantino Giorgio Massimiliano, Cugno Massimo, Fracanzani Anna Ludovica, Gualtierotti Roberta, La Mura Vincenzo, Lombardi Rosa, Montano Nicola, Motta Irene, Payvandi Flora, Solbiati Monica, Tobaldini Eleonora, Valenti Luca Vittorio Carlo
Caraceni Augusto Tommaso Giovanni, Centanni Luigi Giuseppe, Costantino Giorgio Massimiliano, Cugno Massimo, Fracanzani Anna Ludovica, Gualtierotti Roberta, La Mura Vincenzo, Lombardi Rosa, Montano Nicola, Motta Irene, Payvandi Flora, Solbiati Monica, Tobaldini Eleonora, Valenti Luca Vittorio Carlo
Medical oncology
MED/06 - MEDICAL ONCOLOGY - University credits: 2
Lessons: 16 hours
: 8 hours
: 8 hours
Medical statistics
MED/01 - MEDICAL STATISTICS - University credits: 1
Lessons: 8 hours
: 4 hours
: 4 hours
Edefonti Valeria Carla
Educational website(s)
For meetings, please write an email.
via Celoria, 22, 20133 Milano
On Thursdays, at 3 p.m.
CET, via Pace 9 Milano, Pad 2, first floor
by appointment (e-mail request)
Marangoni pavilion, Policlinico IRCCS hospital, via F Sforza 35, Milan