Interdisciplinary Clinical Sciences 1

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
MED/09 MED/30 MED/33 MED/44 MED/50
Learning objectives
- Develop the knowledge of the physiopathological mechanisms of defense, adaptation, tolerance, dependence and homeostasis of the human organism towards exposure to chemical, physical, biological agents of endogenous and exogenous origin;
- Develop the ability to identify the conditions of unhealthy living and working places and seek the most suitable solutions and activate individual, group and network resources;
- Develop the knowledge, skills and experience useful for planning, managing and evaluating the technical interventions of primary prevention and necessary to guarantee the correct application of health prescriptions and preventive and educational interventions for health;
- Know the basic principles of prevention of accidents and occupational diseases in the various production sectors.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course the student:
- Will critically analyze the various risk and aetiopathogenetic factors of the main diseases associated with environmental and occupational exposures
- Will be able to analyze working contexts with adequate methods to identify risk factors.
- Will be able to participate in multidisciplinary work groups in order to plan primary prevention interventions.
- Will acquire the methodological skills necessary to assess the quality of health prevention and education interventions.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Prerequisites for admission
Assessment methods and Criteria
Multiple choice test.
Internal medicine
Course syllabus
Concept of Health and Disease, Classification Pathological Etium of Disease
Clinical approach to the patient, near and remote pathological physiological history, physiological history and family history, objective examination, vital parameters, principles of anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system, respiratory exchanges and evaluation of their function, respiratory insufficiency, haegasalysis, and spirometry, heart rate, arterial pulse, body temperature and blood pressure and their measurement Main symptoms and signs of respiratory disease, diagnostic of lung diseases, Obstructive and restrictive bronchial pneumopathy, bronchial asthma, respiratory failure, pneumonia , occupational respiratory diseases. The pneumoconiosis
Blood circulation, anatomy and physiology, heart, specific myocardium and heart peace maker , the cardiac conduction system, resting potential, action potential, repolarization, electromechanical association, coronary circle, the cardiac cycle. Heart failure, ischemic heart disease, angina and heart attack. Cardiomyopathies, pericarditis, arterial hypertension, cardiovascular risk factors
The immune system, lymphoposis B and T, antibody. Infection, methods of transmission of infectious diseases, vaccinations, haematopoiesis, lymphopoiesis and myelooiesis, anemia, platelets openia,
Digestive system anatomy and physiology, portal circulation, portal hypertension, gastrointestinal bleeding,
Symptoms and signs of digestive diseases, diseases of the esophagus, peptic ulcers, jaundice, clinical signs of portal hypertension, portosystemic encephalopathy, ascites
Teaching methods
Lecture and practical classes (2 hours).
Teaching Resources
Rugarli C: medicina interna sistematica Settima Edizione
Harrison Principi di medicina Interna XX Edizione
Eye diseases
Course syllabus
Anatomy of the eye. Physiology of the eye. Eye patology. Work-related diseases and eye. Eye trauma.
Teaching methods
Lecture and practical classes (2 hours).
Teaching Resources
Orzalesi et al. Oftalmogia. Delfino Editore
Rugarli et al. Medicina Interna Sistematica. Masson Editore
"Medicina del Lavoro (Lavoro, ambiente, salute)" a cura di Pier Alberto Bertazzi Cortina Editore, 2013
Musculoskeletal system diseases
Course syllabus
Anatomy and physiology of bone and cartilage tissue. Bone healing, factors that influence repair mechanisms. Cartilage pathology, clinical framework and treatment principles. Arthrosis. Congenital diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Osteoporosis. Anatomy-physiology-pathology and treatment of the knee, shoulder, hip, foot, hand, spine, wrist, ankle. General traumatology with bruises, hematomas, bruises, wounds and their treatment. Tendon injuries, sprains, dislocations, muscle injuries. Skeletal Traumatology with Generality and Classification of Chondroepiphyseal Fractures / Detachments and Green Wood Fractures and related Treatment Principles, as well as Treatment of Fractures of the Femoral Neck - Vertebral - Long Bones - Joint - Exposed. Classification of neoplastic skeletal pathology
Teaching methods
Lecture and practical classes (2 hours).
Teaching Resources
Orzalesi et al. Oftalmogia. Delfino Editore
Rugarli et al. Medicina Interna Sistematica. Masson Editore
"Medicina del Lavoro (Lavoro, ambiente, salute)" a cura di Pier Alberto Bertazzi Cortina Editore, 2013
Occupational medicine
Course syllabus
Introduction to occupational medicine: history, legislation, study methods of the association between environment and health. Occupational cancers: diagnostic criteria, tools, discussion of clinical cases. Risk assessment: criteria and methods. Study Methods of occupational accidents. Exposure to metals and Health effects. Risks related to video display work. Air pollution and health effects: study methods and updates on the main effects. Work-related stress: theoretical principles, methods and examples of risk assessment and management.
Teaching methods
Lecture and practical classes (2 hours).
Teaching Resources
Orzalesi et al. Oftalmogia. Delfino Editore
Rugarli et al. Medicina Interna Sistematica. Masson Editore
"Medicina del Lavoro (Lavoro, ambiente, salute)" a cura di Pier Alberto Bertazzi Cortina Editore, 2013
Applied medical techniques
Course syllabus
Introduction to occupational medicine: history, legislation, study methods of the association between environment and health. Occupational cancers: diagnostic criteria, tools, discussion of clinical cases. Risk assessment: criteria and methods. Study Methods of occupational accidents. Exposure to metals and Health effects. Risks related to video display work. Air pollution and health effects: study methods and updates on the main effects. Work-related stress: theoretical principles, methods and examples of risk assessment and management. Aging and work: promoting and maintaining a good working capacity. Musculoskeletal disorders: occupational risk factors, assessment and prevention tools
Teaching methods
Lecture and practical classes (2 hours).
Teaching Resources
Orzalesi et al. Oftalmogia. Delfino Editore
Rugarli et al. Medicina Interna Sistematica. Masson Editore
"Medicina del Lavoro (Lavoro, ambiente, salute)" a cura di Pier Alberto Bertazzi Cortina Editore, 2013
Applied medical techniques
Lessons: 10 hours
Professor: Boniardi Luca
Professor: Boniardi Luca
Eye diseases
MED/30 - OPHTHALMOLOGY - University credits: 1
Lessons: 10 hours
Professor: Fogagnolo Paolo
Professor: Fogagnolo Paolo
Internal medicine
MED/09 - INTERNAL MEDICINE - University credits: 1
Lessons: 10 hours
Musculoskeletal system diseases
MED/33 - ORTHOPAEDICS - University credits: 1
Lessons: 10 hours
Professor: Compagnoni Riccardo
Occupational medicine
MED/44 - OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE - University credits: 2
Lessons: 20 hours
Professors: Carugno Michele, Tosti Luca
Wednesday 9AM-10AM - appointment by mail
San Paolo Hospital, Ophthalmology Ward