Inorganic Chemistry

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The objective is to introduce the essential models and theories for understanding the stereochemistry and reactivity of compounds belonging to the elements of the main groups. This includes analyzing and discussing the periodic trends in chemical properties. Additionally, we aim to construct a conceptual framework facilitating the memorization and organization of facts pertaining to the chemistry of both the main group elements and transition metals, specifically focusing on their binary compounds with nonmetals.
Expected learning outcomes
The student will be able to recognize the symmetry of simple molecules and apply the group theory to identify the molecular vibrations that are IR and Raman active. They will also apply the qualitative theory of the molecular orbital (QTMO) to construct interaction diagrams. Additionally, they will learn to identify the main structural types of solid-state compounds, not only according to sphere packing models but also using the concept of underlying nets. A broader understanding of Acid-Base theories, including Hard-Soft acid-base models, will be attained. In electrochemistry, students will be capable of drawing Frost diagrams and discussing Pourbaix and Ellingham diagrams. Periodic trends in chemical properties and reactivity of compounds of the main group elements and transition metals (limited to their binary compounds with nonmetals) will be discussed according to the most up-to-date perspectives in inorganic chemistry.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Course syllabus
Foundations: Atomic structure; Molecular structure and bonding; Molecular symmetry; Stereochemistry Models; Structures of simple solids; Acids & bases; Oxidation and reduction;
The elements and their compounds: Periodic trends, Chemistry and stereochemistry of Group 1-2, 13-18 elements.
For each topic, numerous exercises proposed in the textbooks will be carried out.
Prerequisites for admission
To know the topics related to the first-year general chemistry course.
Teaching methods
Frontal lesson with slides and exercises taken from the adopted textbooks.
A copy of the slides presented in class and all supplementary material mentioned in the lessons will be made available on myAriel.
Attendance is recommended.
Teaching Resources
1) M.Weller, T.Overton, J.Rourke, F.Armstrong - Inorganic Chemistry - Oxford University Press (2018), 7th english Edition
2) G. Rayner-Canham, T. Overton - Chimica Inorganica Descrittiva - EdiSES (2017) on the 6th english edition
3) G. Rayner-Canham - The Periodic Table, Past, Present, Future - (2020) available online from the university catalogue Minerva
4) Catherine E. Housecroft, Alan G. Sharpe "Chimica inorganica", Piccin 2023 (sulla 5° ed. inglese)
5) The slides presented during the lessons, as well as additional reading materials, can be accessed on the website myAriel
Assessment methods and Criteria
At the end of the first semester (January), students will have the opportunity to take an intermediate test, following the same rules as the final exam described below. Passing this intermediate test enables students to take a second test at the end of the course (June) covering topics from the second semester. Passing this second test will count as the full exam.
The exam format consists of a written test comprising 60 multiple-choice questions and 6-7 exercises/questions of a more general nature, which students must respond to in detail. Only textbooks are allowed as reference materials; no other aids are permitted. Students with a grade of 27/30 or higher may request an oral exam, although this does not necessarily guarantee an improvement in their grade.
Practicals: 32 hours
Lessons: 48 hours
Professor: Proserpio Davide Maria
Educational website(s)
Monday 14.00-16.00 after e-mail appointment
My office, first floor, Building A, room 1042