
A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The aim of this Laboratory is to provide students with the basics of: - acquire expertise to develop complex bibliography research strategies in your own disciplines, using both the freely available tools on the network and resources provided by the University
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the workshop, students will be able to:

- know the services of the Medical Library System and to use Minerva, the catalog of the University Library Service;
- know the methods and tools for conducting effective research in bibliographic databases;
- use the main tools offered by PubMed, Embase and Cinahl databases to search, retrieve and save bibliographic references.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Course syllabus
- Resources for health research in the University's Digital Library;
- Methodological basis of bibliographic research (BiblioDOC);
- PubMed: structure of the database, tools for research, retrieval of results;
- Embase: structure of the database, tools for research, retrieval of results;
- Cinahl: structure of the database, tools for research, retrieval of results.
Prerequisites for admission
Teaching methods
Laboratory teaching is delivered in blended mode with:

- Lessons in asynchronous mode, through the completion of a training path on Moodle platform including video tutorials, in-depth materials, self-assessment quizzes and a forum with the teachers.
- Guided exercises in the classroom or on Microsoft Teams platform in synchronous mode, including an exercise to be done at home which will be contextually corrected
Teaching Resources
The adoption of textbooks is not envisaged; the teaching material (mainly in video format), is provided by the teacher during the lectures and, together with bibliographic references, is also made available with the support of the University MOODLE platform.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The assessment of the learning outcomes takes place through a final written test consisting of a bibliographic research to be performed individually and some closed-ended questions on database tools; there are up to three tries available, and the test is assessed in terms of passed / failed. Failure to pass the final test entails the obligation to retake laboratory the following year.
- University credits: 5
Laboratories: 75 hours