Individual and Team Sports (FOOTBALL, BASKETBALL, VOLLEYBALL, RUGBY): Methods and Didactics

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course provides theoretical-practical concepts and tools for the development and organization of training programs for individual and team sports in their current forms.
Expected learning outcomes
Students will acquire didactic skills and methods in the management of training of individual and team sports.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
The program aims to provide, through meetings with nationally and internationally renowned experts, the most recent updates and evolutions in training methodologies and best practices, in individual and team sports. Experiences and scientific evidence will be the basis of each presentation
Prerequisites for admission
No previous knowledge necessary.
Teaching methods
Theoretical lessons are held in the lecture hall and given as frontal lectures with the aid of a computer and multimedia support. Sports figures and authorities in the subject will be invited to share with students their professional experience and knowledge.
Teaching Resources
Articles and reference books will be provided from time to time during the lessons
Assessment methods and Criteria
The oral exam will cover the two areas of the course content , as described in the course program. The oral exam will include one presentations (critical revision) requested by the student at least 1 week before the exam date. The final grade will be expressed in 30/30 and based on the average of the two grades for the two course areas.
M-EDF/02 - SPORT SCIENCES AND METHODOLOGY - University credits: 6
Lessons: 36 hours
Professor: La Torre Antonio
Professor: La Torre Antonio