Hygiene and Technology of Food of Animal Origin

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims to provide the student with knowledge relating to:
- the principles and methods of physical, chemical and biological risk assessment in the food industry;
- the main techniques for processing and preserving products of animal origin (milk, meat, fish);
- the hygienic-sanitary problems of the main production chains and the sanitation procedures implemented in the food of animal origin industry;
- food additives;
- Italian and European legislation related to the production of food of animal origin.
Expected learning outcomes
The course aims to train a technician who knows the production chains of food of animal origin (from the raw material as it is - milk, meat, fish - to the processed product), who is able to evaluate them critically and to understand their hygiene problems.
health in order to implement means of prevention and risk assessment, on the basis of national and European regulatory references.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
Prof. Chiesa, 20 hr lectures + 8 hr training.
- Legislative knowledge for food of animal origin: hygiene package and National Plan residues (4 hr)
- Food characteristics of animal origin, hygiene and quality of O.A. products (1 hr); slaughter (beef, pig, poultry, sheep and goats and fish) (1 hr); classification of beef carcases and meat ripening (2 hr); meat colour and WHC (2 hr)
- Food processing and storage technologies: pasteurization, appertization, sterilization, refrigeration and freezing, high hydrostatic pressure, drying and smoking, ionizing radiation, use of chemical composites (nitrite nitrates, polyphosphates, organic acids) and antibiotics, fermentation, mechanically separated meat (2 hr)
- Food labelling (2 hr)
- Hygiene and technology of raw meat products: salami, raw ham, Colonnata lard (2 hr)
- Hygiene and technology of cooked meat products: cooked ham, canned meat (2 hr)
- Hygiene and technology (2 hr)
Visits to farms and production laboratories (8 hr)

Prof. Vallone, 20 hr lectures + 8 hr training.
The milk.
Milk safety and security.
HACCP systems for dairy products.
Technology and hygiene in cheese and dairy production: butter, yogurt and fermented milks, ricotta, mascarpone; fresh cheese; soft cheese; hard cheese; blue cheese; smear ripened cheese; stringy cheese.
Vegetarian and vegan products
Fake news and consumer uncertainty
Italian sounding
Molds, mycotoxins and natural plant toxins in dairy products.
European and national regulation of dairy products.

Training: field trip to dairy farms and production company (8 hr)
Prerequisites for admission
Prof. Chiesa, the following knowledges is required: chemistry, biochemistry, anatomy, microbiology, parasitology, infectious diseases, nutrition.
Prof. Vallone no pre-knowledges required.
Teaching methods
Prof. Chiesa:
20 hours of lectures, held in the classroom.
8 hours of training: educational visits to production and marketing establishments e.g. cattle slaughterhouse, classification of carcasses-SEUROP-and health problems, fish market-fraud in the sector (e.g. recognition of species, difference between fresh and frozen product, difference between caught and farmed product) and health problems, large-scale distribution platforms, seminars / conferences on current topics, laboratory activities.

Prof. Vallone:
20 hours of classroom lessons.
8 hours of practical activity: field trip to two dairy farms and production company.
Teaching Resources
Prof. Chiesa:
Corradini C. (1995 Chimica e tecnologia del latte. Ed. Tecniche Nuove Milano
Del Monte P., Magnani U., Monari M. (2000) Industria dei salumi. Ed. Edagricole, Bologna
Latrie R.A. (1983) Scienza della carne. Ed. Edagricole, Bologna
Salvatori del Prato O. (1998) Trattato di tecnologia casearia. Ed. Edagricole, Bologna
Tiecco G. (2000) Ispezione degli alimenti di origine animale. Ed. Calderoni-Edagricole, Bologna
G. Colavita - Igiene e Tecnologie Alimentari - Ed agricole, Bologna.
Lerici R., Lercker G. Principi di tecnologie Alimentari - Editrice CLUEB, Bologna.
Giovanni Quaglia - Scienza e tecnologia degli alimenti - Chirotti Editori, Pinerolo
RONDANELLI E.G., FABBI M., MARONE P.: Trattato sulle infezioni e tossinfezioni alimentari. Ed. Selecta Medica, 2005, Pavia
Galli A., Bertoldi A. Igiene degli alimenti e HACCP (2006). IV Edizione. EPC Libri
G.Colavita-Igiene e Tecnologie degli Alimenti di Origine Animale. Ed Point Veterinaire Itale
The material used in the classroom for explanations will be present on the UNIMI Ariel portal, the material used for seminars and conferences will be delivered to the students.

Prof. Vallone:
Ispezione e controllo degli alimenti. AA.VV. Curato da B. Cenci Goga. Ed. Le Point Veterinaire Italie
Produzioni animali. Sandrucci, Trevisi. EdiSES Università, Napoli
Le forme del latte. Slow Food Editore
Trattato di tecnologia lattiero-casearia. O. Salvadori del Prato. Ed. Edagricole
Microbiologia e tecnologia lattiero-casearia. G. Mucchetti, E. Neviani. Ed. Tecniche nuove
Microbiologia e tecnologia lattiero-casearia. Qualità e sicurezza. G. Mucchetti, E. Neviani. Ed. Tecniche nuove
Minicaseifici aziendali. O. Salvadori Del Prato. Ed. Edagricole
Muffe, Alimenti e Micotossicosi. I. Dragoni, C. Cantoni, A, Papa, L. Vallone. Ed. Città Studi, Milano
The classromm's materials will be delivered to the students.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Prof. Chiesa: Oral question on all topics of the course (theoretical and practical).
Evaluation parameters: ability on the part of the student to critically evaluate them and to understand their hygiene and health problems in the sector in order to implement prevention and risk assessment means, based on national and European regulatory references.
In particular, the ability to report on the topics covered and to combine the theoretical part with the practical part will be assessed; ability of critical reasoning, quality of exposure and competence in the use of an appropriate language.

Prof. Vallone:
Oral question on all subjects of the course (frontal teaching and practical teaching) with open-ended questions and closed-ended questions.
Assessment parameters: ability to report on the topics covered; critical reasoning skills; quality of exposure; appropriateness of language.

Test duration: 40 minutes.
The mark is expressed in thirtieth and is communicated to the student immediately after the end of the oral test.
Practicals: 16 hours
Lessons: 40 hours
by appointment
Lab. Food Inspection