Human Physiology and Basic Anatomy

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The general objective of this course is to provide the basic principles of tissue and system organization and to describe the molecular and cellular processes governing organ and system functioning, with emphasis to the human being. In particular, the course will analyze the main molecular mechanisms of cell physiology, the salient features of organ and system functioning, the main control systems and their reciprocal interaction. The acquired information will establish the basis for understanding the physiological adaptation process taking place due to a continuously changing environment.
This knowledge is essential for understanding the subsequent courses in biological and medical area and its application is the basis of pharmaceutical biotechnology.
Expected learning outcomes
By the end of the course students will be able to: a) describe the organization of tissues and organs; b) understand the basic and advanced physiological processes, and analyze their biological meaning, regulation and integration; c) formulate and discuss the physiological adaptation processes taking place due to a continuously changing environment
The course is also expected to develop disciplinary and methodological skills which will allow the students to understand the biological aspects of the subsequent professionalizing courses.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
Teaching unit I Cell physiology and histology
INTRODUCTION: Cells, tissues, organs, systems, organism. The extracellular environment. Liquid compartments and ionic composition. Homeostasis.
BIOLOGICAL MEMBRANES AND TRANSPORT PHENOMENA Structure and function of biological membranes. Transport through biological membranes: simple and facilitated diffusion. Primary and secondary active transports. Ionic channels, transporters, and pumps. Vesicle-mediated transport. Osmosis: osmotic pressure. Resting membrane potential. Equilibrium potentials and Nernst's law. Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz equation.
EPITHELIAL TISSUE AND PHYSIOLOGY Organization and classification of epithelial tissues. Transepithelial transport of ions and solutes. Organization and classification of secretory tissues and glands. Exocrine and endocrine glands.
NEURONAL TISSUE AND NEURONAL CELL PHYSIOLOGY Nervous system cells: neurons and glia. Electrical signals: graduated and action potential. Generation and conduction of the action potential: molecular and ionic bases. Synaptic transmission. Electrical and chemical synapses. Neurotransmitters, ionotropic and metabotropic receptors, vesicular and membrane transporters. Excitatory and inhibitory postsynaptic potentials and synaptic integration. Sensory receptors (general principles). Signal transduction and codification in sensory receptors and organs.
MUSCLE TISSUE AND PHYSIOLOGY OF THE MUSCLE CELL Organization and classification of muscle tissues. Skeletal striated muscle: Neuromuscular junction and potential. Excitation-contraction coupling. Molecular mechanisms of muscle contraction. Fiber classification. Cardiac muscle. Electrical activity of cardiac and pacemaker cells. Excitation-contraction coupling. Regulation of contractility. Smooth muscle. Molecualr mechanism of muscle contraction, differences with the striated muscle.
CONNECTIVE TISSUE. Organization and classification of connective tissues. Connective tissue proper. Liquid connective tissue: blood, erythrocytes, platelets and lymphocytes. Supporting connective tissue. Cartilage morphology, classification and function. Bone morphology, classification and function.

Teaching Unit II General Physiology and Anatomy
General principles of Anatomy; Three-dimensional organization of the human body; Anatomical terminology; Body regions; General structure of hollow and full organs.
The central nervous system: General organization; Skull and vertebrae; The meninges; The blood-brain barrier. The somatic nervous system; The autonomic nervous system. Posture and movement control, motor reflexes. The peripheral nervous system: General organization; Organization of the afferent system. Special senses.
General organization. Neuroendocrinology: the pituitary portal system, hypothalamic, neurohypophysis and adenohypophysis hormones. The endocrine "axes". Blood glucose and calcium control.
Heart: Macroscopic anatomy of the heart. Pulmonary and systemic circulation. Electrical activity of the heart. Action potential of autorhythmic cells, conduction tissue, action potential of contractile cells. Mechanical activity of the heart. Cardiac cycle, systolic and cardiac output. Regulation of cardiac activity. Macroscopic anatomy of blood vessels. Circulatory dynamic principles. Functions of the arterial, venous, and capillary districts. Regulatory mechanisms of the cardiovascular system in maintaining blood flow and blood pressure. The lymphatic system. Blood and haemostasis.
Anatomical organization of the airways and lungs. Respiratory muscle and mechanics. Respiratory volumes. Alveolar gas exchange. Hemoglobin. Transport of O2 and CO2. Breathing control. Local and central control of respiratory activity: role of pH, CO2 and oxygen.
Macroscopic organization of kidney, ureters, bladder and urethra. Organization of the nephron. Principles of glomerular filtration, tubular reabsorption, excretion. Plasma clearance. Renal glucose threshold. Water / saline homeostasis and renal control.
Anatomical organization of the digestive tract, peritoneum. Gastrointestinal tract secretions and motility. Pancreas and liver functions in digestive processes. The hepatic portal system. Bile formation.
Prerequisites for admission
Students taking this course are expected to have a background in physics, general and organic chemistry, biology and biochemistry
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons and multimedia platforms
Teaching Resources
Human Physiology, an integrated approach", aut. D.U. Silverthorn, Pearson Education Limited, 2020.
"Physiology", aut. Stanfield Cindy L., Pearson Education Limited, 2019
"Human Anatomy", aut. Martini FH, Tallitsch RB, Nath JL, Casa editrice EdiSES, 2019.
Classroom presentations and teaching materials are available on myARIEL web site
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam is an oral interview, and it is divided into two parts.
The first one focuses on cellular physiology and histology and consists of two questions: the first is related to the cell functioning and the other is inherent to tissue organization. The interview is passed if the candidate demonstrates that he/she has acquired and understood the principles of cell functioning and cell organization in tissues (not the simple "learning by heart"). For student attending the courses, an on-going evaluation is planned in written form (with open and multiple-choice questions) during the teaching-break (generally end of April). The exam is deemed to be passed only if the student has acquired a minimum score of 18/30.
The second part focuses on the different physiological systems. In general, the oral exam consists of three questions: the first concerning a topic that can be chosen by the student himself, the subsequent ones concerning two different apparatuses. The presentation and organization of the first topic will allow to verify the general comprehension of the subject, as well as the communication skills. The other questions will serve to verify the degree of in-depth study, and the appropriateness of the terminology.
The final mark is the weighted average (4 credits for Cellular Physiology and Histology and 6 credits for General Physiology and Anatomy) of the two marks. The evaluation is released at the end of the test and submitted to the candidate for acceptance. The assessment includes a range of: minimum marks (18-23/30) if sufficient preparation is demonstrated; intermediate marks (24-27/30) if the student shows a good knowledge of all the topics covered in the exam; high marks (28-30/30) if the student shows an excellent knowledge of all the topics covered in the exam and excellent communication skills. The student is awarded with the highest mark (30 lode) if he will demonstrate ability to deepen the topics.
BIO/09 - PHYSIOLOGY - University credits: 10
Lessons: 80 hours
monday - friday 8.30-17.30 by appointment
via Balzaretti, 9 piano 4 stanza 5020