Human Physiology

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The teaching aims to provide a deep preparation on the functions of organ systems, as well as their integrated view, as an assumption to the study of diseases affecting the human body. Great attention will be addressed to the description of physiological mechanisms at cellular and molecular level as a possible target of pharmacological therapies. The teaching will also provide knowledge of the main tests/methods for evaluating the functionality of organs and systems. The theoretical and practical knowledge in physiology will be forwarded through logical and 'problem solving' approaches, rather than mnemonic, and by a correct technical terminology that would allow students to efficiently talk with a proper medical-scientific terminology, then moving to the following educational path. Aim of the teaching is that participants acquire knowledge and an advanced scientific background to implement the professional skills of the pharmacist. The educational objective of this teaching, indeed, is to stimulate the health-care informant abilities to general public, so that the pharmacist can represent a connection among patients, medical doctors and public health system, proposing healthy lifestyles as well as providing expertise for the management of pathophysiological and/or physiotherapeutic issues.
Expected learning outcomes
After teaching completion, the student should achieve a basic and advanced skills on the functions of the human body, in an integrated view of the biological mechanisms involved. The student should also achieve competences on the main tests/methods for evaluating the functionality of organs and systems. The teaching is expecting to develop in the student the abilities/competences, as well as disciplinary and methodological skills, which will enable to understand the biological aspects of the next professionalizing courses and to face and solve logical problems related to biological needs as well as their possible alterations. The expected learning includes also other soft skills, like study strategies to implement the learning abilities and a continuous scientific/professional updating; adequate communication skills and medical-scientific terminology, to establish a close link among patients, medical doctors and the public health system; ruling skills which allow to the next pharmacist a solid counseling activity.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Linea AL

Lesson period
Course syllabus
This unit addresses the organization and biophysical properties of cells and tissues. Basic concepts in cell and membrane physiology are synthesized through exploring the function of epithelial, neuronal and muscle cells. The following topics will be covered:
What is physiology? Main characteristics of a living being. Cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, organism. Liquid compartments composition in the body. Homeostasis.
Structure and function of biological membranes. Transport through biological membranes: Simple diffusion and Fick's law. Facilitated diffusion and Michaelis-Menten equation. Ionic channels, Transporters, and pumps. Primary active transport: ATPases. Secondary active transport, property, and function. Vesicle-mediated Transport. Osmosis: osmotic pressure. Complex biological barriers: epithelia
Resting membrane potential. Equilibrium potentials. Nernst's law. Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz equation. Electrical analogue of a membrane. Extracellular and intracellular recording techniques.
Hormone chemistry, synthesis, and secretion. Regulatory mechanisms and mechanisms of action of hormones. Endocrine disruptors
Neurons and glial cells. The graduate potential and action potential. Generation and propagation of the action potential: ionic and molecular bases. Relative and absolute refractory period. Myelin and saltatory conduction Action potentials in excitable cells.
Synaptic transmission. Electrical and chemical synapses. Neurotransmitters, ionotropic and metabotropic receptors, vesicular and membrane neurotransmitter transporters. Excitatory and inhibitory postsynaptic potentials and synaptic integration.
Skeletal muscle: electrical and mechanical phenomena. Molecular mechanism of contraction. Excitation-contraction coupling. Regulation of muscle contraction. Classification of muscle fibers.
Cardiac muscle. Electrical activity of Pacemaker and cardiac cells. Heartbeat origin and excitement propagation. Contractile activity.
Smooth muscle. Excitation-contraction coupling in smooth muscle. Molecular mechanism of smooth muscle contraction.
Functional organization of the central and peripheral nervous system (in brief)
Sensory function. Transduction and coding of sensory information in sense receptors and organs. Somatosensory perception. Nociception and the control of painful stimuli. Visual system: elements of optics, pupillary reflexes, the retina, photoreceptors and phototransduction, analysis of visual information in cortical circuits. Hearing: elements of acoustics, the cochlea, ciliated cells and mechanotransduction, analysis of acustic information in cortical circuits.
Motor function. The simple reflexes. Voluntary movements. Central control of motor activity. Role of the nuclei of the base and cerebellum. Mirror neurons.
Complex functions: learning and memory, molecular mechanisms of learning and memory, sleep and wake, language, emotions.

This unit addresses the organization and functioning of organs and systems of normal human body. The regulatory mechanisms and the contributions of each system to the body homeostasis will be emphasized. The functioning of the following systems will be covered:
Hypothalamic-pituitary relationships, hypothalamic hormones, neurohypophysis, and anterior pituitary. The endocrine axes.
Hypothalamus-pituitary-thyroid axis. Thyroid hormones: synthesis, secretion, regulation, and action Hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis. Adrenal hormones and the stress response
Hypothalamus-pituitary-gonadal axis. Steroid sex hormones, sexual determination and differentiation.
Hormonal control of glucose metabolism: insulin and glucagon.
Hormonal control of Ca2+, K+ and PO4- homeostasis: vitamin D, parathyroid hormone, and calcitonin.
Blood. Plasma: ions, protein, and non-protein components. Blood Cells: erythrocytes, leukocytes, and platelets. The red blood cell: functional characteristics, membrane properties and Hamburger phenomenon. Haemoglobin and the O2 transport.
Heart. Electrical cycle: origin of the heartbeat and propagation of excitement. Cardiac Mechanical cycle: cardiac pressures and volumes in the cardiac cycle. Frank and Starling's law. Systolic and cardiac output. Cardiac output control. The role of the autonomic nervous system.
Blood circulation. Arteries, capillaries and venous. Hydrodynamics of blood circulation. Laplace's law, Bernoulli's law. Blood pressure. Peripheral resistance: central and local control. Microcirculation and osmotic/oncotic pressure. Edema and lymphatic system.
Integrated Physiology Integrated blood pressure control.
Gas properties. Ventilation. Breathing Mechanics. Respiratory muscles. Spirometry and lung volumes. Ventilation and gas exchange.
Oxygen transport: haemoglobin, oxyhaemoglobin dissociation curve. CO2 transport. Tissue breathing.
Integrated Physiology: Control of respiration.
Kidney. Nephron. Glomerular filtration (FG). Factors influencing FG. Measurement of FG flow. Tubular function. Reabsorption mechanisms. Titration curve for glucose. Tubular secretion. Henle loop. Collector duct.
Counter current multiplication. Hormones action on kidney function. The antidiuretic hormone. Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system.
Integrated Physiology Integrated control of Na+, K+ concentration.
Integrated Physiology Integrated control of plasma volume and blood pressure
Integrated Physiology Mechanisms of pH control. Buffer systems. Effects of breathing on the acid-base balance. Kidney regulation. Alterations of the acid-base balance: alkalosis and acidosis.
Functions of the digestive system. Motility: swallowing, peristalsis, and segmentation. Secretion: salivary, gastric, pancreatic secretions. Liver and bile. Digestion and absorption of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids. Processes of water and electrolytes absorption.
Integrated Physiology. Neuronal control of the digestive system. Eating behaviour.

- Methods of analysis of brain function
- Respiratory function: the spirometry
- Heart function: the electrocardiogram
- Principles and techniques of manual blood pressure measurement
- Renal function: the clearance
- First Aid Guide and Emergency Treatment Instructions - Body Life Support and Defibrillation (fBLSD)
Prerequisites for admission
Students taking this course are expected to have a background in physics, biology and anatomy.
Teaching methods
Frontal and practical lessons, interactive multimedia platforms
Teaching Resources
Human Physiology, an integrated approach, aut. D.U. Silverthorn, Pearson
Reference book
- Principles of Human Physiology - Stanfield Cindy L., Pearson
- Human physiology - Berne and Levy, Elsevier
- Principles of Neural Science Textbook by Eric Kandel, James H. Schwartz, and Thomas Jessell, Elsevier,
Classroom presentations and teaching materials available on myARIEL web site
Assessment methods and Criteria
Oral examination to ascertain the candidate's knowledge on the topics covered during the course.
The exam consists of three questions: the first relating to cellular physiology and the other two concerning organs functioning and regulation. The examination is passed if the candidate demonstrates that he/she has acquired and understood the principles of cell and organ functioning and the mechanisms of their homeostatic regulation (not the simple "learning by heart").
For student attending the courses, an on-going evaluation is planned in written form (with open and multiple-choice questions) during the teaching-break (generally February). In case of positive result, at the end of the course, the students will be evaluated by oral examination only on general and integrated physiology. The final grade is the weighted average (5 CFU for cellular physiology and 6 CFU for general physiology) of the two votes. The evaluation is released at the end of the test and submitted to the candidate for acceptance.
The assessment includes a range of: minimum marks (18-23/30) if sufficient preparation is demonstrated; intermediate marks (24-27/30) if the student shows a good knowledge of all the topics covered in the exam; high marks (28-30/30) if the student shows an excellent knowledge of all the topics covered in the exam and excellent communication skills. The student is awarded with the highest mark (30 lode) if he will demonstrate ability to deepen the topics.
BIO/09 - PHYSIOLOGY - University credits: 11
Practicals: 16 hours
Lessons: 80 hours
Professor: Perego Carla

Linea MZ

Lesson period
Course syllabus
General and cellular physisology:
- General principles of physiology: Integration and coordination of physiological functions. Homeostasis; Body composition, intra- and extra-cellular volumes, distribution of solutes through cell membranes, osmosis;
- Cell physiology and membrane transport: structure and functions of cell membranes, passive transport, Fick's law, mediated and active transport, vesicular transport, ion channels
- Cellular communication: receptors and signaling systems, ion channels, Cannon's postulate, feedback and feedforward mechanisms
- The excitable cells: resting membrane potential; action potentials.
- Neurons: spatial and temporal summation; signal conduction; synapses; excitatory and inhibitory postsynaptic potentials.
- Muscle cells: action potential in skeletal, autoritmic and cardiac muscle cells; neuromuscular plaque; excitation-contraction coupling; intrinsic and extrinsic control of muscle contraction; energy sources and muscle metabolism.
System and integrated Physiology
- Central nervous system: Functional organization of CNS. Hypothalamus and vegetative functions.
- Receptors and sensory transmission. Afferent and efferent nerve pathways. Autonomous and somatic nervous systems.
- Special senses: smell, taste, hearing, sight; balance and posture control
- Motor nervous system: proprioceptors, muscle tone, reflex arc, extensor and flexor reflexes, motor cortex, first and associative; efferent, pyramidal and extrapyramidal pathways; motion control, automatism
- Higher functions and homeostatic integrations: diffuse modulatory systems, language, sleep. Instinctive behaviors and emotions. Conditioned reflexes. Higher cortical functions: learning and memory
- Cardio-circulatory system: electrical and mechanical activity of the heart. Cardiac cycle and ventricular volume-pressure relationship during the cardiac cycle. The normal electrocardiogram. Cardiac output, blood flow and regulatory mechanisms. The law of Frank and Starling. Blood flow dynamics: functional role of arteries, arterioles, capillaries and veins; flow, pressure and resistance of the system, role of smooth muscles in the control of arterial pressure; Laplace's law; capillary exchanges; role of the lymphatic system in maintaining interstitial fluid volume; venous flow and return of blood to the heart. Nervous, hormonal and local control of circulation and arterial pressure. Cardiovascular homeostasis in physiological conditions.
- Blood: Components. Role of plasma proteins in transport, capillary exchanges and coagulation. Functions of erythrocytes in gas transport; oxygen-hemoglobin association/dissociation curves; hemoglobin catabolism; blood groups. Platelets and blood clotting mechanisms.
- Immune system: specific, non-specific immunity; lymphatic system; leukocytes, humoral immunity, antibodies; cell-mediated immunity
- Integumentary system: cells and skin annexes; physiology of the skin and skin absorption
- Respiratory system: Respiratory mechanics and lung volumes. Properties of gases. Gas exchange at the level of the pulmonary alveoli. Local and central control of pulmonary ventilation: role of pH, CO2 and oxygen. The bulbar centers of respiration control.
- Renal apparatus: Regulation of renal blood flow. Glomerular filtration: plasma proteins and filtration pressure; measurement and control of glomerular filtration rate. Clearance and its use in the study of renal function. Resorption and secretion along the various sections of the renal tubule. Henle's loop and countercurrent concentration. Regulated reabsorption of water and electrolytes: ADH and aldosterone.
- Integrated control: composition of extracellular fluids, plasma volume and arterial pressure. Buffer Systems. Maintenance of acid-base balance.
- Digestive System: Nervous and endocrine regulation of digestion and motility. Digestion and absorption mechanisms of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids. Micronutrient absorption (water, electrolytes, vitamins). Stomach functions. Composition, functions and mechanisms of secretion of pancreatic juice. Liver functions. Components and formation of bile. Control of eating behaviour.
- Energy balance, gluco- and lipogenesis; metabolism and regulation of glucose, insulin and glucagon; thermoregulation and thermogenesis with and w/o shivering
- Endocrine system: growth hormone; prolactin; calcium metabolism; endocrine pancreas; adrenal axis; thyroid axis; gonadal axis
Prerequisites for admission
The course implies the knowledge of basic concepts in Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Anatomy acquired in previous courses
Teaching methods
The course is based on frontal teaching, by using slides and/or videos. Material of lectures will be provided on UNIMI-Ariel website.
The course will also be integrated with 16 hours of practicals on physiological topics with interest for the profession of the pharmacist. In particular, theoretical concepts and devices application for the evaluation of physiological parameters will be presented, that is: blood pressure measurement; saturation test, spirometry, ECG, etc.
Teaching Resources
Fisiologia Umana. Fondamenti - Ed. EdiErmes - ISBN 9788870515442
Fisiologia Umana Silverthorn - Ed. Pearson - ISBN 9788891902177
Assessment methods and Criteria
The Physiology evaluation is a frontal examination, which consists of two/three questions concerning the main topics covered during the course. In particular, there will be a first question on general physiology, the passing of which is mandatory to continue the exam, and questions on systems and integrated physiology. The production of graphs and/or schemes describing the physiological phenomena would be frequently requested. The time of oral exam is about 30 minutes. In order to pass the test, the student must answer all general questions; the assessment is expressed in /30.
During the course, it will be agreed with the students to schedule a written test (multiple choice test plus open questions) on the initial part of cellular physiology. Students who successfully pass the test will be exempted from this part in taking the final oral exam. The grade obtained in the ongoing test will be weighted average on the final grade.
BIO/09 - PHYSIOLOGY - University credits: 11
Practicals: 16 hours
Lessons: 80 hours
Professor: Magnaghi Valerio
Monday to Friday, by appointment
Via Balzaretti 9, 4th floor