Human Physiology

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course provides a full view of what the human body is capable. It consists of the description of the main molecular mechanisms of cell physiology, the salient features of organ and system functioning, the main control systems, and their reciprocal interaction in response to changes in the internal or external environment. The main objectives are to understand the physiological processes, to analyze their biological meaning, and to lay the foundation for understanding the physiological adaptation process taking place due to a continuously changing environment.
This knowledge is essential for understanding the subsequent courses in biological and medical fields and its application is the basis of officinal plant and natural products use for human well-being.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course the student is required to be able to: a) understand and be able to discuss the basic principles of cellular physiology; b) apply these principles for understanding the functions of the different organs, their regulatory pattern, and their interactions; c) to discuss the processes of physiological adaptation to continuously changing environment.
For the students is also essential to use a correct terminology in verbal form. For this purpose, an adequate amount of time is given to questions and discussion on specific topics during the lessons.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Course syllabus
Homeostasis; Functional compartments of the organism; Integration and coordination of physiological functions through cellular communication mechanisms. Feedback regulation.
Osmosis and osmotic pressure, oncotic pressure; transmembrane transport; main characteristics of the different tissues; resting membrane potential; Ion channels; Excitability; Action potential; Conduction of the action potential; Synapses; Neurotransmitters; Receptors; Modulation of synaptic activity.
The central nervous system: General organization; meninges; blood-brain barrier; language; learning and memory; sleep; motor control; sensory functions.
The peripheral nervous system: General organization; autonomic nervous system; motor reflexes.
ENDOCRINE SYSTEM General organization. Neuroendocrinology: the pituitary portal system, hypothalamic, and pituitary hormones. The endocrine "axes". Control of blood sugar and calcium levels.
Mechanisms of contraction and control of the skeletal muscle cell. Characteristics of smooth muscle contraction.

Three-dimensional organization of the human body; Anatomical terminology; Body regions; General structure of hollow and full organs.
Heart: Gross anatomy of the heart. Small and large club. Myocardiocytes. Electrical activity of the heart. Mechanical activity of the heart. Cardiac cycle, systolic and cardiac output. Regulation of cardiac activity. Circle: Macroscopic anatomy of blood vessels. Principles of circulatory dynamics. Functions of the arterial, venous and capillary districts. Regulatory mechanisms of the cardiovascular system in maintaining blood flow and blood pressure. The lymphatic system. Blood and haemostasis.
Organization of the apparatus. Respiratory muscles. Respiratory mechanics. Respiratory volumes. Gas exchange at the level of the pulmonary alveoli. Hemoglobin. Transport of O2 and CO2. Local and central control of respiratory activity. URINARY SYSTEM Organization of the apparatus. Organization of the nephron. Principles of glomerular filtration, tubular reabsorption, secretion and excretion. Plasma clearance. Renal glucose threshold. Water/salt homeostasis and renal control.
Organization of the apparatus. Secretions and motility of the gastrointestinal tract. Functions of the pancreas and liver in digestive processes. The hepatic portal system. Bile formation.
Prerequisites for admission
Being a course of the first year, there are no prerequisites different from those required for access to the degree course.
Teaching methods
Lectures. Video tutorials. Quiz test. Asynchronous presentations of basic concepts and subsequent discussion and application of the same in the classroom.
Teaching Resources
Notes and schemes taken from the lessons, videos, on the MyAriel website of the course (not exhaustive).
"Human physiology, an integrated approach". D.U. Silverthorn, Pearson Publishing House.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam for attending and not attending students is divided into two parts. The first part (/4 CFU) takes place from February and focuses on general principles of physiology, on the nervous and muscle system functions, and on the endocrine system. The exam related to the second part of the course (5-4 CFU) focuses on the physiology of the other different systems covered in class. Both tests take place in the form of an oral interview, and each consists of two/three questions (the first one on a topic chosen by the student). The presentation and organization of the answers will allow to verify the general comprehension of the subject, as well as the ability to use an appropriate terminology to the subject. To take the second part of the exam, students must have scored no less than 18/30 in the first part.
The final evaluation will be given by the average of the two oral tests and will be subject to acceptance by the candidate. The evaluation is submitted for acceptance by the candidate. The assessment includes a range of: minimum marks (18-23/30) if sufficient preparation is demonstrated; intermediate marks (24-27/30) if the student shows a good knowledge of all the topics covered in the exam; high marks (28-30/30) if the student shows an excellent knowledge of all the topics covered in the exam and excellent communication skills. The student is awarded with the highest mark (30 lode) if she/he will demonstrate ability to deepen the topics. The final mark will be calculated using the weighted average of the two marks obtained.
BIO/09 - PHYSIOLOGY - University credits: 8
Lessons: 64 hours
monday - friday 8.30-17.30 by appointment
via Balzaretti, 9 piano 4 stanza 5020