Human and Molecular Genetics

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
BIO/18 MED/03
Learning objectives
This course focuses on human and medical genetics. The student must become more familiar with the fundamentals of inheritance and genetic mechanisms underlying Mendelian diseases. He/she must also acquire the theoretical and conceptual basis of human and medical genetics and related molecular aspects, including the principles of genetic counseling and genetic testing.
Expected learning outcomes
The student will be able to discuss the transmission mode of hereditary diseases. He will be able to critically formulate hypotheses about the transmission of genetic diseases by analyzing a pedigree. The students will also be able to explain the basic principles of new technologies used in genomic studies and he/she will acquire the theoretical and methodological skills to propose a correct method to study molecular genetics.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
1. Structure of the genome
Objectives: To know the composition of the genome, the structure of genes, non-coding regions and repeated sequences. Genetic markers. Genetic mapping and physical mapping of the human genome, the Human Genome Project and genome sequencing, exome sequencing and variant evaluation.

2. Mapping disease genes and DNA polymorphism.
Objectives: To know the general principles of approaches used for mapping disease genes by identifying genetic markers and linkage analysis. Know the concepts of haplotype and linkage disequilibrium, the peculiarities of DNA polymorphisms: RLFPs, minisatellites (VNTRs), microsatellites (STRs), SNPs and illustrate their use as genetic markers.

3. Karyotype
Objectives: learn about human chromosome arrangement, chromosome structure and principles for karyotype analysis. Describe karyotype alterations: aneuploidies, structural alterations and polyploidies. Know the application of classical and molecular cytogenetic techniques (FISH and CGHArray). Describe the mechanisms of generation of chromosomal mosaicisms. Illustrate the characteristics of genomic diseases and mechanisms related to Copy Number Variations (CNVs). Illustrate the main indications for prenatal cytogenetic diagnosis and describe techniques (invasive diagnosis and NIPT).

4. Mendelian Diseases.
Objectives: learn about Mendelian transmission patterns of inherited traits, interpret family trees, calculating the risk of transmission. Describe the main exceptions of Mendelian inheritance (de novo mutations, incomplete penetrance, variable expressivity and germline mosaicism). Explain the concepts of allelic and genetic heterogeneity. Describe the distinguishing features of mitochondrially transmitted diseases.
Describe diseases caused by dynamic mutations and the underlying molecular pathogenetic mechanisms, with reference to diseases exemplifying peculiar molecular defects.
Explain the molecular tests used for diagnosis of Mendelian diseases (Sanger sequencing, Next-generation sequencing, and methylation defect analysis).

5. Epigenetics and Genomic Imprinting
Recognize the characteristics of disease transmission due to defects in genomic imprinting. Illustrate the principles of imprinting regulation, associated pathologies and uniparental disomy.
Illustrate concepts related to epigenetic modifications and interactions of environment on phenotype through epigenetic modifications.
Describe molecular tests to highlight epigenetic defects.

6. Genetic Determination of Sex and X-chromosome Inactivation.
Objectives: Outline the molecular and genetic mechanisms underlying sex determination during embryogenesis. Describe some disease conditions related to errors in sex differentiation and underlying mechanisms.
Illustrate the biological significance of X chromosome inactivation and the molecular mechanisms that determine and regulate it. Describe exceptions to the random inactivation pattern and phenotypic consequences for X-linked disorders.

7. Polygenic and Multifactorial Characters.
Objectives: To be able to distinguish between monofactorial and multifactorial characters and relate it to the existence of discontinuous variability and continuous variability. Illustrate the model that explains the genetic basis of multifactorial characters and know the methods by which the hereditary component (heritability) can be distinguished in humans from the environmental component. Know how to distinguish between multifactorial characters with continuous variability and characters with threshold effect. Describe the threshold model for genetic susceptibility. Describe the mapping of complex characters by association studies.

8. Genes of genetic predisposition to cancer
Objectives: To know the major disease-genes associated with genetic predisposition to cancer and involved in the mechanisms of DNA repair and cell cycle control. To illustrate some examples of genetic predisposition (predisposition to colon cancer, breast cancer, retinoblastoma, and Li Fraumeni syndrome) and describe the role of genetic counseling in families with cancer predisposition.
Prerequisites for admission
Excellent basic knowledge in Genetics and Molecular Biology is required.
Teaching methods
Course delivery: Interactive lectures supported by projected material. Students will be stimulated to actively participate in the lecture to improve their critical thinking skills and ability to communicate scientific concepts correctly, while also stimulating them to read and discuss scientific literature. Attendance: strongly recommended.
Teaching Resources
-Genetica in Medicina ed. Giovanni Neri, Maurizio Genuardi. Edra publisher.
-Genetics in Medicine. Nussbaum, McInnes, Willard EdiSes (Thomson and Thompson).
Human molecular genetics. T. Strachan, A. Read. Zanichelli ed.
-Copies of slides and study materials (articles and reviews) will be available on the Ariel website or through the platform Teams.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Students will be examined through an oral examination, in which the level of knowledge and skills acquired will be assessed. In addition, during the exam the student will be evaluated on her/his ability to establish a discussion on different topics covered during the course and to propose connections between different subjects.
BIO/18 - GENETICS - University credits: 3
MED/03 - MEDICAL GENETICS - University credits: 3
Lessons: 48 hours