History of Printing and Publishing

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course retraces the history of printed books in Europe, from the invention of the printing press to present, with some insights into extra-European experiences. It presents, by the means of case studies, possible research approaches to book history, and their evolution. It provides, through (group) activities, some hints on how to add value and communicate bibliographical items that are historically relevant.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course, the student should be able to:
- Describe, using the appropriate vocabulary, the material features of printed books, both from the handpress period (pre-1830) and modern period (formats, types, layout, illustrations, binding, book parts);
- Describe, using the appropriate vocabulary, printing techniques, both from the handpress period (pre-1830) and modern period (movable types, xylograph, copperplate, lithograph, mechanic press);
- Outline the events of book history presented during the course and in the bibliography;
- Correctly place in time the events of book history presented during the course and in the bibliography
- Describe the features of the European or extra-European book trade in a given time;
- Describe the political, economic, social, or cultural contexts that have influenced the European book trade from the invention of the printing press to present (censorship, literacy, education, technology, piracy )
- Summarise the features and sequences of events relevant for the history of printing enterprises (printshops, publishing houses, book series, journals, single works) presented during the course or in the bibliography;
- Outline the sources that can be used for a research in book history, as they emerge from the scholarship of the authors presented during the course and of the authors of the texts in the bibliography;
- Sketch a bibliographic research aimed to research a given phenomenon in book history;
- Design simple activities (virtual exhibition, blogpost, online annotation) aimed to add value or communicate a bibliographic item with historical relevance (book, book part, issue of a periodic publication, illustrated print, etc.).
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
Module 1: The'Perfect Invention': printed books between 15th and 17th century.
Module 2: Books and readers in 18th and 19th century.
Module 3: Culture and trade in the late modern period.
Prerequisites for admission
There are no specific requirements besides those for the admission to the degree. However, a basic knowledge of Early and Late Modern History is recommended. Students planning to take an exam in Storia Moderna and/or Storia Contemporanea are therefore advised to do so before they start attending this course.
Teaching methods
Attendance is strongly recommended although not compulsory. Teaching is delivered through frontal lectures aimed primarily to the acquisition of knowledge, competence and specific language of the subject.
In addition to frontal lectures, group works and/or individual activities are envisaged. The lecturer will make use of didactic material (possibly multimedia) available on myAriel.
Teaching Resources
Attending students

- Reading list for 6 cfu:

1. Study of the topics taught in class

2. Textbook: L. Braida, Stampa e cultura in Europa tra XV e XVI secolo, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2000 (or later editions).

3. One book from group A and one book from group B.
Group A:
L. Braida, L'autore assente. L'anonimato nell'editoria del Settecento, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2019.
G. Fragnito, Rinascimento perduto. La letteratura italiana al vaglio dei censori (XV-XVII secc.), Bologna, il Mulino, 2019.
S. Valeri, Libri nuovi scendon l'Alpi, Macerata, Eum, 2016.

Group B:
L. Braida, M. Infelise (a cura di), Libri per tutti. Generi editoriali di larga circolazione tra antico regime ed età contemporanea, Torino, Utet, 2011.
M. Roggero, Le carte piene di sogni. Testi e lettori in età moderna, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2006.
M. Roggero, Le vie dei libri. Letture, lingua e pubblico nell'Italia moderna, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2021.

- Reading list for 9 cfu:

Add to the reading list for 6 cfu (bullet points 1,2,3): A. Cadioli, G. Vigini, Storia dell'editoria in Italia. Dall'Unità a oggi, Milano, Bibliografica, 2018.

Non-attending students

- Reading list for 6 cfu:

1. Textbook: L. Braida, Stampa e cultura in Europa tra XV e XVI secolo, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2000 (or later editions).

2. One book from group A and one book from group B.
Group A:
L. Braida, L'autore assente. L'anonimato nell'editoria del Settecento, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2019.
G. Fragnito, Rinascimento perduto. La letteratura italiana al vaglio dei censori (XV-XVII secc.), Bologna, il Mulino, 2019.
S. Valeri, Libri nuovi scendon l'Alpi, Macerata, Eum, 2016.

Group B:
L. Braida, M. Infelise (a cura di), Libri per tutti. Generi editoriali di larga circolazione tra antico regime ed età contemporanea, Torino, Utet, 2011.
M. Roggero, Le carte piene di sogni. Testi e lettori in età moderna, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2006.
M. Roggero, Le vie dei libri. Letture, lingua e pubblico nell'Italia moderna, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2021.

3. One book among the following:
L. Braida, B. Ouvry-Vial (a cura di), Leggere in Europa, Roma, Carocci, 2023.
L. Braida, I. Piazzoni (a cura di), Le donne nell'editoria del Novecento. Archivi, memorie, autorappresentazioni, Dueville, Ronzani, 2024 (in corso di stampa).
R. Cesana, I. Piazzoni (a cura di), L'altra metà dell'editoria. Le professioniste del libro e della lettura del Novecento, Dueville, Ronzani, 2022.
A. Ferrando, Adelphi. Le origini di una casa editrice (1938-1994), Roma, Carocci, 2023.
E. Marazzi, Libri per diventare italiani. L'editoria per la scuola a Milano nel secondo Ottocento, Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2014.
E. Marazzi, Sotto il segno di Barbanera. Continuità e trasformazioni di un almanacco tra XVIII e XXI secolo, Milano, Mimesis, 2016.
Jean-Yves Mollier, Storia dei librai e della libreria dall'antichità ai nostri giorni, Roma, e/o, 2022.
Martin Lyons, Storia della lettura e della scrittura nel mondo occidentale, Milano, Bibliografica, 2019.

- Reading list for 9 cfu:

Add to the reading list for 6 cfu (bullet points 1,2,3): A. Cadioli, G. Vigini, Storia dell'editoria in Italia. Dall'Unità a oggi, Milano, Bibliografica, 2018.

International and Erasmus students are invited to promptly get in touch with the module convenor in order to discuss a suitable reading list (if needed, in English).
Assessment methods and Criteria
- Method: oral exam
- Type of examination: oral discussion.
- Evaluation criteria: ability to discuss and elaborate the notions acquired; proficiency in the use of specialistic terminology; ability to locate in time an event or phenomenon; level of accuracy in the discussion of the knowledge acquired.
- Type of evaluation method: mark in /30
The format of the exam for students with disabilities and/or DSA must be arranged in advance (preferably one month prior to the exam) contacting the teacher, as well as the relevant office. Students with disabilities and/or DSA who attend the course are invited to get in touch with the teacher during the first teaching weeks.
Unita' didattica A
Lessons: 20 hours
Unita' didattica B
Lessons: 20 hours
Unita' didattica C
Lessons: 20 hours
Thursday, 4:30-6:30 pm (pre-booked by e-mail).
Dipartimento di Studi storici, sector C, room C27 - please, check out the link below to locate sector C