History of Music Theory

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
Music is investigated based on the theoretical, philosophical, and aesthetic ideas, which have informed it over the centuries.
Expected learning outcomes
To understand that music is a complex phenomenon, with a focus on its intellectual premises rather than on its acoustic nature, studying its relationship to the period and context in which music is produced and consumed.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
"Evolution of the song form"
Within the framework of a theory of musical form, this course investigates the structural and communicative alterations and persistences of short lyrical compositions, from troubadours to rappers. It explores their stylistic connotations and social functions, particularly in relation to the different media of transmission
Prerequisites for admission
Notions of music theory
Teaching methods
Lecture format, with seminar-like activities
Teaching Resources
Course materials will be provided during the semester on the instructor's website: https://www.examenapium.it/daolmi/
Assessment methods and Criteria
The candidate will present a course topic to the class (on a date to be agreed) as a multimedia paper.
Non-attending students: The examination involves written work on a topic agreed in advance with the professor. To take the examination as a non-attending student, it is necessary to have taken Strim/1 (I semester) or Strim/2 (II semester).
L-ART/07 - MUSICOLOGY AND HISTORY OF MUSIC - University credits: 9
Lessons: 60 hours
Professor: Daolmi Davide