History of Modern Codification

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
For the general part of the course: the study of modern and contemporary law in Europe, with a particular focus on codification. For the specialized part of the course: the evolution of good faith, from medieval law to the debate that took place between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course, students will have to demonstrate - Knowledge and understanding: to know and to understand the basic notions underlying the development of European law, and to be able to reflect upon the distinctive features of Western legal culture. - Applying knowledge and understanding: the ability to understand the various techniques of legal reasoning, as well as the ability to collect, analyze and select data based on context. - Making Judgements: critical awareness, management skills, flexibility, and a capacity for research into the many elements that make up the historical side of law as it relates to the foundations of Western legal knowledge, through optional written exercises. - Communication skills: to write and to speak about the concepts learned during the course, utilizing coherent argumentation, methodical precision and correct language. - Learning skills: to understand the relationship between institutions, society and individuals, and also to demonstrate a strong capacity for analysis and reflection in terms of legal issues, both past and present
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
Course content and purpose
For the general part of the course: the study of modern and contemporary law in Europe, with a particular focus on codification.
Some of the constants of the course: the reference to comparative history, with an extension beyond the national framework, in a European perspective; the search for the links between legal history and political, social and ideas history; the reference to some public and private institutions, typical of the various ages, which, different for each academic year, will be addressed in the second part of the course through a particular in-depth monographic study, the reading of material and sources and seminar lectures by specialists addressed to students.

Course summary
The age of reforms, 18th-19th centuries: law during the Enlightenment; eighteenth-century reforms; law and the French Revolution.
The age of codification, 19th-20th centuries: the Napoleonic Age and its codes; the Age of Restoration; Savigny and the Pandectist; Socialism; doctrine and legislation in the contemporary age.
Prerequisites for admission
History of law is the preparatory course to take the history of modern codification exam.
Teaching methods
The expected learning outcomes shall also be achieved through critical reflection on the part of students, which will be stimulated by classroom activities that revolve around texts that have been suggested for individual study or for optional research.
The acquisition of these abilities will be verified through an (optional) written exercise. Details on how the written exercise will be carried out shall be provided during the lessons.
The course is designed to teach students the ability to write legal texts, as well as to reflect on practical matters by taking an in-depth look at particular cases and issues. To that end, all theoretical subjects shall be accompanied by the following: examination of original documents and texts in class; sources made available for download on the Ariel web portal; and slides projected during the lessons, which will help students approach the textbook and make the content of the subject matter more immediately comprehensible and usable.
Teaching Resources
Choose between these (A or B):
A) G.S. PENE VIDARI, Storia del diritto in età contemporanea, Torino, Giappichelli, nuova ed. 2023 + Fonti per il corso di Codificazioni moderne, P. Alvazzi, A. Alibrandi, G. Palmieri (eds.), Torino, Giappichelli, 2023
B) E. DEZZA, Lezioni di storia della codificazione civile. Il Code civil (1804) e l'Allgemeines Burgerliches Gesetzbuch (ABGB, 1812), Torino, Giappichelli, 2000, pp. 5-106; pp. 123-162; + G.S. PENE VIDARI, Storia del diritto. Età contemporanea, Torino, Giappichelli, nuova ed. 2023 (from pp. 93 to the end) + Fonti per il corso di Codificazioni moderne, P. Alvazzi, A. Alibrandi, G. Palmieri (eds.), Torino, Giappichelli, 2023

For monographic part:
- G. DI RENZO VILLATA, La famiglia, in Enciclopedia Italiana, Eredità del Novecento, Istituto dell'Enciclopedia.
- L. GARLATI, La famiglia tra passato e presente. In S. Patti, M.G. Cubeddu (a cura di), Diritto della famiglia (pp. 1-48).
Milano 2011, only §§ 4-10.

Reccomended reading:
- G. DI RENZO VILLATA, Persone e famiglia nel diritto medievale e moderno, in Digesto IV (discipline privatistiche), Utet, Torino 1995, §§ 3-5 (disponibile on line)
Assessment methods and Criteria
The final exam will be oral.
IUS/19 - HISTORY OF MEDIEVAL AND MODERN LAW - University credits: 6
Lessons: 42 hours
Monday 11 a.m.-12 p.m.
in department or on line Teams 365