History of Modern Art
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
The course aims to provide an overview on the History of Art (architecture, sculpture, painting) from the beginning of the fifteenth to the end of the eighteenth century: from the Late Gothic to Neoclassicism (inclusive).
Expected learning outcomes
After completing the course students will have the historical and critical tools to understand the History of Art from late XIV to late XVIII Century.
Lesson period: Second semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course can be attended as a single course.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
Knowledge of the topics of the monographic course must be accompanied by the study of the development of the history of art (architecture, sculpture, painting) from the beginning of the fifteenth to the end of the eighteenth Century: from the late Gothic to Neoclassicism (inclusive). For this you can use any good manual. Please avoid email requests for a specific manual title. Visual knowledge of the greatest possible number of works of art is required. Is essential to visit Churches and Museums, particularly in Milan (Italian Touring Club guides are recommended). It is also recommended to study "I classici dell'arte" (published by Rizzoli publishing house) and "I maestri del colore" e "I maestri della scultura" (by Fabbri publishing house).
Knowledge of the basic concepts of historical chronology and main movements of Italian and European literature and culture is recommended. Classes are in Italian language.
The course is addressed to students of Science of Cultural Heritage and is open to bachelor and master students of Humanities, History, Languages and Philosophy.
The Renaissance in Northern Italy and Martino Spanzotti
The greatness of Martino Spanzotti was recognized during the twentieth century by the major art historians of the time, but the perception of his value finds it difficult to enter into current considerations. In fact, there are very few manuals that give the right emphasis to this painter, originally from the province of Varese, who went through the great experiences of the Renaissance, between Bologna and Milan, to arrive in Casale, Vercelli and Turin. His language and his expressive solutions have a great weight on the trajectory of Gaudenzio Ferrari. His masterpiece, the Stories of Christ in the church of San Bernardino in Ivrea, are in the heart of the Olivetti factory and recently became the property of Fai, il Fondo per l'ambiente italiano.
Knowledge of the topics of the monographic course must be accompanied by the study of the development of the history of art (architecture, sculpture, painting) from the beginning of the fifteenth to the end of the eighteenth Century: from the late Gothic to Neoclassicism (inclusive). For this you can use any good manual. Please avoid email requests for a specific manual title. Visual knowledge of the greatest possible number of works of art is required. Is essential to visit Churches and Museums, particularly in Milan (Italian Touring Club guides are recommended). It is also recommended to study "I classici dell'arte" (published by Rizzoli publishing house) and "I maestri del colore" e "I maestri della scultura" (by Fabbri publishing house).
Knowledge of the basic concepts of historical chronology and main movements of Italian and European literature and culture is recommended. Classes are in Italian language.
The course is addressed to students of Science of Cultural Heritage and is open to bachelor and master students of Humanities, History, Languages and Philosophy.
The Renaissance in Northern Italy and Martino Spanzotti
The greatness of Martino Spanzotti was recognized during the twentieth century by the major art historians of the time, but the perception of his value finds it difficult to enter into current considerations. In fact, there are very few manuals that give the right emphasis to this painter, originally from the province of Varese, who went through the great experiences of the Renaissance, between Bologna and Milan, to arrive in Casale, Vercelli and Turin. His language and his expressive solutions have a great weight on the trajectory of Gaudenzio Ferrari. His masterpiece, the Stories of Christ in the church of San Bernardino in Ivrea, are in the heart of the Olivetti factory and recently became the property of Fai, il Fondo per l'ambiente italiano.
Prerequisites for admission
Knowledge of the topics of the monographic course must be accompanied by the study of the development of the history of art (architecture, sculpture, painting) from the beginning of the fifteenth to the end of the eighteenth Century: from the late Gothic to Neoclassicism (inclusive). For this you can use any good manual. Please avoid email requests for a specific manual title. Visual knowledge of the greatest possible number of works of art is required. Is essential to visit Churches and Museums, particularly in Milan (Italian Touring Club guides are recommended). It is also recommended to study "I classici dell'arte" (published by Rizzoli publishing house) and "I maestri del colore" e "I maestri della scultura" (by Fabbri publishing house).
Knowledge of the basic concepts of historical chronology and main movements of Italian and European literature and culture is recommended. Classes are in Italian language.
The course is addressed to students of Science of Cultural Heritage and is open to bachelor and master students of Humanities, History, Languages and Philosophy.
Knowledge of the basic concepts of historical chronology and main movements of Italian and European literature and culture is recommended. Classes are in Italian language.
The course is addressed to students of Science of Cultural Heritage and is open to bachelor and master students of Humanities, History, Languages and Philosophy.
Teaching methods
Lesson by Power Point
Teaching Resources
Knowledge of the topics of the monographic course must be accompanied by the study of the development of the history of art (architecture, sculpture, painting) from the beginning of the fifteenth to the end of the eighteenth Century: from the late Gothic to Neoclassicism (inclusive). For this you can use any good manual. Please avoid email requests for a specific manual title. Visual knowledge of the greatest possible number of works of art is required. Is essential to visit Churches and Museums, particularly in Milan (Italian Touring Club guides are recommended). It is also recommended to study "I classici dell'arte" (published by Rizzoli publishing house) and "I maestri del colore" e "I maestri della scultura" (by Fabbri publishing house).
Knowledge of the basic concepts of historical chronology and main movements of Italian and European literature and culture is recommended. Classes are in Italian language.
The course is addressed to students of Science of Cultural Heritage and is open to bachelor and master students of Humanities, History, Languages and Philosophy.
The teaching material will be distributed during the lessons.
G. Romano, Rinascimento in Lombardia. Foppa, Zenale, Leonardo, Bramantino, Milano, Feltrinelli, 2011
See the first item
In addition to everything else (institutional and monographic part):
E. Kris, O. Kurz, La leggenda dell'artista, Torino, Bollati Boringhieri
Knowledge of the topics of the monographic course must be accompanied by the study of the development of the history of art (architecture, sculpture, painting) from the beginning of the fifteenth to the end of the eighteenth Century: from the late Gothic to Neoclassicism (inclusive). For this you can use any good manual. Please avoid email requests for a specific manual title. Visual knowledge of the greatest possible number of works of art is required. Is essential to visit Churches and Museums, particularly in Milan (Italian Touring Club guides are recommended). It is also recommended to study "I classici dell'arte" (published by Rizzoli publishing house) and "I maestri del colore" e "I maestri della scultura" (by Fabbri publishing house).
Knowledge of the basic concepts of historical chronology and main movements of Italian and European literature and culture is recommended. Classes are in Italian language.
The course is addressed to students of Science of Cultural Heritage and is open to bachelor and master students of Humanities, History, Languages and Philosophy.
The teaching material will be distributed during the lessons.
G. Romano, Rinascimento in Lombardia. Foppa, Zenale, Leonardo, Bramantino, Milano, Feltrinelli, 2011
See the first item
In addition to everything else (institutional and monographic part):
E. Kris, O. Kurz, La leggenda dell'artista, Torino, Bollati Boringhieri
Assessment methods and Criteria
Oral test, with recognition of works through photographic images
International students or Erasmus incoming students are invited to contact the teacher in charge of the course in a timely manner.
The examination procedures for students with disabilities and/or with DSA must be defined with the teacher, in agreement with the competent office.
Oral test, with recognition of works through photographic images
International students or Erasmus incoming students are invited to contact the teacher in charge of the course in a timely manner.
The examination procedures for students with disabilities and/or with DSA must be defined with the teacher, in agreement with the competent office.
Unita' didattica A
L-ART/02 - HISTORY OF MODERN ART - University credits: 3
Lessons: 20 hours
Unita' didattica B
L-ART/02 - HISTORY OF MODERN ART - University credits: 3
Lessons: 20 hours
Unita' didattica C
L-ART/02 - HISTORY OF MODERN ART - University credits: 3
Lessons: 20 hours