History of Contemporary Art Criticism
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
The course aims to investigate the role of contemporary art criticism in the international context. In particular, the goal is to present to learners the plurality of trends and theories that cross the artistic system from the mid-nineteenth century to the eighties of the twentieth century. Some case studies will be examined which focus on problems of interpretation and historical contextualization.
Expected learning outcomes
Knowledge: to acquire specific knowledge on the tradition and the genres of art literature in the contemporary age
Skills: Development of a critical approach and a method for analyzing the artistic literary text of the contemporary age
Skills: Development of a critical approach and a method for analyzing the artistic literary text of the contemporary age
Lesson period: Second semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course can be attended as a single course.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
Part A (20 Hours and 3 Ects): The Art Criticism of Contemporary Art. Reading Pathways in the 19th Century.
Didactic part A offers an opportunity for reflection on the role of art criticism, in its various forms (from militant criticism to historiography), against the backdrop of the international contemporary art system, from the mid-nineteenth century to the beginning twentieth century.
Part B (20 Hours and 3 Ects):The Art Criticism of Contemporary Art. Reading Pathways in the 20th Century.
Didactic part A offers an opportunity for reflection on the role of art criticism, in its various forms (from militant criticism to historiography), against the backdrop of the international contemporary art system, from to the beginning twentieth century to the present day .
Didactic part B address some writings on Picasso referring to the postwar period.
Part C (20 Hours and 3 Ects): Picasso in the Thirties
Didactic part C address some key moments in the critical acclaim of the artist and the reception of his work between 1930 and 1940.
Didactic part A offers an opportunity for reflection on the role of art criticism, in its various forms (from militant criticism to historiography), against the backdrop of the international contemporary art system, from the mid-nineteenth century to the beginning twentieth century.
Part B (20 Hours and 3 Ects):The Art Criticism of Contemporary Art. Reading Pathways in the 20th Century.
Didactic part A offers an opportunity for reflection on the role of art criticism, in its various forms (from militant criticism to historiography), against the backdrop of the international contemporary art system, from to the beginning twentieth century to the present day .
Didactic part B address some writings on Picasso referring to the postwar period.
Part C (20 Hours and 3 Ects): Picasso in the Thirties
Didactic part C address some key moments in the critical acclaim of the artist and the reception of his work between 1930 and 1940.
Prerequisites for admission
Basic knowledge of the history of contemporary art.
Teaching methods
Lectures with seminar lessons and monographic readings focused on periods, contexts or individual issues.
Teaching Resources
For attending students
Part A
- Subjects treated in lectures
- Required texts
S. Bordini, L'Ottocento 1815-1880, Le fonti della storia dell'arte/7, Roma, Carocci, 2022 (chapters II, VI, VIII, IX)
Part B
- Subjects treated in lectures
- Required texts
H.B. Chipp, Theories of Modern Art. A source book by Artists and Critics, Berkeley, Los Angeles, London, University of California Press, 1968 (chapters I, II, III, IV, VII)
Part C
- Subjects treated in lectures
- Required texts:
Pablo Picasso, una retrospettiva, catalogo della mostra (New York, Museum of Modern Art, 16 maggio-30 settembre 1980), a cura di William Rubin, cronologia di Jane Fluegel, traduzione italiana di Davide Bigalli, New York; Milano, Museum of Modern Art; Rizzoli, 1980, pp. 274-351.
Part A
- Required texts
S. Bordini, L'Ottocento 1815-1880, Le fonti della storia dell'arte/7, Roma, Carocci, 2022 (chapters II, VI, VIII, IX)
Part B
- Required texts
H.B. Chipp, Theories of Modern Art. A source book by Artists and Critics, Berkeley, Los Angeles, London, University of California Press, 1968.
Part C
- Required texts:
-Pablo Picasso, una retrospettiva, catalogo della mostra (New York, Museum of Modern Art, 16 maggio-30 settembre 1980), a cura di William Rubin, cronologia di Jane Fluegel, traduzione italiana di Davide Bigalli, New York; Milano, Museum of Modern Art; Rizzoli, 1980, pp. 274-351.
-Roland Penrose, Picasso. His life and Work, London, Victor Gollancz, 1958 (=Picasso. L'uomo e l'artista, intr. di G.C. Argan, Milano, Pigreco, 2012)
Part A
- Subjects treated in lectures
- Required texts
S. Bordini, L'Ottocento 1815-1880, Le fonti della storia dell'arte/7, Roma, Carocci, 2022 (chapters II, VI, VIII, IX)
Part B
- Subjects treated in lectures
- Required texts
H.B. Chipp, Theories of Modern Art. A source book by Artists and Critics, Berkeley, Los Angeles, London, University of California Press, 1968 (chapters I, II, III, IV, VII)
Part C
- Subjects treated in lectures
- Required texts:
Pablo Picasso, una retrospettiva, catalogo della mostra (New York, Museum of Modern Art, 16 maggio-30 settembre 1980), a cura di William Rubin, cronologia di Jane Fluegel, traduzione italiana di Davide Bigalli, New York; Milano, Museum of Modern Art; Rizzoli, 1980, pp. 274-351.
Part A
- Required texts
S. Bordini, L'Ottocento 1815-1880, Le fonti della storia dell'arte/7, Roma, Carocci, 2022 (chapters II, VI, VIII, IX)
Part B
- Required texts
H.B. Chipp, Theories of Modern Art. A source book by Artists and Critics, Berkeley, Los Angeles, London, University of California Press, 1968.
Part C
- Required texts:
-Pablo Picasso, una retrospettiva, catalogo della mostra (New York, Museum of Modern Art, 16 maggio-30 settembre 1980), a cura di William Rubin, cronologia di Jane Fluegel, traduzione italiana di Davide Bigalli, New York; Milano, Museum of Modern Art; Rizzoli, 1980, pp. 274-351.
-Roland Penrose, Picasso. His life and Work, London, Victor Gollancz, 1958 (=Picasso. L'uomo e l'artista, intr. di G.C. Argan, Milano, Pigreco, 2012)
Assessment methods and Criteria
The oral examination consists of an interview on the program topics aimed at ascertaining the knowledge and critical skills acquired by the student. Any additional didactic activities and exercises will be submitted during the lessons.
L-ART/03 - HISTORY OF CONTEMPORARY ART - University credits: 9
Lessons: 60 hours
Pozzoli Viviana, Rusconi Paolo
Educational website(s)
Dipartimento di Beni culturali e ambientali, via Noto 6