History and Institutions of East Asia
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
In the last 150 years most of the Countries in East Asia rose from poverty and subjugation by foreign powers, to a prominent position in today's world economy and politics. This course traces the rise in the global context of China, Japan, and Vietnam, the most representative Countries of the region. The period taken into consideration starts from the wave of European and Japanese colonial enterprise in the XIX century, continues with the decolonization process in the XX century, to the present efforts to shape a China-centered new regional order. The course provides insights into the interactions between the East Asian Countries and Western powers, as well as on the interconnections among the Countries within the zone. Along with the discussion of shared patterns characterizing the whole region, a focus on the comparative perspective will reveal the heterogeneity of the area. To capture the multifaceted nature of change that characterized modern East Asia, both political, economic, and cultural aspects of the historical process will be the object of the course.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of this course students will be able to:
1) Discuss critically the diverse historical evolution of East Asia in the last 200 years.
a. Use properly conceptual tools and lexicon to describe the area in the selected period.
b. Compare specific historical phenomena (for example, the encounter with the Western imperialism, the centralization of the national state etc.) in the context of the selected Countries, to explore different historical paths in East Asia.
c. Determine the relevance of different historical facts.
d. Establish the correlation among past events, exploring historical continuity and change in the selected area.
2) Apply the historical understanding of the area developed during the course to address contemporary issues concerning the area (for example, discuss the present role of the selected Countries in East Asia from a 200-years perspective).
3) Analyze critically historical sources.
a. Identify different types of historical source (direct, indirect, primary, secondary..).
b. Select and extract meaningful information from historical sources.
c. Detect and interpret the author's intent and the aim of the source.
1) Discuss critically the diverse historical evolution of East Asia in the last 200 years.
a. Use properly conceptual tools and lexicon to describe the area in the selected period.
b. Compare specific historical phenomena (for example, the encounter with the Western imperialism, the centralization of the national state etc.) in the context of the selected Countries, to explore different historical paths in East Asia.
c. Determine the relevance of different historical facts.
d. Establish the correlation among past events, exploring historical continuity and change in the selected area.
2) Apply the historical understanding of the area developed during the course to address contemporary issues concerning the area (for example, discuss the present role of the selected Countries in East Asia from a 200-years perspective).
3) Analyze critically historical sources.
a. Identify different types of historical source (direct, indirect, primary, secondary..).
b. Select and extract meaningful information from historical sources.
c. Detect and interpret the author's intent and the aim of the source.
Lesson period: Second trimester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course can be attended as a single course.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
Second trimester
Course syllabus
The course is composed of two units. It is an introduction to the modern and contemporary history of representative Countries of East Asia. The first unit will focus on the rise of China in the regional and global context, from the Opium wars to the present. The second unit will turn to the modern and contemporary history of Japan and Vietnam. During the class students will be asked to actively participate in group exercises and discussions.
Prerequisites for admission
A basic knowledge of international history during the 19th and the 20th Century is required.
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons; group work activities.
Teaching Resources
Required texts:
One textbook and a series of articles, one for attending and two for non-attending students.
Students are asked to choose one of the two textbooks below:
- Charles Holcombe, A History of East Asia, From the Origins of Civilization to the Twenty-first Century, Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2nd ed., 2017 (the sections regarding China, Japan and Vietnam in chapters 6th to 14th).
- John H. Miller, Modern East Asia: An Introductory History, Armonk; London: Sharpe, 2008 (the sections regarding China, Japan and Vietnam).
The list of articles will be communicated at the beginning of the course.
One textbook and a series of articles, one for attending and two for non-attending students.
Students are asked to choose one of the two textbooks below:
- Charles Holcombe, A History of East Asia, From the Origins of Civilization to the Twenty-first Century, Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2nd ed., 2017 (the sections regarding China, Japan and Vietnam in chapters 6th to 14th).
- John H. Miller, Modern East Asia: An Introductory History, Armonk; London: Sharpe, 2008 (the sections regarding China, Japan and Vietnam).
The list of articles will be communicated at the beginning of the course.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam is intended to assess the subsequent abilities:
a) present the main topics of the course in a clear and correct way.
b) Apply the acquired historical knowledge to contemporary issues regarding the area.
c) Analyze critically historical sources.
a) present the main topics of the course in a clear and correct way.
b) Apply the acquired historical knowledge to contemporary issues regarding the area.
c) Analyze critically historical sources.
SPS/14 - ASIAN HISTORY AND INSTITUTIONS - University credits: 9
Lessons: 60 hours
Dornetti Filippo
Educational website(s)
Friday from 2:00 to 5:00 pm.
Videocall on Microsoft Teams. An appointment request in advance via email will be appreciated.