Hiring and Recruitment

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The first part of the course will be dedicated to the main features of professionals working in this field (educational background, experience, characteristics of their working context, etc.). The focus will be on the workforce planning in the organizations and the difference between internal and external labour markets. We thus analyse and discuss the main recruitment channels of personnel for companies and business services (hiring and recruiting agencies), focusing on ethical and legislative constraints introduced over time to protect the potential discriminatory effects of this profession.
In the second part of this course we will focus on the personnel selection process. We will analyse the main criteria and procedures underlying the selectors' choices. For this purpose, we will consider factors influencing the selectors' choice in the process and the various applicants' perspectives. We will finally analyse the main socio-economic contexts where the selection process takes place.
Expected learning outcomes
The expected learning outcomes are related to the ability of workforce planning both in companies and in employment agencies. Students will learn the main mechanisms underlying the consideration of individual characteristics and their fit in the organizations. Other expected learning outcomes are related to the hiring and recruitment profession: differences among countries and among context of actions (working in companies or employment agencies); differences between target levels of evaluation.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First trimester
Course syllabus
The first part of the course will be dedicated to the main features of professionals working in this field (educational background, experience, characteristics of their working context, etc.). The focus will be on the workforce planning in the organizations and the difference between internal and external labour markets. We thus analyse and discuss the main recruitment channels of personnel for companies and business services (hiring and recruiting agencies), focusing on ethical and legislative constraints introduced over time to protect the potential discriminatory effects of this profession.
In the second part of this course we will focus on the personnel selection process. We will analyse the main criteria and procedures underlying the selectors' choices. For this purpose we will take into account factors influencing the selectors' choice in the process and the various applicants' perspectives. We will finally analyse the main socio-economic contexts where the selection process takes place.
Prerequisites for admission
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons, exercises, students' presentations
Teaching Resources
Attendant students:
1. Book: Colombo S. (2023), The personnel selection process. Methods and Contexts in changing labor markets, Milan, Pearson;
2. Diekmann A. (2022), Rational choice sociology: heuristic potential,
applications, and limitations (pp 100-120), in Gërxhani K., de Graaf N.D. and Raub W. (eds), Handbook of social science. Contributions for rigorous sociology, Cheltenam, Edward Elgar.
Non attendant students:
1. Book: Colombo S. (2023), The personnel selection process. Methods and Contexts in changing labor markets, Milan, Pearson;
2. Diekmann A. (2022), Rational choice sociology: heuristic potential,
applications, and limitations (pp 100-120), in Gërxhani K., de Graaf N.D. and Raub W. (eds), Handbook of social science. Contributions for rigorous sociology, Cheltenam, Edward Elgar.
3. Jewson N., Mason D. (1986), Modes of discrimination in the recruitment process:
formalisation, fairness and efficiency, Sociology, 20 (1), 43-63.
4.Bailey N., Winchester N. (2018), Framing Social Justice, Sociology, 52 (4),
Assessment methods and Criteria
Written exam (100%) and Course assignements/laboratory (not compulsory, but with the possibility to have from 1 to 3 added points to the final mark)
Lessons: 40 hours
Professor: Colombo Sabrina
Professor: Colombo Sabrina
Monday 3-5,30 pm (on-line and by appointment). Monday 16th July last. Monday 9th September first.