Health Law and Professional-Ethical Liabilities

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
IUS/07 IUS/09 IUS/10 MED/43
Learning objectives
The Integrated course is aimed at acquiring knoweldge on the law general principles and its sources of production. It includes 4 teaching units with the common objective to communicate knowledge of the legal system on various backgrounds.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
- know the basic technical, operational and management procedures to be used in the organization and management of health services provided by rehabilitation professionals
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Prerequisites for admission
Assessment methods and Criteria
The theoretical frontal lessons will be supported by slides uploaded to Ariel platform.
Labour law
Course syllabus
Course Introduction;
- Law Sources in private and public sector employment;
- Constitutional principles;
- Protected interests;
- Organization and employment in the public and private sectors;
- Legal developments in the health sector;
- Article 39 of the Italian Constitution and freedom of union organization;
- Collective Labour Righs;
- Representation and Representativeness in the public and private sectors;
- Collective Bargaining in the private and public sectors;
- Collective Bargaining and Collective Labour Rights;
- Negotiability of managerial prerogatives;
- Strike regulation;
- The regulation of strike in essential public sector services;
- Employment and Self-Employment;
- The principles in matter of personnel hiring in the public and service sectors;
- Personnel mobility;
- Permanent hiring of temporary workers;
- Flexible working arrangements;
- Power of direction, power of monitoring and disciplinary power;
- Job tasks and assignments;
- Health and safety at the workplace;
- Working Time;
- Wage;
- Contract Suspension;
- Dismissal regulation;
- Performance Evaluation.

For further info on the Course program see
Teaching methods
The theoretical frontal lessons will be supported by slides uploaded to Ariel platform
Teaching Resources
Materials provided by the teacher.
Public law
Course syllabus
The module aims to study:
-Essential features the of Italian constitutional system and of the parliamentary form of government;
- Fundamental rights
- Right to health
- Essential features of the Italian health system
Teaching methods
The theoretical frontal lessons will be supported by slides uploaded to Ariel platform.
Teaching Resources
The teacher will upload to the ARIEL website slides concerning the topics discussed in classes.
Administrative law
Course syllabus
- Analysis of the essential features of the administrative law:
- Administrative organization, interorganic and intersubjective relations
- Administrative power and legal situation interacting with it
- Discipline of the administrative procedure and alternative ways public administration could exercise its power
- The invalidity of administration measures and the public administration's responsibility for the damages caused in the exercise or non-exercise of its power
- Health law: state and regional competences
Teaching methods
Face-to-face lessons scheduled according to a timetable published on the Ariel website of the course of study
Teaching Resources
M. D'Alberti, Lezioni di diritto amministrativo, ult. ed., limitatamente ai cap. iii,vii,viii, ix par. 4 e x
o in alternativa
G. Greco - M. Cafagno - D.U. Galetta - M. Ramajoli - M. Sica, argomenti di diritto amministrativo, limitatamente ai cap. iii e v
Forensic medicine
Course syllabus
The teaching aims to provide basic knowledge about professional liability in the field of health, with particular regard to:
- Informed consent;
- State of necessity VS private violence crimes or injuries;
- Interdiction, incapacitation, supporting administration;
- Neglicence, imprudence, inexperience, compensation for damage;
- Professional secrecy: admissibility, exonerating circumstances, risks of damaging behaviors;
- Self-injurious behaviors;
- End-of-life (do-not-resuscitate order and ordinance number 207, November 16th, 2018, of the Constitutional Court);
- Cause-and-effect relationship in Forensic Medicine.
Some knowledge about forensic psychopathology and criminology of domestic violence will also be delivered.
Theoretical aspects will be more comprehensive by adding several case studies (decisions in the matter responsability, clinical cases, forensic reports).
Teaching methods
Face-to-face lessons scheduled according to a timetable published on the Ariel website of the course of study.
Teaching Resources
Material provided by the teacher.
Administrative law
IUS/10 - ADMINISTRATIVE LAW - University credits: 2
Lessons: 16 hours
Professor: Re Ferre' Giulia
Forensic medicine
MED/43 - FORENSIC MEDICINE - University credits: 1
Lessons: 8 hours
Labour law
IUS/07 - LABOUR LAW - University credits: 2
Lessons: 16 hours
Public law
IUS/09 - PUBLIC LAW - University credits: 1
Lessons: 8 hours
Professor: Fuschi Damiano