Health in the Adult and Elderly and Health in Neuropsychiatry

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
MED/09 MED/25 MED/26 MED/33 MED/48 MED/50
Learning objectives
Understand the main psychophysical disability conditions to develop specific prevention, support and recovery plan
Develop the ability to recognize the main psychiatric/behavioural pathologies and experience-related disorders and acquire the tools for the preventive intervention to within the mental health, substance abuse and their treatment
Understand the main principles of psychiatry, social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology
Develop the skillsets to plan and perform educational intervention aimed at changing health mental beliefs, and to contribuite to health promotion in different ages in one's lifetime, family, at school and working places.
Understand the main neurologic diseases and their epidemiology
Understand methodology and tecniques of prevention and of care of people at any age
Expected learning outcomes
Know and manage the prevention strategy for the chronic diseases and the social support for adult and elderly population
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Prerequisites for admission
There are no prerequisites
Assessment methods and Criteria
Written and oral examination
Internal medicine
Course syllabus
Pathophysiology of aging
Geriatric syndromes: delirium in the elderly
Sarcopenia and functional decline
Frailty phenotypes
Dementias and the management of related behavioural disorders
Palliative care
Teaching methods
Frontal Lessons
Teaching Resources
Slides and lecture material provided
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
Course syllabus
- The role of the Healthcare assistant in the service of Fragility and the Home Care in the light of the evolution of the Lombardy Health System.
- The assistance to the elderly, with particular attention to the dementia problems.
- Knowledge and use of the tools of the Multidimentional Evaluation VMD.
- Barthel Index - Rating of the daily activities, basic knowledge for the Healthcare Assistant.
- Screening dementia and cognitive deficit; MMSE Mini Mental State Examination: basic knowledge for the Healthcare Assistant.
- Law 13 May 1978, n. 180 "Voluntary and mandatory health assessments and treatments (hints).
- Civil disability: basic knowledge for the Healthcare Assistant.
Teaching methods
Frontal Method, , Role Playing, Problem Based Learninig
Teaching Resources
Slides made by the Professor
Suggested texts:
C. Vegani; T. Lucchi - Practical notes on elderly diagnosis and therapy. Second Edition Edra - January 2019
Vicky deKlerk Rubin - The validation method, building clear relationships with a person with dementia. Third edition, Erickson, December 2017

Reference sites and laws
INPS site
Lombardy Regional Law 23/2015
DGR n. 7856/2018
Law 180/78
Course syllabus
The module of Psychiatry aims to provide basic knowledge about psychopathology and the main psychiatric diseases. Particularly, the programme is as detailed below:
Psychic responses to stress: general mechanisms and specific disorders.
Elements of psychopathology
Attachment disorders
Anxiety disorders
Somatoform disorders
Mood disorders
Psychotic disorders
Elements of psychiatric therapy
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons
Clinical cases discussion
Teaching Resources
Compendio di psichiatria per le professioni socio-sanitarie di Cornaggia C.M, Clerici M
Edizione Franco Angeli 2015

Balestrieri Matteo et al.
Manuale di psichiatria, II Ed., Il Pensiero Scientifico Editore, 2014.

Bressi C., Invernizzi G., Manuale di Psichiatria e Psicologia clinica, 5e. McGraw-Hill 2016.
Course syllabus
Cogntive impairment
Extrapyramidal diseases
Motor neuron diseases
Multiple sclerosis
Cerebrovascular diseases
Teaching methods
Frontal Lessons
Teaching Resources
Core Curriculum - Malattie del sistema nervoso - C. Ferrarese, I Appollonio, G Cavaletti, P Cortelli, A Federico, G Mancardi, MG Marciani, G Meola, P Nichelli, EP Sganzerla, A Toscano. Milano 2nd Ed. Mc Graw Hill, 2016.
Musculoskeletal system diseases
Course syllabus
1 bone tissue and fractures; bone metabolism and osteoporosis
2 back pain - sciatic pain -scoliosis - epicondylitis
3 articular cartilage - arthrosis
4 pathologies of the shoulder
Teaching methods
Frontal Lessons
Teaching Resources
Slides used during lessons
To learn more
Manuale di Ortopedia di Paolo Cabitza - Editore: Società Editrice Esculapio
Manuale di Ortopedia e Traumatologia - 3a edizione di: Elio Rinaldi, Giovanni Peretti, Paolo Gallinaro Editore: McGraw-Hill Education
Applied medical techniques
Course syllabus
- The integration of the heath community and the multidimentional evaluation (VDM), working in network
- Interviewing the adult in difficulty and the fragile elderly in the different welfare settings
- The meaning of the welfare complexity
- The home visit at the elderly person in the contest of the multidimentional evaluation (VMD) the role of the care giver
- Taking charge of the elderly person in accordance with the new Lea following the Law RL 11 August 2015, nr. 23
- The evolution of the Lombardy community health system
Teaching methods
Frontal Method, , Role Playing, Problem Based Learninig
Teaching Resources
Slides made by the Professor, minimal and non exhaustive bibliography consulted
M. Cesa-Bianchi "The recovery capabilities of the elderly - patterns tools and interventions for the healthcare professionals" published 2019
The families are telling: dementias caregiver experiences. May 2018 Ars Tuscany
Pilotto, P. D'Ambrosio, C. Scarcelli, L. Cascavilla, V. Niro, M.G. Longo, F. Paris, D. Seripa, G. Placentino, M. Corritore, M. Franceschi "The new frontier in the geriatrics research - the multidimentional evaluation and the prevention in the geriatric age2 GERONTOL 2006; 54 (Suppl 2); 59-64
C.J.O'Leary, "Consueling for the couple and the family, an approach centered on the person" Published by Erickson, ninth reprint february 2018
Applied medical techniques
Lessons: 10 hours
Internal medicine
MED/09 - INTERNAL MEDICINE - University credits: 1
Lessons: 10 hours
Musculoskeletal system diseases
MED/33 - ORTHOPAEDICS - University credits: 1
Lessons: 10 hours
MED/26 - NEUROLOGY - University credits: 1
Lessons: 10 hours
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
Lessons: 10 hours
MED/25 - PSYCHIATRY - University credits: 1
Lessons: 10 hours