Green Infrastructures and Nature-Based Solutions

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
AGR/03 AGR/08 AGR/10 BIO/03
Learning objectives
The course aims to introduce the field of green
infrastructures, green space planning and design for the development of sustainable rural areas and cities. The aims of this course are to:
- introduce the concept and principles of green infrastructures and
nature-based solutions;
- introduce green infrastructures and nature-based solutions in
landscape planning as a mechanism for addressing biodiversity, climate change, health, ecosystem services, water management and wider urban greening issues;
- develop methodological and technical skills in green infrastructures
and nature-based solutions planning;
- understand the major regulation and provisioning ecosystem services
provided by urban vegetation, and methods for their quantification;
- understand the consequences that the selection of species has on the
delivery of ecosystem services;
- develop problem solving, presentation and group working skills useful
to face, in multidisciplinary teams, the problems related to green infrastructures and nature-based solutions planning and design.
A key component to this module is a fieldwork where students will have the opportunity to visit and assess existing green infrastructures, including streams and channels, and to apply proposed methodologies, procedures and techniques in a recovery planning and design case study.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course
students will have an in-depth understanding of the planning mechanisms that govern the development of green infrastructures.
Knowledge and understanding. The students should be able to:
- present and discuss the values, benefits and functions of different
types of green infrastructures;
- explain the process of green infrastructures planning,
Applying knowledge and understanding.
- apply methodologies, procedures and techniques for green
infrastructures and nature-based solutions assessment, planning and design,
- use GIS and CAD technologies to produce map, plan and drawing,
- recognize widely used species at urban sites,
- estimate the delivery of ecosystem services by individual trees,
- apply Landscape Ecology principles to spatial analysis and landscape
- make the correct choice of plant species for nature-based solutions
and green infrastructures.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Prerequisites for admission
Basic use of GIS and CAD software
Basic notions of physics and plant physiology
Fundamentals of hydrology and fluid mechanics
Assessment methods and Criteria
The course is structured in a laboratory to plan a green infrastructures network (1) and to design a green infrastructure (2) and to evaluate ecosystem services it offers (3).
The case study changes every year. Students, working in groups of 3/4 people, must prepare a technical report and analysis, plan and project maps.
Attendance at classes is strongly recommended, especially for practical exercises, field surveys, and the review of practical work
Non-attending students will carry out the practical work individually. For these students the study area will be chosen in agreement with the teachers so that it is easily accessible for the student and known, at least in general terms, by the teacher.
To take the final exam, the students must deliver all the materials in pdf format 3 days before the exam and bring the printed papers to the exam, present them and answer the questions to them relative.
The final grade will be composed as follows: 50% of the documents produced, 25% of the presentation of the documents, 25% of the answers to the questions.
The evaluation is given to the group, acceptance is individual with the possibility of refusing the grade and completing / improving the work according to the indications of the teachers.
Students with SLD or disability certifications are kindly requested to contact the teacher at least 15 days before the date of the exam session to agree on individual exam requirements. In the email please make sure to add in cc the competent offices: [email protected] (for students with SLD) o [email protected] (for students with disability).
Green infrastructures planning and design
Course syllabus
- Green infrastructures: history, functions and examples (0,5 CFU)
- Green infrastructures: territorial scale planning (0,5 CFU)
- Green Streets (0,5 CFU)
- Green infrastructures: neighbourhood scale (0,5 CFU)
- Site planning (0,5 CFU)
- Landscape desing (0,5 CFU)
- Technical elements design (1CFU)
Teaching methods
Activities include:
- theoretical lessons
- seminars
- surveys in the study area
- technical visits of existing green infrastructures
- revision of the maps produced
Teaching Resources
The teaching material is available on the course website on my ariel:
- slides used during the lessons
- pdf files
- cartographic maps and cards for the survey
Without differences between attending and not attending.
Benedict M.A., McMahon E.T., Green Infrastructures. Linking Landscapes and Communities. Island Press, 2006
Sinnett D., Smith N., Burgess S., Handbook on Green Infrastructure: Planning, Design and Implementation. Edward Elgar Pub, 2015
Dover J.w., Green Infrastructure: Incorporating Plants and Enhancing Biodiversity in Buildings and Urban Environments. Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2015
The material is the same for students who attend the classes and for students not attending.
Stream restoration
Course syllabus
- Introduction to Stream Restoration 0,1 CFU
- Fundamentals of fluvial processes 0,25 CFU
- Hydrology elaboration for stream restoration design 0,50 CFU
- Hydraulics of natural and restored watercourses 0,50 CFU
- Geomorphologic processes and bank stability 0,50 CFU
- Principles of stream restoration design 0,50 CFU
- Stream Restoration techniques 0,4 CFU
- Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems 0,25 CFU
- Stream restoration design 1,0 CFU
Teaching methods
Activities include:
- lectures
- exercises
- analyses of seminal papers in the field of stream restoration
- seminars
- surveys in the study area
- technical visits
Teaching Resources
FISRWG (10/1998). Stream Corridor Restoration: Principles, Processes, and Practices. By the Federal Interagency Stream Restoration Working Group (FISRWG)(15 Federal agencies of the US gov't). GPO Item No. 0120-A; SuDocs No. A 57.6/2:EN3/PT.653. ISBN-0-934213-59-3 (
Doll B., Grabow G., Hall K., Halley J., Harman W., Jennings G., Wise D. - A natural channel design handbook, NC State University (
Scientific Journal papers provided during the course
Applied botany and woody species in landscape design
Course syllabus
For applied botany:
Basics of Geobotany, Landscape Ecology and Ecosystem Services, for landscape interpretation and study (1,5 CFU)
Criteria for selecting plant species for NBS and green-blue infrastructure (0,5 CFU)
Examples and discussion of NBS and green-blue infrastructure projects, with a focus on plant species (1 CFU)
For woody species:
Theoretical lectures:
Systematics and ecological characteristics of widely used tree species for landscaping and urban greening (0,5 CFU)
Methods and tools for measuring and calculating ecosystems services provided by vegetation: CO2 assimilation and storage (1 CFU)
Air quality amelioration and cooling (0,4 CFU)
Commercial tools for ES measurement (0,1 CFU)
Field work:
tree inventory and calculation of CO2 storage (0,25 CFU)
measurement of canopy and photosynthetic attributes and calculation of CO2 assimilation and cooling (0,5 CFU)
measurement of PM deposition (0,25 CFU)
Teaching methods
- theoretical lectures
- surveys in the study area
- technical visits
- revision of the work produced
- field work for the measurement of regulation ecosystem services
Teaching Resources
Slides used during the lectures
Some study materials provided by the professor
Selected scientific papers available on ariel website
Picard et al., 2012. Manual for building tree volume and biomass allometric equations. CIRAD and FAO.
Books: Nobel, P.S., Physicochemical and Environmental Plant Physiology, Elsevier
The material is the same for students who attend the classes and for students not attending.
Applied botany and woody species in landscape design
Field activity: 16 hours
Practicals: 16 hours
Lessons: 40 hours
Professors: Fini Alessio, Vagge Ilda
Green infrastructures planning and design
Field activity: 8 hours
Practicals: 8 hours
Lessons: 24 hours
Professor: Fumagalli Natalia
Professor: Fumagalli Natalia
Stream restoration
Practicals: 16 hours
Lessons: 24 hours
Professor: Bischetti Gian Battista
please request an appointment by e-mail
Dipartimento di Scienze Agraarie e Ambientali
by appointment
Agricultural Engineering (Building n. 21100)