Greek Archaeology Ma

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course consists in a critical discussion of Greek Art and Archaeology from the Protogeometric (1050 BCE) down to the end of the Archaic period (480 BCE). The course has a strong contextual character: it includes the art and archaeology of the entire Greek world and focuses on urbanism, monumental architecture, sculpture, and painting.
Expected learning outcomes
The main goal of the course is to provide students with an advanced knowledge of Greek art and archaeology from the 11th to the early 5th century BCE (urbanism, architecture, sculpture, and painting) and a clear understanding of the main methodological approaches to the material.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
The course consists of an advanced discussion of fifth century Greek art and archaeology, including the Severe and Classical periods. The course, with a strong contextual character and extended to the entire Greek world, will focus on urban planning, monumental architecture, sculpture and painting. The first part (A), after a general introduction, is dedicated to the Severe Period (480-450 BCE); the second (B) is dedicated to the first phase of the High Classical Period (450-425 BCE); the third (C) is dedicated to the second phase of the High Classical Period (425-400 BCE).
Prerequisites for admission
Because of the advanced character of the course, a basic knowledge of Greek art and archaeology (Archaic to Hellenistic) is expected.
Teaching methods
Lectures are in front of the class and take place in the classroom.
Teaching Resources
For students attending lectures:

Section A
Bejor, G., M. Castoldi, e C. Lambrugo. 2013. Arte Greca. Milan: Mondadori Università. Chapter 4.
Asheri, D. 1997. "Identità greche, identità greca." In I Greci: storia, cultura, arte, società, ed. S. Settis, 2.2, 5-26. Turin: Einaudi.
Frontisi-Ducroux, F. 1997. "Dioniso e il suo culto." I Greci: storia, cultura, arte, società, ed. S. Settis, 2.2, 275-307. Turin: Einaudi.
Lissarrague, F. 1997. "L'immagine dello straniero ad Atene." In I Greci: storia, cultura, arte, società, ed. S. Settis, 2.2, 937-958. Turin: Einaudi.

Section B
Bejor, G., M. Castoldi, e C. Lambrugo. 2013. Arte Greca. Milan: Mondadori Università. Chapter 5 (works 450-425 BCE).
Schneider, L. and C. Höcker. 1997. "Pericle e la costruzione dell'Acropoli." In I Greci. Storia, cultura, arte, società, 2. Una storia greca, 2. Definizione, ed. S. Settis, 1239-1274. Turin: Einaudi.
Borbein, A. H. 1997. "La nascita di un'arte 'classica'." In I Greci: storia, cultura, arte, società, ed. S. Settis, 2.2, 1275-1303. Turin: Einaudi.
Hölscher, T. 1997. "Immagini dell'identità greca." In I Greci: storia, cultura, arte, società, ed. S. Settis, 2.2, 191-248. Turin: Einaudi.

Section C
Bejor, G., M. Castoldi, e C. Lambrugo. 2013. Arte Greca. Milan: Mondadori Università. Chapter 5 (works 425-400 BCE).
Greco, E. 1997. "Definizione dello spazio urbano: architettura e spazio pubblico." In I Greci: storia, cultura, arte, società, ed. S. Settis, 2.2, 619-652. Turin: Einaudi.
Schmidt, M. 1997. "Iconografia del mito." In I Greci: storia, cultura, arte, società, ed. S. Settis, 2.2, 867-896. Turin: Einaudi.
Giuliani, L. 1997. "Il ritratto." In I Greci: storia, cultura, arte, società, ed. S. Settis, 2.2, 98-1011. Turin: Einaudi.

For non-attending students:
Same bibliography (see above for attending students) plus:
Hölscher, T. 2008. Il mondo dell'arte greca. Turin: Einaudi.
Lippolis, E., M. Livadiotti, e G. Rocco. 2007. Architettura greca. Milan: Mondadori.
Bejor, G. ed. 2012. Botteghe e artigiani. Marmorari, bronzisti, ceramisti e vetrai nell'antichità classica. Milan: Mondadori.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The assessment method consists in an oral examination focusing on the topics of the course and starting from the identification and comment of one or more images from the main textbook. The test aims to highlight the student's knowledge and critical ability in commenting on the material.
Unita' didattica A
L-ANT/07 - CLASSICAL ARCHAEOLOGY - University credits: 3
Lessons: 20 hours
Unita' didattica B
L-ANT/07 - CLASSICAL ARCHAEOLOGY - University credits: 3
Lessons: 20 hours
Unita' didattica C
L-ANT/07 - CLASSICAL ARCHAEOLOGY - University credits: 3
Lessons: 20 hours