German Literature

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The necessary methodological (e.g. linguistic turn, cultural turn, gender studies) insights and thematic (e.g. dada, Africa and advertising) will be explored in a broad comparative perspective. The teaching is fully consistent with the objectives of the Course of Studies, which aims to ensure the acquisition of solid knowledge in the fields of multimedia communication, reinforcing a humanistic training for students.
Expected learning outcomes
Beginner students will be able to achieve an eminently passive knowledge of the German language, while advanced students will consolidate their previous language level. Common goals for all students are also the acquisition of basic knowledge of theory or literary history and the exercise of a textual, historical and cultural analysis, methodologically safe in its different modes of critical articulation. Through the interactive organization of the course, group work and verification tests in the field (online testing) and partial tests will also promote the following cross-skills: basic and functional literacy skills, multilingual competence, digital, personal, social competence and the ability to learn how to learn; competence on the subject of citizenship; competence in cultural awareness and expression.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
The course will analyze experimentalism in German-speaking poetry from the Middle Ages to the present, paying particular attention to the different aspects of the Dadaist revolution.
Prerequisites for admission
Command of the German language is not required to attend the course.
Teaching methods
Although not mandatory, attendance is strongly recommended; students who passed the partial verification test are considered to be attending students.
Teaching Resources
For attending students, , 6 CFU, 600 pp.
For attending students, 9 CFU, 800 pp.

Part A
Examination program for attending students
Experimentelle und Konkrete Poesie, Vom Barock zur Gegenwart / a cura di Peter Reicharzt, Stuttgart, Klett, 1997
Le lettere magiche. Dalle iniziali medievali alla poesia visiva / Paola Bozzi, Milano, Mimesis, 2022

Part B
Examination program for attending students
Dada zum Vergnügen / a cura di Hermann Korte, Kalina Kupczynska, Stuttgart, Reclam, 2015
Dada Culture: Critical Texts on the Avant-garde / a cura di Dafydd Jones, Amsterdam, Rodopi, 2006
Dada da capo. Protesta e poesia nel segno del Cabaret Voltaire / Paola Bozzi, Milano, Mimesis, 2018
Dada & the Revolution / Paola Bozzi, Milano, Ledizioni, 2021

Part C
Examination program for attending students
Konkrete Poesie - deutschsprachige Autoren. Anthologie / Eugen Gomringer, Stuttgart, Reclam, 1972 (e sg.)
Visuelle Poesie. Anthologie / Eugen Gomringer, Stuttgart, Reclam, 1995 (e sg.)
Avant-Garde, Neo-Avant-Garde / Dietrich Scheunemann, Amsterdam, Rodopi, 2005

For non-attending students, , 6 CFU, 600 pp.
For non-attending students, 9 CFU, 800 pp.

Part A
Examination program for non-attending students
Experimentelle und Konkrete Poesie, Vom Barock zur Gegenwart / a cura di Peter Reicharzt, Stuttgart, Klett, 1997
Le lettere magiche. Dalle iniziali medievali alla poesia visiva / Paola Bozzi, Milano, Mimesis, 2022

Part B
Examination program for non-attending students
Dada zum Vergnügen / a cura di Hermann Korte, Kalina Kupczynska, Stuttgart, Reclam, 2015
Dada Culture: Critical Texts on the Avant-Garde / a cura di Dafydd Jones, Amsterdam, Rodopi, 2006
Destruction Was My Beatrice: Dada and the Unmaking of the Twentieth Century / Jed Rasula, New York, Basic Books, a member of the Perseus Books Group, 2015
Dada da capo. Protesta e poesia nel segno del Cabaret Voltaire / Paola Bozzi, Milano, Mimesis, 2018
Dada & the Revolution / Paola Bozzi, Milano, Ledizioni, 2021

Part C
Examination program for non-attending students
Konkrete Poesie - deutschsprachige Autoren. Anthologie / Eugen Gomringer, Stuttgart, Reclam, 1972 (e sg.)
Konkrete Poesie / a cura di Heinz Ludwig Arnold, München, Text + Kritik, 1978, n. 25
Visuelle Poesie. Anthologie / Eugen Gomringer, Stuttgart, Reclam, 1995 (e sg.)
Visuelle Poesie / a cura di Heinz Ludwig Arnold, München, Text + Kritik, 1997, n. 30
Avant-Garde, Neo-Avant-Garde / Dietrich Scheunemann, Amsterdam, Rodopi, 2005
Neo-Avant-Garde / David Hopkin, Amsterdam [u.a.] : Rodopi, 2006
Assessment methods and Criteria
Students who pass the partial verification test may be considered attending students. To this end, they draw up a written paper (6000 characters for 6 credits, 9000 for a maximum of 9 credits, spaces included) in Italian and deliver it respecting the deadline (two weeks); the final oral exam consists of an interview on the topics of the course (including the international lectures "Dada & the Revolution"), aimed at ascertaining, if necessary, further knowledge and skills acquired and to finalize the outcome of the partial verification test. In case it proves impossible to hold the final exam face to face, the final exam will take place remotely, in ways which will be communicated on the course page on Ariel.
Students who have not passed the partial verification test must consider themselves not attending students. They are also invited to contact the professor in advance at her e-mail address. The oral exam takes place in Italian, covers the entire bibliography of the course and includes primary texts as secondary in the original language. During the exam, the student must in particular know in full the texts contained in the anthologies Dada zum Vergnügen, Konkrete Poesie and Visuelle Poesie, although during the interview he can use the analysis or commentary of the poems of her / his own translations in Italian.
International students or Erasmus incoming are invited to make timely contact with the course professor.
The examination procedures for students with disabilities and / or with specific learning disabilities must be agreed with the professor in agreement with the competent office.
Students wishing to make a second exam are invited to promptly contact the teacher in charge of the course to define an ad hoc program.
Unita' didattica A
L-LIN/13 - GERMAN LITERATURE - University credits: 3
Lessons: 20 hours
Unita' didattica B
L-LIN/13 - GERMAN LITERATURE - University credits: 3
Lessons: 20 hours
Unita' didattica C
L-LIN/13 - GERMAN LITERATURE - University credits: 3
Lessons: 20 hours