Geotechnical Field Test and Measures
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
Knowledge and understanding _Knowledge of main geotechnical field test for geotechnics and diffferent type of soils and rocks._
Expected learning outcomes
Applying knowledge and understanding_Knowledge of main geotechnical field test for different plans._ Making judgements_to be able to manage technical problems in different situation_
Communication skills _to be able to speak by technical and sintetic terms_
Learning skills _attitude to learn tecnichs subjects and field oprations._
Communication skills _to be able to speak by technical and sintetic terms_
Learning skills _attitude to learn tecnichs subjects and field oprations._
Lesson period: Second semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course can be attended as a single course.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
The course of "Geotechnical field tests and measures" describes the main field techniques to test soils and rocks and to measure their technical properties.
Geological e Geotechnical Model and Field Investigation plan following the international standards, Eurocodes and the italian code (NTC).
Drilling techniques: Drilling Logs. Sampling procedure, technical description and quality rating of samples. Drilling for environmental sampling. Drilling for consolidation techniques and water well.
Test and measures for soils:
Strength tests: Cone Penetration (CPT,CPTE,CPTU,SCPT) and Cone Pressure Penetration test, Standard Penetration test (SPT), Dynamic Penetration test (DP), Field Vane test FVT);
Deformability tests: Marchetti's Flat Dilatometer test (DMT), Pressuremeter (PMT), Static Plate Load test (PLT).
Test and measures for rocks:
Strength tests: Point Load strenght Test, Field Strength test;
Deformability tests: Flat Jack Test, Dilatometer test, Static Plate Load test, CSIR, DHTV measures.
In situ Permeability Test for soils (Lefranc) and rocks (Lugeon).
Drilling techniques and field tests for geological monitoring.
Plan and Final Report of Geotechnical field test and measures.
Geological e Geotechnical Model and Field Investigation plan following the international standards, Eurocodes and the italian code (NTC).
Drilling techniques: Drilling Logs. Sampling procedure, technical description and quality rating of samples. Drilling for environmental sampling. Drilling for consolidation techniques and water well.
Test and measures for soils:
Strength tests: Cone Penetration (CPT,CPTE,CPTU,SCPT) and Cone Pressure Penetration test, Standard Penetration test (SPT), Dynamic Penetration test (DP), Field Vane test FVT);
Deformability tests: Marchetti's Flat Dilatometer test (DMT), Pressuremeter (PMT), Static Plate Load test (PLT).
Test and measures for rocks:
Strength tests: Point Load strenght Test, Field Strength test;
Deformability tests: Flat Jack Test, Dilatometer test, Static Plate Load test, CSIR, DHTV measures.
In situ Permeability Test for soils (Lefranc) and rocks (Lugeon).
Drilling techniques and field tests for geological monitoring.
Plan and Final Report of Geotechnical field test and measures.
Prerequisites for admission
The exam of Engineering geology, I semester-third year, is strongly recommended
Teaching methods
lessons and solution of real case problems in classroom, field demonstration of the main geotechnical in situ tests for soil
Teaching Resources
CESTARI F. , 2012 , "In situ Geotchnical Test", ed. Patròn Editrice Bologna.
TANZINI M., 2002, "L'indagine geotecnica", Dario Flaccovio editore.
I.S.R.M. " Suggested methods for Rock Characterization Testing and Monitoring" ed. ET BROWN.
A.G.I 1977 "Raccomandazioni sulla programmazione ed esecuzione delle indagini geotecniche"
TANZINI M., 2002, "L'indagine geotecnica", Dario Flaccovio editore.
I.S.R.M. " Suggested methods for Rock Characterization Testing and Monitoring" ed. ET BROWN.
A.G.I 1977 "Raccomandazioni sulla programmazione ed esecuzione delle indagini geotecniche"
Assessment methods and Criteria
Oral exam which may include the solution of a problem based on a real case
Educational website(s)
Monday 10.30 - 12-30
Via Mangiagalli 34, Ground Floor