Geotechnical and Hydrogeological Survey and Laboratory

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
General aims: The main objective of the course is teaching students to acquire geotechnical, geomechanical and hydrogeological data, by means of easy in situ and laboratory techniques, and to process such data to create thematic maps or produce technical databases for engineering design.
Expected learning outcomes
Knowledge and understanding: Attending the course, students will increase their capacities in technical surveying and field data analyses. They will learn specific technical procedures and apply them, including the use of instruments, with the final aim of summarizing them in technical reports and maps. At the end of the course the student will be able to:
· Perform and comment geomechanical surveys for the definition of rock mass properties
· Perform and interpret field and laboratory tests for the definition of the main properties of soils (grain size, density, water content)
· Perform and interpret infiltration tests for the definition of the hydrogeological properties of soils
· Provide suggestions for the installation of hydrometeorological monitoring networks as a support to the investigation of geological-technical problems (slope stability, soil eorsion, interaction between surface and ground water)
· Explain the basic concepts behind extreme events statistics
· Process precipitation data to derive return periods and Intensity-Duration-Frequency (IDF) curves
· List the main technics for meteorological data spatialization
· Apply empirical methods to calculate the expected peak streamflow in mountain watersheds
· Explain advantages and disadvantages of a probabilistic approach, in comparison to a deterministic one, for the calculation of the expected streamflow
· Critically read geological-technical maps
· Plan a preliminary geological-technical field campaign for the investigation of a geology-related problem
· Produce the connected and relevant geological-technical maps
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
The course comprises lectures in which the fundaments of engineering geology are recalled, and the main geotechnical and hydrogeological instruments described, focusing on the practical and executive aspects as well and the data processing methods. Laboratory practical classes and data processing exercises are planned. The course includes field activities: guided or individual field surveys and in situ measurements, followed by a personal geo-technical and hydrogeological report that will be evaluated.
Each topic comprises a description of procedures for data collection and data processing.
The main contents are:
- geological-technical description of soil, with visual or simple field instruments
- geotechnical soil classification (USCS - AASHO)
- execution and processing of geomechanical surveys for the characterization of rock masses
- rock mass classifications (Basic Geological Description (BGD); GSI, RMR (Bieniawski),Q system (Barton), and rock mass strength and deformability
- landslides classification, and morphometry
- definition of geo-technical units
- examples of engineering geological mapping intended to specific cases.

Hydrogeological survey
- instruments for the monitoring of hydrometeorological variables; tests for the determination of hydrogeological parameters
- Introduction to extreme events statistics and calculation of intensity-duration frequency curves
- Flow measurements in rivers, streams and channels; empirical/numerical methods to determine discharge at watershed outlets
- Remediation and protection measures for riverbeds: manual for their census

The suggested methods for data collection and processing are presented in accordance with and referring to the existing legislation.
Prerequisites for admission
Skills acquired in the coursesTechnical Geology (I semester - I year); Applied Geomorphology (1st semester - 1st year); Geology (II semester - I year), are required. Field teaching activities foreseen for this course are indispensable.
Teaching methods
The course includes lectures (4 CFU), classroom or laboratory exercises (2 CFU) and practical field activities (compulsory geological-technical survey campaign - 6 days - 3 CFU).
Teaching Resources
Lecture note provided by the teachers, reference technical standards for the execution of laboratory and on-site tests. In-depth technical bookswill be comunicated at the beginning of the course.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The assessment test consists of three phases:
- evaluation of the workbook (collection of exercises carried out by the student during classroom exercises and independently);
- assessment of a group report relating to field survey activities;
- oral examination to check knowledge on the topics covered in the program.
GEO/05 - ENGINEERING GEOLOGY - University credits: 9
Field activity: 36 hours
Practicals: 24 hours
Lessons: 32 hours
Appointment to be taken by email
Office or Microsoft Teams