Geostatistical Methods for Geophysics

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
Provide the students with a basic knowledge of geostatistical methods for the estimate and the simulation of time varying (time series) and/or spatially distributed geophysical and environmental quantities.
Expected learning outcomes
1. Ability of critical comprehension of scientific papers and books for an enhanced knowledge of the
topics presented during the lectures;
2. Ability of critical analysis of technical reports that include results obtained with statistical analysis
tools of time series and/or spatially distributed geophysical/environmental data.;
3. Ability to properly set up a statistical analysis of geophysical/environmental data;
4. Ability to apply the main geostatistical techniques to interpolate, simulate or reconstruct time
series or spatially distributed variables.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
Brief introduction to descriptive statistics, univariate, multivariate and spatial description.
An introduction to stochastic processes.
Variographic study: experimental variograms and spatial correlation models.
Spatial data interpolation with Kriging, evaluation of the results and cross validation.
Stochastic simulation of continuous and categorical variables: Sequential indicator simulation (SIS),
Transitional probability (T-ProGS), Truncated plurigaussian simulation (TPS), Multiple point geostatistics
(MPS). Genetic methods and object based for the simulation of depositional environments.
Prerequisites for admission
Basic knowledge of statistics (it is suggested, but not required, to previously attend the course unit "Basic
probability theory and statistics"); some computer skills are required.
Teaching methods
The course consist of:
a) 4 CFU (32 hours) of lessons to introduce the Fundamental theoretical aspects.
a) 2 CFU (32 hours) of practical classes, where the students will deepen some of the topics presented
during the lessons, by working on small groups, to apply the techniques and tools presented during
the lessons to real world environmental/geophysical data-sets.
Teaching Resources
Isaaks, E.H. & Srivastava, R.M., 1989, Applied geostatistics, Oxford University Press.
Chilès, J-P & Delfiner, P. 2012, Geostatistics, Wiley.
Mariethoz, G. & Caers, J. 2014, Multiple-point Geostatistics: Stochastic Modeling with Training Images,
Assessment methods and Criteria
Expected learning outcomes will be verified through the evaluation of two written documents and an oral
exam. More in detail:
a) Students will produce a technical report of their activities during the practical classes; the
technical report can be presented by a single student of as a group report. Non-attending
students are required to illustrate an application of the geostatistical techniques previously
agreed with the teachers;
a) In addition to the aforementioned technical report, the students will produce a document
containing a brief literature review, where one of the topics covered during the lessons will be
deepen by reviewing one or more selected scientific papers.
b) During the oral exam, the student will:
a. present the results and the content of the technical report and the literature review
mentioned in the previous points.
b. be questioned about the topics discussed during the lessons.
The final assessment will be based on the following criteria: ability to present the topics in an appropriate
and organic manner, also by using the proper specialist lexicon; strict application of the scientific method;
critical reasoning; good command of the topics contained in the presented technical report and literature
The final score will be expressed in thirtieth.
Practicals with elements of theory: 24 hours
Lessons: 32 hours
Professor: Comunian Alessandro
to be arranged via e-mail or phone
via Botticelli 23