
A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The Course aims at improving the students' understanding of the international relations by introducing them, in particular, to the geopolitical approach to the world politics. The Course intends firstly to present the theoretical body of Geopolitics - to make the students familiar with the branch of the international thought which investigates the complex relations between geography and international politics, space and power politics. The Course aims secondly at applying the analytical and theoretical tools of Geopolitics to the contemporary international system; the Course intends in particular to show the enduring relevance of the geopolitical factors to the study of the post-Cold War international politics.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course students will have mastered the theoretical and conceptual tools of geopolitics, and be able to look at foreign policy and international politics from a specifically geopolitical perspective, integrating the knowledge acquired in other classes in political science and international relations taken during their course of study. Students will be able to understand the substance and the geopolitical dimension of the great issues of international relations, to define the geopolitical factors and obligations that condition the reality of international politics, at both the regional and global level, and to make sense of the reasoning behind the geopolitical and strategic actions of the major players on the international scene.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Third trimester
Course syllabus
The course will focus on the following topics:
- definition of Geopolitics
- origin and brief history of geopolitical thought
- the main geopolitical currents and traditions
- the geopolitical field: geographical and spatial factors of States' conduct in the international arena
- geographical and spatial factors of the genesis national identities and domestic institutions
- technological changes and their impact upon the geopolitical field
- the subjective side of Geopolitcs: mental geography
- geopolitics and cartography
- States' geopolitical practice: foreign and security policy as organization of the geographical space
- geopolitics of natural resources
- geopolitical aspects of United States' foreign and security policy
- geopolitics and power politics after the end of the Cold War
Prerequisites for admission
Basic knowledge of International Relations is presumed.
Teaching methods
Teaching Resources
Attending students:
1. lecture notes
2. N. J. Spykman, Geografia delle potenze mondiali, Le due rose Editore, 2020.
3. One text of student's choice among the following:
- C. Stefanachi, America Invulnerabile e insicura. La dimensione geopolitica della politica estera degli Stati Uniti nella stagione dell'impegno globale, Vita e Pensiero, Milano, 2017.
- D. Citati, La passione dell'Eurasia. Storia e civiltà in Lev Gumilëv, Mimesis, 2015.
- F. Bordonaro, La geopolitica anglosassone, Guerini&Associati, Milano, 2009.
4. One text of student's choice among the following:
- M. Marconi, P. Sellari (a cura di), Geopolitica degli spazi marittimi, Edizione Nuova Cultura, 2021.
- F. Anghelone (a cura di), Potere blu. Geopolitica dell'acqua nel mediterraneo, Bordeaux, 2022.
- G. Pitron, La guerra dei metalli rari. Il lato oscuro della transizione energetica, Luiss University Press, Roma, 2019
- S. Kalantzakos, Terre rare. La Cina e la geopolitica dei minerali strategici, Ube, Milano, 2021.
- A. Deruda, Geopolitica digitale. La competizione globale per il controllo della Rete, Carocci, Roma, 2024.

Not-attending students:
1. C. Cerreti, M. Marconi, P. Sellari, Spazi e poteri. Geografia politica, geografica economica, geopolitica, Laterza, 2019, capp. 2, 14-21.
2. N. J. Spykman, Geografia delle potenze mondiale, Le due rose Editore, 2020.
3. One text of student's choice among the following:
- C. Stefanachi, America Invulnerabile e insicura. La dimensione geopolitica della politica estera degli Stati Uniti nella stagione dell'impegno globale, Vita e Pensiero, Milano, 2017.
- D. Citati, La passione dell'Eurasia. Storia e civiltà in Lev Gumilëv, Mimesis, 2015.
- F. Bordonaro, La geopolitica anglosassone, Guerini&Associati, Milano, 2009.
4. One text of student's choice among the following:
- M. Marconi, P. Sellari (a cura di), Geopolitica degli spazi marittimi, Edizione Nuova Cultura, 2021.
- F. Anghelone (a cura di), Potere blu. Geopolitica dell'acqua nel mediterraneo, Bordeaux, 2022.
- G. Pitron, La guerra dei metalli rari. Il lato oscuro della transizione energetica, Luiss University Press, Roma, 2019
- S. Kalantzakos, Terre rare. La Cina e la geopolitica dei minerali strategici, Ube, Milano, 2021.
- A. Deruda, Geopolitica digitale. La competizione globale per il controllo della Rete, Carocci, Roma, 2024.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The final evaluation is based on the oral examination at the end of the course, which aims to test the students' ability to present the fundamental concepts of Geopolitics, and to apply them to the international political reality. The examination consist of an interview based on 3-4 questions.
Attending student can substitute a presentation on assigned papers for the oral exam.
SPS/04 - POLITICAL SCIENCE - University credits: 6
Lessons: 40 hours