Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
1. To introduce the physical laws governing flow and transport in air, water and soils.
2. To introduce physical tools to analyze observations from monitoring networks in atmosphere, hydrosphere and cryosphere.
3. To introduce elements of the radiative balance of the planet Earth and the role of atmosphere, hydrosphere and cryosphere in the energy balance.
4. To introduce basic statistical concepts and stochastic processes and their application to geosciences.
5. To introduce notions about geophysical measures.
2. To introduce physical tools to analyze observations from monitoring networks in atmosphere, hydrosphere and cryosphere.
3. To introduce elements of the radiative balance of the planet Earth and the role of atmosphere, hydrosphere and cryosphere in the energy balance.
4. To introduce basic statistical concepts and stochastic processes and their application to geosciences.
5. To introduce notions about geophysical measures.
Expected learning outcomes
1. Ability to read and understand scientific papers and technical reports dealing with the physical aspects of the dynamics of atmosphere, cryosphere and hydrosphere.
2. Ability to design models of flow and transport (mass balance, energy balance, solute transport, etc.) in atmosphere, cryosphere and hydrosphere.
3. Ability to critically analyze the results of monitoring physical quantities in atmosphere, cryosphere and hydrosphere.
4. Ability to perform simple statistical analyses of geoscientific data.
5. Ability to design and perform geophysical measurements.
2. Ability to design models of flow and transport (mass balance, energy balance, solute transport, etc.) in atmosphere, cryosphere and hydrosphere.
3. Ability to critically analyze the results of monitoring physical quantities in atmosphere, cryosphere and hydrosphere.
4. Ability to perform simple statistical analyses of geoscientific data.
5. Ability to design and perform geophysical measurements.
Lesson period: Second semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course can be attended as a single course.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
1) Water cycle and water properties:
a. A brief introduction to water cycle and general characteristics of (composition, vertical structure, etc.) of Atmosphere, Hydrosphere and Cryosphere;
b. Physical properties of water.
2) Basic principles of environmental/geophysical fluid dynamics:
c. Divergence, gradient, curl;
d. Eulerian and Lagrangian approaches to fluids motion;
e. Mass conservation and continuity equation;
f. Viscous fluid in a rotating reference frame;
g. Scale analysis for atmosphere and oceans; geostrophic and hydrostatic approximation.;
h. Shallow Ice Approximation for the dynamics of ice caps;
i. Groundwater flow equations (fluid flow in porous media, Darcy's law, hydraulic head).
3) Energy balance and heat equation: conduction, convection, radiation, evapotranspiration. Atmosphere thermodynamics: pressure variation with height and air density. State equations for dry air and wet air correction. Hydrostatic and hypsometric equation. Application of the 1st principle of Thermodynamics to the Atmosphere; adiabatic transformation for dry and wet air.
4) Atmospheric circulation.
5) Ocean circulation:
a. Thermo-haline circulation;
b. Wind driven circulation (Eckman layer);
c. Main oceanic currents;
d. Main circulation features in the Mediterranean Sea;
e. Tides;
f. Waves.
a. A brief introduction to water cycle and general characteristics of (composition, vertical structure, etc.) of Atmosphere, Hydrosphere and Cryosphere;
b. Physical properties of water.
2) Basic principles of environmental/geophysical fluid dynamics:
c. Divergence, gradient, curl;
d. Eulerian and Lagrangian approaches to fluids motion;
e. Mass conservation and continuity equation;
f. Viscous fluid in a rotating reference frame;
g. Scale analysis for atmosphere and oceans; geostrophic and hydrostatic approximation.;
h. Shallow Ice Approximation for the dynamics of ice caps;
i. Groundwater flow equations (fluid flow in porous media, Darcy's law, hydraulic head).
3) Energy balance and heat equation: conduction, convection, radiation, evapotranspiration. Atmosphere thermodynamics: pressure variation with height and air density. State equations for dry air and wet air correction. Hydrostatic and hypsometric equation. Application of the 1st principle of Thermodynamics to the Atmosphere; adiabatic transformation for dry and wet air.
4) Atmospheric circulation.
5) Ocean circulation:
a. Thermo-haline circulation;
b. Wind driven circulation (Eckman layer);
c. Main oceanic currents;
d. Main circulation features in the Mediterranean Sea;
e. Tides;
f. Waves.
Prerequisites for admission
Basic knowledge of mathematics and physics.
Teaching methods
The course consists of:
a) 4 CFU (32 hours) of frontal lessons to introduce the topics described in the syllabus;
b) 2 CFU (24 hours) of practical classes, where the students will deepens some of the topics presented during the lessons, by working in small groups on one of the following subjects: i) modeling of the physical processes introduced during the lessons; ii) collect and elaborate geophysical data-sets; iii) design of monitoring networks.
Attendance, although not mandatory, is strongly suggested.
a) 4 CFU (32 hours) of frontal lessons to introduce the topics described in the syllabus;
b) 2 CFU (24 hours) of practical classes, where the students will deepens some of the topics presented during the lessons, by working in small groups on one of the following subjects: i) modeling of the physical processes introduced during the lessons; ii) collect and elaborate geophysical data-sets; iii) design of monitoring networks.
Attendance, although not mandatory, is strongly suggested.
Teaching Resources
K. Cuffey & W.S.B. Paterson, 2010, The Physics of Glaciers - 4th Edition, Academic Press.
J. Bear, 1979. Hydraulics of groundwater, McGraw-Hill/Dover.
J. Pedlosky, 1987. Geophysical fluid dynamics 2nd edition, Springer.
G. de Marsily, 1986. Quantitative Hydrogeology - Groundwater hydrology for engineers, Academic Press.
G.L. Pickard & A.J. Emery, 1990. Descriptive physical oceanography, An introduction - 5th (SI) Enlarged Edition, Butterworth-Heynemann.
J.R. Holton, 2004. An introduction to dynamic meteorology 4th edition, Academic Press.
J.M. Wallace & P.V. Hobbs, 2006. Atmospheric Science - An introductory survey, - 2nd Edition, Academic Press.
J. Bear, 1979. Hydraulics of groundwater, McGraw-Hill/Dover.
J. Pedlosky, 1987. Geophysical fluid dynamics 2nd edition, Springer.
G. de Marsily, 1986. Quantitative Hydrogeology - Groundwater hydrology for engineers, Academic Press.
G.L. Pickard & A.J. Emery, 1990. Descriptive physical oceanography, An introduction - 5th (SI) Enlarged Edition, Butterworth-Heynemann.
J.R. Holton, 2004. An introduction to dynamic meteorology 4th edition, Academic Press.
J.M. Wallace & P.V. Hobbs, 2006. Atmospheric Science - An introductory survey, - 2nd Edition, Academic Press.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Expected learning outcomes will be verified through the evaluation of two written documents and an oral exam. More in detail:
a) Students will produce a technical report of their activities during the practical classes; the technical report can be presented by a single student or as a group report. Non-attending students are required to perform a modeling/data processing activity previously agreed with the teachers.
b) In addition to the aforementioned technical report, the students will produce a document containing a brief literature review, related to one or more scientific papers selected by the students among their topic of interest (related to the course) and previously approved by the teacher.
c) During the oral exam, the student will:
i. present the results and the content of the technical report and of the literature review mentioned in the previous points;
ii. be questioned about the topics discussed during the lessons.
The final assessment will be based on the following criteria: ability to present the topics in an appropriate and organic manner, also by using the proper specialist lexicon; strict application of the scientific method; critical reasoning; good command of the topics contained in the presented technical report and literature review.
The final score will be expressed in thirtieth.
a) Students will produce a technical report of their activities during the practical classes; the technical report can be presented by a single student or as a group report. Non-attending students are required to perform a modeling/data processing activity previously agreed with the teachers.
b) In addition to the aforementioned technical report, the students will produce a document containing a brief literature review, related to one or more scientific papers selected by the students among their topic of interest (related to the course) and previously approved by the teacher.
c) During the oral exam, the student will:
i. present the results and the content of the technical report and of the literature review mentioned in the previous points;
ii. be questioned about the topics discussed during the lessons.
The final assessment will be based on the following criteria: ability to present the topics in an appropriate and organic manner, also by using the proper specialist lexicon; strict application of the scientific method; critical reasoning; good command of the topics contained in the presented technical report and literature review.
The final score will be expressed in thirtieth.
Practicals: 24 hours
Lessons: 32 hours
Lessons: 32 hours
Comunian Alessandro, Davolio Silvio