A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
The goal of this course is to provide students with the basic knowledge to describe and understand the functioning of the soil and to characterize the soil properties, both for geopedological and interdisciplinary studies.
Expected learning outcomes
Knowledge of the soil description methods, of the main pedogenetic processes and of soil evolution factors. Comprehension of different soil classification criteria.
Lesson period: First semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course can be attended as a single course.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
1 - Soil as interface between biosphere, atmosphere and lithosphere: soil definitions; soil constituents.
2 - Pedologic profile and soli horizons: characteristics and nomenclature of different types of soil horizons; field soil profile description.
3 - Processes and factors of the pedogenesis: general soil evolution processes; fundamental pedogenetic processes; soil evolution factors and the Jenny's equation; time factor and paleosols.
4 - Soil classification: genetic classifications and Duchaufour's French ecological classification; hierarchic classifications and Soil Taxonomy; referential classifications, FAO-Unesco, IRB, WRB.
5 - Soils and environmental context: soils ans geomorphology; soil - landscape relationship; soil survey and soil mapping; land evaluation, land capability and land suitability.
2 - Pedologic profile and soli horizons: characteristics and nomenclature of different types of soil horizons; field soil profile description.
3 - Processes and factors of the pedogenesis: general soil evolution processes; fundamental pedogenetic processes; soil evolution factors and the Jenny's equation; time factor and paleosols.
4 - Soil classification: genetic classifications and Duchaufour's French ecological classification; hierarchic classifications and Soil Taxonomy; referential classifications, FAO-Unesco, IRB, WRB.
5 - Soils and environmental context: soils ans geomorphology; soil - landscape relationship; soil survey and soil mapping; land evaluation, land capability and land suitability.
Prerequisites for admission
To follow this course profitably, knowledge of the basic concepts of Earth sciences is recommended.
Teaching methods
Lectures - traditional dispensing.
Teaching Resources
Dazzi C. (2013). Fondamenti di pedologia. Le Penseur, Brienza (PZ).
Giordano A. (1999). Pedologia. UTET, Torino.
Casalicchio G. (2006). Geopedologia con elementi di geoarcheologia. Pitagora Editrice, Bologna.
Duchaufour P. (2001). Introdutction à la Science du Sol. Dunod.
Le Gros J.P. (2007). Les Grands Sols du Monde. Presses Universitaires Romandes.
Gobat S., Aragno P.O. & Mathey C. (2010). Le Sol Vivant.. Presses Universitaires Romandes.
Schaetlz R. & Anderson s. (2005). Soils: Genesis and Geomorphology. Cambridge University Press.
Giordano A. (1999). Pedologia. UTET, Torino.
Casalicchio G. (2006). Geopedologia con elementi di geoarcheologia. Pitagora Editrice, Bologna.
Duchaufour P. (2001). Introdutction à la Science du Sol. Dunod.
Le Gros J.P. (2007). Les Grands Sols du Monde. Presses Universitaires Romandes.
Gobat S., Aragno P.O. & Mathey C. (2010). Le Sol Vivant.. Presses Universitaires Romandes.
Schaetlz R. & Anderson s. (2005). Soils: Genesis and Geomorphology. Cambridge University Press.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam consists of an oral discussion that encompasses topics covered in the course, with questions relating to the knowledge of soil description methods, soil formation processes and factors, and soil classification criteria, at the end of which a mark expressed out of thirty will be recorded. Honors will be given when the level of preparation is more than excellent. The final evaluation will consider the acquired knowledge (60%) and the ability to organize and illustrate the arguments (30%) and the expository skills (10%).
Lessons: 48 hours
Trombino Luca
Trombino LucaEducational website(s)
On appointment
In my office, Via Mangiagalli 34, 2nd floor, room 77