Geology Quaternary

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course offers a basic knowledge scientifically updated on the climatic change, which occurred on the Earth during the last two millions of years (the Quaternary), involving methodological approach and facts. The anthropogenic and natural causes behind this change are highlighted. Applications in related scientific fields (Environment protection, Rescue Archaeology, geomorphologucal risk) are also discussed
Expected learning outcomes
The student will learn the climatic change occurred during Quaternary and will be aware to understand the present debate about the causes of the global warming and more in general about the role of human influence on natural processes. Furthermore he will be able to apply these skills to the research on natural and archaeological context
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
Introduction and fundamentals
General introduction and topic preview. The Quaternary as geological period of glacial-interglacial cycles. Methods of investigation: basic principles of geology and the proxy concept. Water cycle, delta O18, oceanic and glacial cores - the MIS. Milankovitch cycles, feedback concept, albedo, greenhouse effect, sunspots and cosmic rays

Geomorphology as a proxy
Processes and forms: Principles, processes/agents, structural geomorphology and volcanism; glaciers, glacial valleys, erratic boulders, gelivation; moraine amphitheatres, varved glaciolacustrine deposits, loess; rivers, conoids, terraces, base level concept, canyon formation; coastlines, cliffs, lagoons, isostatic/eustatic adjustments; genesis of caves and clastic deposits, karst, speleothems record; hot arid environments, concept of Biorhexistasy, soils.

Geopedology and Palaeopedology
Soil: definitions and constituents. Soil profiles and horizons and their characteristics. Pedogenetic processes. Factors of soil development. Soils and time. Paleosols: analytical methods, dating and case studies.

Late Quaternary and the Homo
High-resolution periods: the last glacial maximum, exit from MIS 2 and entry into the Holocene. Role of glacial-interglacial cycles in the migrations of the Homo. Holocene innovations: from scattered groups to settled communities, the Neolithic revolution, towards the modern era.
Prerequisites for admission
To follow this course profitably, knowledge of the basic concepts of Earth sciences is recommended.
Teaching methods
Lectures - traditional dispensing.
Teaching Resources
Anderson, Goudie & Parker (2013). Global Environments through the Quaternary: Exploring Environmental Change. 2°Edition, Oxford University Press.
Dramis & Ollier (2016). Genesi ed evoluzione del rilievo terrestre. Fondamenti di geomorfologia. Pitagora Editrice Bologna.
Ruddiman (2014). Earth's climate. Past and future.
Cremaschi M. (2000). Manuale di Geoarcheologia. Laterza.
Dazzi C. (2013). Fondamenti di Pedologia. Le Penseur.
Retallack G.J. (2001). Soils of the past: an introduction to paleopedology. Blackwell.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam consists of an oral discussion that encompasses topics covered in the course, with questions relating to the topics of the lectures, at the end of which a mark expressed out of thirty will be recorded. Honors will be given when the level of preparation is more than excellent. The final evaluation will consider the acquired knowledge (60%) and the ability to organize and illustrate the arguments (30%) and the expository skills (10%).
Lessons: 48 hours
On appointment
In my office, Via Mangiagalli 34, 2nd floor, room 77