General Psychology

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims to provide students with the basic notions of general psychology, introduce the neurocognitive approach to the study of the mind, as well as their applications in specific areas, with an interdisciplinary approach to neuroscience, social sciences and philosophical research, also for valid for training and updating teaching activities.
Expected learning outcomes
Knowledge and understanding: - To know the fundamental elements of psychological concepts and their historical evolution; - To develop knowledge and skills about research methodologies in psychology and how to use them in the field of cognitive studies; - To understand how the study of human mind evolved from an interdisciplinary point of view and develop critical awareness about the use of the concepts and methods of psychology for the understanding of human deeds and the relative ability to produce artifacts, texts and social networks. Ability to apply knowledge and understanding: - To use the knowledge of psychology to the treatment of scientific and philosophical problems; - To interpret the theoretical models and the empirical studies in the psychological field, putting them in relationship with their contexts; - To deal with concepts of different interdisciplinary nature; - To exploit the cognitive psychology and the research methods to support the processes of learning, teaching, understanding of texts, and the cognitive and emotional processes underlying social dynamics.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Course syllabus
Introduction to cognitive psychology, to the study of cognitive and emotional processes, and to the methodology of experimental psychology.
Within a general historical framework about the evolution of cognitive psychology, the main basic cognitive processes will be introduced. In particular, we will explore the themes of memory, attention, and perception, as well as the study of emotional correlatives and human experience, also in a neuropsychological perspective. The concept of mind and its study will be studied in depth both from a theoretical and an applicative perspective. The methodology of psychological research will be introduced through a bottom-up approach.
The main psychological methods and tools used in teaching and educational contexts will be introduced, with particular reference to cognitive and learning styles, the use of concept maps, and the strategies that can be used in case of learning difficulties. A great deal of space will be dedicated to the study of creativity and its application in teaching.
Prerequisites for admission
Teaching methods
Theoretical and practical lessons, class discussions, analysis of research works.
Teaching Resources
- Psicologia Generale III edizione di Gerrig, Zimbardo, Anolli Baldi. Ed Pearson (capp. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10)
Un libro a scelta tra:
- "Psicologia a scuola: un percorso pratico-teorico" a cura di Lucchiari C. (Seconda edizione), Ed. Libreriauniversitaria
- "A Scuola di Creatività" a cura di Lucchiari C. e Vanutelli M.E., Ed. Libreriauniversitaria".
Sulla piattaforma Ariel saranno riportate eventuali ulteriori letture e saranno caricati i materiali didattici.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The test will include multiple-choice questions and open-ended questions for each book included in the study program. The same examination procedure will be used for attending and non-attending students.
The final grade will be communicated by an email generated by the SEFA system.
The examination test will evaluate:
the achievement of the objectives in terms of knowledge and understanding;
the ability to apply the concepts and methods illustrated in various contexts;
the autonomy of judgment and critical thinking;
the mastery of the specific language of experimental psychology and the ability to present the arguments in a clear and orderly manner.
M-PSI/01 - GENERAL PSYCHOLOGY - University credits: 7
Lessons: 42 hours
Professor: Lucchiari Claudio
Due to a scientific meeting lessons and office hours are supended on February 18th 1025. Contact me by email ([email protected]) or Teams for information and appointments