General Pedagogy
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
1. Provide the basic elements of Pedagogical Sciences with special reference to the teaching/learning processes declined in the area of Earth Sciences and Biosciences in secondary school.
2. Historical background and current issues of the role and profession of the secondary school teacher, with particular reference to the teaching and communication of Biogeosciences.
2. Historical background and current issues of the role and profession of the secondary school teacher, with particular reference to the teaching and communication of Biogeosciences.
Expected learning outcomes
1.Understanding of the role of educational sciences, and in particular pedagogy, in the analysis and design of school contexts and educational action in the field of Earth Sciences and Biogeosciences.
2.Knowledge and understanding of the main issues related to the definition of the teacher's professional role and profile.
3.Ability to use the theoretical references and operational tools typical of scientific disciplines (observation, documentation) essential for understanding the characteristics of the school context, subjects and relationships related to the teaching-learning processes of Earth Sciences and Biosciences.
2.Knowledge and understanding of the main issues related to the definition of the teacher's professional role and profile.
3.Ability to use the theoretical references and operational tools typical of scientific disciplines (observation, documentation) essential for understanding the characteristics of the school context, subjects and relationships related to the teaching-learning processes of Earth Sciences and Biosciences.
Lesson period: First semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course can be attended as a single course.
Course syllabus and organization
non attivo (attivo nel 2025-26)
Lesson period
First semester
Lessons: 48 hours