General Pathology and Diagnostics

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
BIO/12 MED/04 MED/07 MED/36
Learning objectives
- To acquire the fundamental knowledge of the main methods of diagnostic imaging;
- To acquire the fundamental knowledge of the main methods of use of radiation and to know the current standards of radioprotection;
- To provide students with a general knowledge on the role, purpose, potential of Laboratory Medicine in health protection, disease prevention and monitoring, a general knowledge of the diagnostic pathways and a basics of knowledge to interpret the results of a laboratory examination
- To acquire the knowledge of the main functional aspects of the healthy
subject in developmental age;
- To know the fundamentals of the pathophysiology appropriate to different clinical situations, also in relation to diagnostic parameters;
- To know the causes of diseases in developmental age, as well as the fundamental pathogenetic and pathophysiological mechanisms;
- To know the relationship between microorganisms and host in human infections;
- To know the physiological defense mechanisms of the organism;
To acquire an adequate knowledge of technological and biotechnological development to be applied when taking care of subjects in developmental
Expected learning outcomes
Knowledge and understanding
- biomedical sciences for the understanding of physiological and pathological processes related to the health and illness of the newborn, child, adolescent;
In relation to subjects in developmental age, students will be able to:
a) describe the EU radiation protection standards;
b) relate pathogens with the physiological defense mechanisms in human infections;
c) recognize signs and symptoms of inflammatory diseases;
d) identify the causes and physio-pathogenetic mechanisms underlying the disease;
e) illustrate the specific diagnostic investigations for the various pathological conditions and interpret the results in relation to the reference parameters
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Prerequisites for admission
Being a first year exam, first semester, there are no specific prerequisites different from those required for access to the degree course.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The course includes lectures. The assessment of the learning is carried out by means of a written exam (multiple choice questions and open questions) and the final score is given by the mean reported in the 4 different disciplines.
Clinical biochemistry and molecular biology
Course syllabus
Clinical biochemistry: introductions, purposes and definitions
Laboratory tests
Blood and urine sample
Other types of biological sample
Concept of total variability; biological variability and influencing factors
Patient preparation
Pre-analytical variability: sampling, storage, transport and delivery
Acceptance criteria for biological sample
Analytical variability
Types of errors. Reliability of dosage method
Quality checks
Post-analytical variability: reporting
Reference values
Analytical goals and critical difference
Logic diagnostic: clinical sensitivity and specificity, predictive values
Deepening of some topics chosen by the teacher (the role of the laboratory in situations like heart attack, diabetes, liver disease, dyslipidemia )
Teaching methods
The course includes lectures.
Teaching Resources
· Gaw et al. Biochimica Clinica, Elsevier Masson, 2014, 3° edizione
· Elisabetta Albi,Tommaso Beccari, Samuela Cataldi Biochimica clinica essenziale. Dal laboratorio ai quadri di patologia clinica. Editore: Zanichelli, 2019, 1° edizione
· M. Ciaccio, G. Lippi Biochimica Clinica e Medicina di Laboratorio, Edises; 2017, 2° edizione
· G. Federici Medicina di laboratorio, Milano, Mc Graw Hill, 2014
· LW Janson, ME Tischler - Il quadro d'insieme- Biochimica Clinica. Ed. It. Mario Plebani, Piccin, 2015
Material provided by the teacher during lessons.
Experimental medicine and pathophysiology
Course syllabus
Disease concept: aetiology and pathogenesis
Cell pathology (necrosis and apoptosis)
Storage Disease (steatosis and amyloidosis)
Humoral and cellular immunology and immunopathology
Acute inflammation (margining and chemotaxis, phagocytosis, mediators of inflammation, systemic reactions)
Chronic inflammation
Wound healing
Pathogenetic and physiopathological causes and mechanisms of diseases: Diabetes, Anemias and red blood cell pathology, Pathology of blood coagulation
Benign and malignant tumors, oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes, metastasis
Teaching methods
The course includes lectures.
Teaching Resources
J.A.M. Maier. Patologia generale e fisiopatologia per le professioni sanitarie. Ed. McGrew Hill
G.M. Pontieri - Patologia generale e fisiopatologia generale per i corsi di laurea in professioni sanitarie. Ed. Piccin
Microbiology and clinical microbiology
Course syllabus
1. Ultrastructure and functions of the different components of the bacterial cell, chemical composition and structure of the cell wall of gram positive and gram negative bacteria, reproduction.
2. Criteria for the collection and transport of biological samples for microbiological diagnosis in the laboratory with particular reference to the anatomical site and developmental age - Direct and indirect diagnosis of infection
3. Main characteristics of pathogenicity and virulence of microorganisms
4. Mechanism of action of anti-infective drugs and main factors influencing the development of drug resistance
5. Bacterial agents responsible for relevant infections in children: Gram-positive cocci (Staphylococcus aureus, Coagulase negative staphylococci, Streptococcus pyogenes, Streptococcus agalactiae), Gram-negative cocci (Neisseria spp.), Enterobacteriaceae. Perinatal and neonatal transmitted bacterial infections during lactation.
6. General characteristics of viruses and elements of pathogenesis. Modes of replication of animal viruses - Persistent, slow, latent viral infection.
7. Main agents of congenital, perinatal and neonatal infections. TORCH complex and Retrovirus.
8. Infancy viral infections: Paramyxoviridae (Measles virus, Mumps virus, Respiratory syncytial virus), Orthomyxoviridae (Influenza virus), Hepatitis viruses. Mode of transplacental, perinatal and lactating transmission of viral pathogens.
9. Morphological, cultural and pathogenic characteristics of the main fungal agents with particular reference to the genera Candida, Cryptococcus and Aspergillus.
10. Notes on the main protozoa and helminths of human interest.
Teaching methods
The course includes lectures.
Teaching Resources
JK. Actor - Microbiologia, Elsevier, Milano
E. Lanciotti - Principi di Microbiologia Clinica, Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, Milano
PR Murray et al. - Microbiologia medic, Edra Masson
Diagnostic imaging and radiotherapy
Course syllabus
Basics of physics, principles of radiobiology
Radiation protection for operators
Diagnostic radiology: therapeutic indications and contraindications; radiation protection for patients
Nuclear medicine: therapeutic indications and contraindications; radiation protection for patients
Radiotherapy: therapeutic indications and contraindications; radiation protection for patients
Teaching methods
The course includes lectures.
Teaching Resources
Radiobiologia e Radioprotezione di Lentini, Biagini, Gavelli 1999. Consultabile gratuitamente su Google Book
Clinical biochemistry and molecular biology
Lessons: 15 hours
Diagnostic imaging and radiotherapy
MED/36 - IMAGING AND RADIOTHERAPY - University credits: 1
Lessons: 15 hours
Experimental medicine and pathophysiology
Lessons: 30 hours
Microbiology and clinical microbiology
Lessons: 15 hours