General Pathology

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The main objective of this course will be to study the pathological mechanisms beyond the systemic diseases paying special attention on etiology (cause of the disease) and pathogenesis (origin and development of a disease) of processes related to environmental-related diseases.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course students should:
· Describe the main molecular and cellular mechanisms at the base of human pathologies (cell damage, adaptation and death; acute and chronic inflammation).
· Describe the main molecular and cellular mechanisms at the base of the physiological functions of the immune system, both in health conditions and disease.
· Explain the main molecular and cellular alterations which induce the insurgence and manifestation of the following diseases: inflammatory (atherosclerosis, infections), genetic and autoimmune diseases, tumours, anaemia.
· Explain aetiology, symptoms and pathogenetic mechanisms of the main diseases connected to the environment (tumours, embryonal defects, respiratory tract and cutaneous diseases, diseases caused by chemical or physical agents).
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
General definitions: homeostasis, signs and symptoms of diseases, extrinsic and intrinsic causes of diseases.
Cellular and tissue responses to damage and stress
Cellular pathology: morphological and functional aspects of acute and chronic cellular damage.
Accumulation disorders: steatosis, glycogenosis, amyloidosis.
Cell death: necrosis, apoptosis.
Acute inflammation: vascular events and cellular events; soluble inflammation mediators; cells involved in inflammation (neutrophils, monocytes/macrophages, mastocytes); systemic inflammatory responses.
Resolution of the inflammatory process: characteristics of wound healing; scar formation and fibrosis; angiogenesis.
Chronic inflammation: definition, granuloma, tissue fibrosis.

Immunology and Immunopathology
Features of innate and acquired immunity. Cells involved in immune responses. Structure of the antigen recognition molecules: T Cell Receptor, B Cell Receptor; major histocompatibility complex molecules. Humoral immunity: B lymphocytes and antibodies (structure and functions). Cell-mediated immunity: helper and cytotoxic T cells, antigen presentation. Immunological tolerance. Autoimmunity and autoimmune diseases. Hypersensitivity reactions: definition and examples of Type I, II, III and IV hypersensitivities. Vaccines.

Nomenclature, classification, characteristics of benign and malignant tumors. Invasiveness and metastasis of benign and malignant tumors. Oncogenes and oncosuppressor genes. Carcinogenesis: genetic, chemical, physical and biological factors. Pathogens related tumors.

Pathology from environmental agents: malnutrition and obesity.


Pathophysiology of blood: anemias.

Pathophysiology of cardiovascular diseases: atherosclerosis and effect of pollution on the cardiovascular risk.

Pathophysiology of the respiratory system: asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, interstitial diseases, lung tumors.

Pathophysiology of liver: bilirubin metabolism and jaundice, hepatitis.

Pathophysiology of the kidney: diseases of the glomeruli, tubules and interstitium.

Pathophysiology of the endocrine system: diabetes mellitus
Prerequisites for admission
The course of General Pathology is scheduled in the first semester of the second year. It is mandatory to have passed the Physiology exam before the General Pathology test, as reported in the Manifesto degli Studi.
Teaching methods
The course consists of lectures given by the Professor of the Course. Power point presentations or short videos are usually used and are provided to students in the Ariel site of the course. Self Assessment Surveys will be proposed during the Course.
Teaching Resources
- All the slides will be available on Ariel platform
- Celotti, Patologia Generale e Fisiopatologia, II Edizione, Edises
- Robbins, Elementi di Patologia e Fisiopatologia, Edra 2024
Assessment methods and Criteria
Oral test to evaluate students' comprehension of the fundamental concepts of the course, their critical sense and specialized vocabulary. The evaluation of the exam is expressed in thirtieths.
Lessons: 48 hours
Professor: Macchi Chiara