General and Specialised Pediatrics (qualifying activity)

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims at providing students with general knowledge about:
i) preventative, diagnostic, therapeutic and rehabilitative aspects of health and disease in the neonate, the infant, the child, and the adolescent;
ii) ability to plan basic medical intervention of patients affected by the most common (with regard to frequency and risk) paediatric health issues;
iii) conditions that require the specialist's professional contribution.
Expected learning outcomes
Students will be able to:
i) approach the healthy and the sick neonate, child, and adolescent using the right methodology, with regard to the most common health issues of the paediatric age, taking into account family and social background;
ii) recognize the most common emergencies in children;
iii) implement the principles of prevention and care, typical of the developmental age;
iv) recognize the most common neuropsychiatric problems of the paediatric age.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Course syllabus
Qualifying activities include the following ETU:
1) know how to collect a childhood anamnesis;
2) have seen a general and neurological physical examination in developmental age
3) Know how to recognize first suspect symptoms of pathologies in developmental age
4) Know reasons and ways of growth and know how to set the growth defects in physiological and pathological scope
5) Know how to set the main diagnosis in childhood
6) have seen electroencephalographic video recordings of epileptic seizures and know the basic classifications
Prerequisites for admission
Notions of general medicine
Teaching methods
Course syllabus and attending modality will be presented during an initial meeting for both students and teacher.
ETU learning should be considered as a kind of committment between the student and the tutor: the student will be engaged in acquiring the knowhow defined by ETU, the tutor will ensure the quality and complete training on ETU.
ETU attending time will be established by the tutor taking into account the student's career and specific needs.
Teaching Resources
Manuale di Pediatria. La pratica clinica. A cura di GV Zuccotti Esculapio editore ED 2016
Assessment methods and Criteria
The learning of each ETU will be verified by the tutors.
The acquisition of the ETU is a mandatory prerequisite before undergoing the final examination and does not provide a mark in thirtieths, but has a qualifying function.
MED/38 - PAEDIATRICS - University credits: 2
Professional training: 50 hours
Gruppo 1
Professors: Pelizzo Gloria, Verduci Elvira
Gruppo 2
Professors: Canevini Maria Paola, Pelizzo Gloria
Monday 1 - 2 pm (e-mail )
San Paolo Hospital, Via A di Rudinì 8, 20142 - Milano