General and Environmental Physiology
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
This course aims at providing the basic knowledge of general and animal physiology, necessary to understand the functional properties of organs and systems.
Expected learning outcomes
Ability to:
- understand the relationship between structure and function;
- understand the function of the animal organs and systems;
- understand how animals maintain homeostasis.
- understand the relationship between structure and function;
- understand the function of the animal organs and systems;
- understand how animals maintain homeostasis.
Lesson period: Second semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course can be attended as a single course.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
The Animal Physiology Course will present diverse subjects. The central thread will be the use of the chemical energy produced by the organism from the food ingested and its continuous transformation. These mechanisms have consolidated dynamics and are instrumental for the living organism to surviving in a dynamic equilibrium. Transient conditions of instability are tolerated and often used by the living organism to perform different functions. However, chronic unbalanced conditions are often producing a situation that in other disciplines is called pathological state.
- The concept of biodiversity in Physiology
- Balanced and unbalanced conditions
- The separators: the cellular membrane functions
- The concept of Potential Enargy
- Chemical and electrical potential
- The transporters: passive and active transports, ionic channels and ionic pumps
- Water adsorption and food uptake in epithelia
- Gas exchange in respiratory epithelia
- The electrical membrane potential
- The communicators: cellular excitability, cell-to-cell communication from hormones to synapses
- The control function of the neuro system
- The transformers: Smooth, cardiac and skeletal muscle
- Peristalsis of the digest track and in the circulatory system
- Biomechanics of the striated muscle: isometric and isotonic contraction
- The walking mechanism of bipeds and quadrupeds
- The heart: pace maker mechanism and the control of heart beat
- The excretory system: renal clearance
- The nephron
- The sensory systems: the mechanism of vision, hearing, touch, taste and smell
- The concept of biodiversity in Physiology
- Balanced and unbalanced conditions
- The separators: the cellular membrane functions
- The concept of Potential Enargy
- Chemical and electrical potential
- The transporters: passive and active transports, ionic channels and ionic pumps
- Water adsorption and food uptake in epithelia
- Gas exchange in respiratory epithelia
- The electrical membrane potential
- The communicators: cellular excitability, cell-to-cell communication from hormones to synapses
- The control function of the neuro system
- The transformers: Smooth, cardiac and skeletal muscle
- Peristalsis of the digest track and in the circulatory system
- Biomechanics of the striated muscle: isometric and isotonic contraction
- The walking mechanism of bipeds and quadrupeds
- The heart: pace maker mechanism and the control of heart beat
- The excretory system: renal clearance
- The nephron
- The sensory systems: the mechanism of vision, hearing, touch, taste and smell
Prerequisites for admission
Mandatory prerequisites are not requested, however the students must have good knowledge of General Biology, Physic, Chemistry, Zoology and Comparative Anatomy.
Teaching methods
The course is organized in lectures. Students are seriously invited to follow all the lectures
Teaching Resources
Mechanisms in Cell Physiology. M. Mazzanti Cambridge Scholars
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam consists of a mandatory oral discussion which focuses on the topics covered during the course. The final evaluation will take into account the level of knowledge and understanding of the main concepts of general physiology as well as the ability to apply the knowledge acquired to understand the homeostasis mechanisms.
BIO/09 - PHYSIOLOGY - University credits: 8
Lessons: 64 hours
Mazzanti Michele
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