Fundamentals of Plant Biology and Yield

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
AGR/13 AGR/19
Learning objectives
The educational objective of the course is to provide students the knowledge of plant and animal biology which are
necessary for the understanding of the physiological, morphological and technological characteristics of food produts of plant and animal origin.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course the students will know: i) the structure, location and function of the different molecules present in plant and animal matrices; ii) the biological processes of seed and fruit development; iii) the main products of animal origin (milk and meat) from a nutritional point of view; iv) the factors that affect plant and animal production.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
Plant part:
Plants in the biosphere. Plant-derived products as a food. Energy metabolism: autotrophy and eterotrophy. Structure and function of biological molecules: carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, nucleic acids. The cell theory. Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. The components of the eukaryotic cell: cytoplasm, cell membranes, nucleus, mitochondria, ribosomes, microbodies, spherosomes, cytoskeleton. The plant cell. Plastids: genesis, structure and functions. The vacuole: genesis, structure and functions. The cell wall: genesis, structure and functions. Biochemical traits of the plant cells linked to the organoleptic properties of plant-derived foods. DNA replication and transcription. The genetic code. Translation and protein synthesis. Genes and chromosomes. Mitosis and cell division in plant cells. Meiosis and its evolutionary meaning. Life cycle of the Angiosperms. Flowers. Micro- and macrosporogenesis, micro- and macrogametogenesis. Pollination and fertilization. Seed and fruit development. Storage compounds in seeds: chemical composition, functions, localization and nutritional characteristics in the systematic groups of greatest importance as a food. A few aspects of seed anatomy and germination important in food processing. Different kinds of fruit of greatest importance as a food. Climacteric and non-climacteric fruits. Vascular plants: morpho-physiological adaptations linked to dry-land habitat. Meristems and differentiated tissues. Tissue systems. Tegumental tissues: epidermis and stomata; opening and closing of stomata; trichomes; root epidermis, exodermis, endodermis. Secondary tegumental tissues. Parenchyma, collenchyma and sclerenchyma. Vascular tissues: xylem and phloem. The plant body. Roots: primary and secondary structure. Storage roots. Roots used as foods. Stems: primary structure. Modified stems: bulbs, tubers, rhyzomes. Stems used as foods. Leaves: anatomy and functions. Leaf vegetables as foods.
Animal part:
Animal Biology: typical structures of the animal cell, basics of digestive system and digestion in monogastric and polygastric animal. Basics of lactation physiology.
Animal Nutrition. Feed for animal feeding: fodder and concentrates. Quality of animal products (milk fat and fiber, milk protein and energy, mycotoxins, BSE, organic food).
Milk production: Influence of genetic, animal feeding and environmental factors on the qualitative and quantitative production of milk and effect on derivatives (cheese making and DOP products). Dairy cattle breeds and genetic improvement. Breeding and rationing techniques for dairy cattle and effect on the quality of milk and dairy products. Legislation relating to milk production (Milk Quotas, payment of quality milk, milk legislation).
Meat production: Evaluation of animals at the slaughterhouse. Beef cattle breeds. Genetic, animal nutrition, environmental factors and qualitative and quantitative production of beef meat. Genetic type and breeding techniques and effects on the quality of meat and derivatives (cured meats and PDO products). Regulations concerning the production of meat and products.
Prerequisites for admission
Teaching methods
All modules are class lessons, with some exercises carried out in the classroom (viewing useful photographs and videos). All lessons are carried out in Italian language.
It is possible to visit the MyAriel sites dedicated to the two modules, both for the recovery of all the material shown in class, and for additional didactic and informative material, such as texts, photographs, videos exercises to do.

Plant Biology and Production -
Animal Biology and Production -
Teaching Resources
The teaching material shown in class will be available by the teachers, on MyAriel e-learning platform.

Plant and Animal Biology:
- P. H. Raven, G. B. Johnson, K.A. Mason, J.B. Losos, S.R. Singer. Elementi di Biologia e genetica, Piccin. ISBN: ISBN: 978-88-299-2950-4
- E. P. Solomon, C. E. Martin, D. W. Martin, L. R. Berg. Biologia. Edises. ISBN: 9788879599405
- D. Sadava, D. M. Hillis, H. Craig Heller, S. D. Hacker. Biologia, Zanichelli.
Plant production:
- G. Pasqua, G. Abbate, C. Forni: Botanica generale e diversità vegetale, Piccin. ISBN: 978-8829920600

Animal production:
- Produzioni animali (a cura di A. Sandrucci, E. Trevisi) Edises (2022) EAN: 9788836230754 - ISBN: 883623075X
- Il latte di qualità. Allevamento, alimentazione e mungitura delle bovine. (A. Giussani). Edagricole. ISBN: 978-8850651375
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam takes place in 2 parts (First and Second Test), in written mode, to be performed separately, lasting 1 hour each, in separate days and moments.
Both First and Second Test take place by 40 questions for Plant part and 40 questions for Animal part, as multiple choice.

Students with SLD or disability certifications are kindly requested to contact the teacher at least 15 days before the date of the exam session to agree on individual exam requirements. In the email please make sure to add in cc the competent offices: [email protected] (for students with SLD) o [email protected] (for students with disability).
AGR/13 - AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY - University credits: 5
AGR/19 - ANIMAL SCIENCE - University credits: 5
Practicals: 16 hours
Lessons: 72 hours
by appointment (send an email)
Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie e Ambientali (sezione Zootecnica) via Celoria 2 Milano