Fundamentals of General and Agricultural Chemistry

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
AGR/13 CHIM/03 CHIM/06
Learning objectives
The course offers to the students fundamental knowledge in the chemical language. The relationships between the structure of matter, its macroscopic properties and the transformations associated with it will be explored.
The concepts of general chemistry will be extended to soil chemistry, with the aim of providing in-depth knowledge of the characteristics of the soil and its main functions, both agronomic and environmental.
The biochemical and physiological processes that regulate soil-plant interaction and mineral nutrition will be covered. The course aims to prepare students to understand the processes related to fertilization techniques and to identify and resolve biochemical and physiological disorders resulting from nutritional deficiencies. Workshops for practical and applied training will be included.
Expected learning outcomes
Students will be able to understand General and Inorganic Chemistry, recognize the formulas of chemical compounds and their main chemical-physical properties as well as acid-base and redox behavior. They will acquire knowledge relating to the classification of organic compounds and the ability to understand the relationships between chemical formula, three-dimensional structure and chemical-physical properties of organic molecules. Furthermore, basic knowledge of general chemistry will allow students to understand the chemical, physical and biological aspects of soil in relation to the needs of plants. This will, at the same time, allow us to understand the biochemical and physiological processes that regulate mineral nutrition in the soil-plant system and concepts such as absorption, translocation and assimilation of nutrients. The skills acquired are aimed at providing skills aimed at maximizing the yields and quality of agricultural production, while simultaneously reducing the environmental impact of agricultural practices.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
For Inorganic and organic chemistry. Elements, compounds, mixtures. States of matter: solid, liquid and gas. Phase transitions. The mol. The atomic structure. The electronic configuration and the periodic table of elements. Molecules and ions. The chemical bonds. Simple, multiple and delocalized bonds. Electronegativity. Bonds and polarity of molecules. Chemical equations and reactions. The solutions. The concentration of solutions. Colloids. The stoichiometry. The chemical equilibrium. Acids, bases and salts: short account of nomenclature, definition and proprieties. Amphoteric substance. Hydrolisis. Electrolites. Acids and bases definitions and proprieties, pH, pOH, indicators and buffer solutions. Solubility and Kps. The redox reactions. Oxidation number.
The organic compounds: structure, isomerism, compact formula, functional group. Alkanes and alkenes in nature: terpenes (short account). Phenols: structure, proprieties, acidity and redox reactions. Antioxidants. Carbohydrates: mono-, di- and polysaccharides. Disaccharides and polysaccharides: proprieties and importance in biological system. Carboxylic acids: proprieties and reactions. pKa. Funcional derivatives of carboxilyc acids: acid halides, esters, amides, anhydrides, carbammates, uree. Amines: structure, proprieties, basicity. Natural nitrogen containing compounds (short account). Aminoacids and peptide bond, pI. Peptides and proteins.

Soil Chemistry: -Soil definition: the soil as an open system. -The main soil functions: productive function, protective function, naturalistic function. -The soil as a three-phase system: solid, liquid and gas phase. - -The soil physical properties: real and apparent texture, structure, density and porosity. - Organic matter: non-humic component and humic component, accumulation and consumption processes in relation to soil fertility. Role in soil fertility. - Soil chemical properties: adsorption and exchange -The soil / water ratios. - Soil / air relationships. Acid, saline, sodium, submerged soils. - Fertilizers, soil improvers and corrective agents.

For Agricultural Biochemistry and Plant Physiology: Mineral Nutrition: i) Understanding the key biochemical and physiological processes that regulate mineral nutrition in the soil-plant system, such as nutrient absorption, translocation, and assimilation; ii) knowledge of the primary symptoms of deficiency and the respective analytical techniques for assessing the plant's nutritional status; iii) skills aimed at maximizing agricultural yields and quality while simultaneously reducing the environmental impact of agricultural practices.
Prerequisites for admission
Basic chemistry and mathematics at the high school level.
Teaching methods
Lectures and laboratory practice
Teaching Resources
Inorganic and organic chemistry:Slides del corso (sul sito Myariel) ed i testi: A. Credi, A. Del Zotto, A. Gasparotto, F.Marchetti e D.Zuccaccia. Viaggio nella chimica (Edises).-A.Bassoli, G.Borgonovo, S.Mazzini, L.Scaglioni. Semi di Chimica Organica per le scienze agrarie e alimentari. (Edises).
Assessment methods and Criteria
The written exam consists of 31 multiple-choice questions. Each correct answer will be awarded 1 point, each incorrect answer will result in a deduction of -1 point, and 0 points will be given for no response. The exam is considered passed with 18 correct answers out of 31. The grade is expressed on a scale of thirty. The exam will last for 1 hour. A calculator may be used.

Students with SLD or disability certifications are kindly requested to contact the teacher at least 15 days before the date of the exam session to agree on individual exam requirements. In the email please make sure to add in cc the competent offices: [email protected] (for students with SLD) o [email protected] (for students with disability).
AGR/13 - AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY - University credits: 3
CHIM/06 - ORGANIC CHEMISTRY - University credits: 1
Practicals: 16 hours
Lessons: 40 hours
Every day by appointment via phone or email
Office (building 21090) at the "Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie e Ambientali - Produzione, Territorio, Agroenergia"
Tuesday from 15.30 to 17.30
DEFENS Celoria 2
appointment by e-mail
DiSAA - soil chemistry section - I Floor - office 1011