Fundamentals of Clinical Pnei and Use of Data
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
Expected learning outcomes
Lesson period: First semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course can be attended as a single course.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Course syllabus
Course Syllabus:
Thematic Area of Collection, Analysis, and Critical Interpretation of Data
Thematic Area of Chronic, Cardiovascular, and Metabolic Diseases Applied to PNEI
Thematic Area of PNEI in the Context of Tumor Pathologies:
1. Integrated Tumorigenesis: Mechanisms of cancer ontogenesis and associated risk factors.
2. Immunobiological Regulation of Cancer Genesis: Immune manipulations and the impact of the PNEI axis.
3. PNEI-Based Cancer Therapies: Evidence, state of the art, and the future of "integrated therapies."
4. Genetics and Epigenetics in Tumorigenesis: Regulation within the PNEI context.
Thematic Area of Collection, Analysis, and Critical Interpretation of Data
Thematic Area of Chronic, Cardiovascular, and Metabolic Diseases Applied to PNEI
Thematic Area of PNEI in the Context of Tumor Pathologies:
1. Integrated Tumorigenesis: Mechanisms of cancer ontogenesis and associated risk factors.
2. Immunobiological Regulation of Cancer Genesis: Immune manipulations and the impact of the PNEI axis.
3. PNEI-Based Cancer Therapies: Evidence, state of the art, and the future of "integrated therapies."
4. Genetics and Epigenetics in Tumorigenesis: Regulation within the PNEI context.
Prerequisites for admission
No specific prerequisite is required for the admission to this course.
Teaching methods
The instructors will employ a lecture-based format, with the opportunity to endorse thematic deep dives proposed by students, where applicable and agreed upon with the faculty. This may include discussions in small groups or a Journal Club-style session to discuss, analyze, and present findings from specific experiments or other relevant examinations and studies pertaining to PNEI in the context of chronic human diseases.
Teaching Resources
Students will have access to educational materials in the form of PowerPoint presentations, handouts, or other custom-produced materials made available by the instructors.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The assessment of learning will be conducted through a final written examination.
No intermediate tests are planned; however, pre-sessions (for exams) will be permitted where applicable.
The evaluation will be based on a final written examination, which will assess both the comprehension and application of the course content. Evaluation parameters will include the clarity of argumentation, the appropriateness and relevance of the presented material, the correctness of the responses, and the ability to engage critically with the topics discussed throughout the course.
The results of the written examination will be communicated on the same day as the examination.
No intermediate tests are planned; however, pre-sessions (for exams) will be permitted where applicable.
The evaluation will be based on a final written examination, which will assess both the comprehension and application of the course content. Evaluation parameters will include the clarity of argumentation, the appropriateness and relevance of the presented material, the correctness of the responses, and the ability to engage critically with the topics discussed throughout the course.
The results of the written examination will be communicated on the same day as the examination.
Lessons: 56 hours
Educational website(s)