Functional and Metabolic Evaluation of the Sport Horses

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
Expected learning outcomes
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus

Exercise Physiology and Athletic Performance:
- Energy and Metabolism (2 hours)
- Thermoregulation (1 hour)
- Respiratory System: Morphofunctional Adaptation to Exercise (2 hours)
- Cardiovascular System: Morphofunctional Adaptation to Exercise (2 hours)
- Skeletal Muscles: Morphofunctional Adaptation to Exercise (2 hours)
- Tendons, Ligaments, Bones, and Cartilage: Morphofunctional Adaptation to Exercise (2 hours)
- Conformation (2 hours)
- Biomechanics of Locomotion (1 hour)
- Tools for Locomotion Assessment: Accelerometry, GPS, Telemetry (2 hours)
Training Techniques and Metabolic and Functional Assessment:
- Training Regimens (2 hours)
- Training the Racehorse (2 hours)
- Training the Endurance Horse (2 hours)
- Training the Show Jumping and Eventing Horse (2 hours)
- Training the Dressage Horse (2 hours)
- Training the Western Riding Horse (2 hours)
- Assessment of Athletic Potential (2 hours)
- Exercise Testing (2 hours)
Rehabilitation and Physiotherapy Techniques:
- Pain and Behavior Assessment (2 hours)
- Manual Therapies (2 hours)
- Hydrotherapy (2 hours)
- Laser Therapy, Magnetotherapy, Tecar Therapy (2 hours)
Practical Sessions:
- Guided Visits to Training Centers in Different Equestrian Disciplines (16 hours)
Prerequisites for admission
The preliminary knowledge required to adequately approach the course includes having completed and ideally passed the courses in Biochemistry, Anatomy, Physiology, General Pathology, Equine Management, Genetics, and Equine Behavior and Welfare.
Teaching methods
The lectures will be held in the classroom with the use of slide presentations. Practical training will take place in stables, training centres, racetracks etc. with the help of experts for each field of interest.
Teaching Resources
D.R. Hodgson, K.H. McGowan, C.M. McKeever: The athletic horse, principles and practice of equine sports medicine. 2nd ed. Elsevier, St. Louis
- K. W. Hinchcliff, R.J. Geor, A.J. Kaneps: Equine exercise physiology. Saunders, Philadelphia
- C. McGowan, L. Goff, N. Stubbs: Animal physiotherapy. Blackwell publishing
- M. W. Bromiley: Equine injury, therapy and rehabilitation. 3 ed. Blackwell publishing
Assessment methods and Criteria
The learning will be continuously assessed during the course activities. At the end of the course, a slide presentation about an argument dealt during the Course chosen by the candidates will be carried out by students subdivided into small groups. The time available for each group of 4-5 people, will be about 30 minutes. The candidate evaluation will be based on: regular attendance to the course and practical training; ability to organize and explain the acquired knowledge; ability of speculative reasoning on the organized study; competence in using an appropriate specialistic speech, efficacy, linearity, etc. The final scoring, expressed in thirty-thousm, will be communicated at the end of the session presentations.
VET/08 - VETERINARY CLINICAL MEDICINE - University credits: 6
Practicals: 16 hours
Lessons: 40 hours
Professor: Ferrucci Francesco
Professor: Ferrucci Francesco
Professor: Ferrucci Francesco
to be arranged by phone or e-mail
Lodi Campus. Office n. T024