Freedom of Speech and Expression

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The aim of the course, consistent with the course of study, is to provide students with knowledge related to the right to information and communication, with particular reference to freedom of expression through some means of communication: radio, television, theater and cinema. The discipline of these means of communication there will be analyzed using a legal approach. This in order to allow students to have a mastery of the examined concepts, through the use of an adequate legal terminology and a methodological and logical-argumentative rigor. The course aims to provide students with knowledge to understand some aspects, even problematic, related to the discipline of specific means of expression of thought, as well as stimulate a comparison of opinions between students and between the students and the teacher - through seminars and group works and exposition of student's work in the classroom - related to the topics covered, thus developing their legal reasoning skills and also their analysis and criticism skills.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course students should have been developed: knowledge and understanding of the of issues related to some means of communication (radio, television, theater and cinema); acquire knowledge and understanding, also through a personal and critical evaluation, and a mastery of the topics examined, through the use of an adequate legal terminology and a methodological and logical-argumentative rigor. The final exam aims to verify the expected learning outcomes in respect to the capacity of understanding, knowledge, critical analysis of interpretations and theoretical perspectives introduced by the course.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Third trimester
Course syllabus
The course explores the specific issues related to information and communication law, with particular regard to freedom of expression through some mass media: radio, television, theater and cinema. The first module analyzes the discipline of radio and television. The second module focuses on the discipline of theater and cinema.
Prerequisites for admission
Preliminary knowledge is not required other than those provided for the preparatory courses.
Teaching methods
The course is divided into two modules. The first module is dedicated to examining the evolution of the radio and television discipline and the technological convergence process. The second module focuses on the discipline of theater and cinema. The teaching method is mainly based on lectures. However, during the course, students will be asked to carry out group works, to conduct research (bibliographic, legal sources and jurisprudence), on topics related to those covered by the course, and to present the results in the classroom. This in order to develop opportunities for collaborative interaction between students, and between the latter and the teacher, to enhance their critical and exposure skills.
Teaching Resources
Reference texts for attending and not attending students :
- first module: A. Papa, Il diritto dell'informazione e della comunicazione nell'era digitale, Giappichelli, latest edition chapter III (La libertà di manifestazione del pensiero) and V (Televisione e servizi media audiovisivi) or G. Avanzini, G. Matucci, L. Musselli (a cura di), Informazione e media nell'era digitale, Giuffrè, latest edition, part I, chapter 1 (La tutela costituzionale della libertà di comunicazione e di espressione), part II, chapter 2 (La disciplina dell'audiovisivo in Italia) and chapter 3 (Il servizio pubblico radiotelevisivo).
- second module: P. Caretti, A. Cardone, Diritto dell'informazione e della comunicazione nell'era della convergenza, il Mulino, latest edition, chapter VI (Teatro e cinema).
Additional materials will be available on Ariel platform.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Attending students will be given the opportunity to take 2 partial oral tests, which will be assigned a score out of thirty, aimed at verifyng not only the knowledge acquired in relation to specific parts, but also their relationship, argumentative and critical skills and the acquisition of skills in the explanation of the topics covered by the course. At the end of the course, the final exam mark - which must be recorded after the enrollment - via SIFA - of the students in an exam session among those set in the calendar - will be given by the mathematical average of themarks reported in the two partial tests. Also attending students will, however, be able to choose to take the exam in a single oral exam, with evaluation out of thirty,including all two modules, in an exam session among those set in the calendar, upon enrollment via the SIFA system.
The exam for non-attending students will consist of a single oral exam, which will be assigned a score out of thirty, including all two modules, to be taken in an exam session among those set in the calendar, upon registration through the SIFA system.
The exam will be aimed at verifying the knowledge of the topics covered by the course and the argumentative and critical skills of the students.
IUS/08 - CONSTITUTIONAL LAW - University credits: 6
Lessons: 40 hours
see website
see website