Food Sciences

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
AGR/15 MED/42 MED/50 VET/04
Learning objectives
The course aims to provide students with:
- knowledge necessary to understand food transformation processes, as well as skills related to quality control and product safety;
- knowledge related to health control of food of animal origin, hygiene applied to food production and techniques and interventions to be adopted for the protection of public health;
- knowledge on the relations between food and health with respect to biological, physical and chemical risks, on food contamination mechanisms, on the main conservation techniques, on hygiene problems inherent to collective catering;
- ability to appropriately use information and health and food education methodologies;
- knowledge of Italian and European legislation on food hygiene and safety.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to:
- know the fundamentals to understand food transformation processes and acquire skills in the field of quality control and food safety;
- identify the relationship between qualitative characteristics of a food product and the technological conditions adopted;
- know the rationale and the modalities related to the health control of food of animal origin, hygiene applied to food production, techniques and interventions to be adopted for the protection of public health;
- know the main contaminants (biological, chemical, physical) and the associated risks, the food contamination routes, the main conservation techniques, the hygiene issues inherent to collective catering to identify and implement prevention and control strategies;
- understand the relevance and methods of epidemiological surveillance and the dynamics of foodborne epidemics in the population;
- use information and health and food education methodologies;
- know the Italian and European legislation on food hygiene and safety.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Prerequisites for admission
Knowledge provided by the biomedical disciplines covered in the first year of the course, in particular in the microbiological, epidemiological-statistical and prevention fields.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam consists of an oral test on the subjects covered in the different teaching modules, starting with a topic chosen by the student. The purpose of the discussion is to verify the expected results and evaluate the student's ability to express clearly and adequately the knowledge acquired. The exam mark is expressed in thirtieths.
There are no intermediate tests.
Food science and technology
Course syllabus
Definition of food technology. Classification of food processes and description through flow-sheet and layout. Classification in storage and transformation processes. Detailed description of the technology of specific food products, i.e., cereals, milling products, pasta products, bakery products, oil products, milk and dairy products.
Teaching methods
The program will be carried out through lectures (7 credits) with the aid of didactic material (slide and/or video projections). All teaching materials will be available on the Ariel platform on the dedicated website.
Teaching Resources
Roggi C., Turconi G. Igiene degli alimenti e nutrizione umana. La sicurezza alimentare. EMSI, Roma
Galli Volonterio A. Microbiologia degli alimenti. Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, Milano
Daghetta A. Gli alimenti aspetti tecnologici e nutrizionali. ITEMS i temi della nutrizione. Istituto Danone
Ciappellano S. e AA Manuale della Ristorazione 2009 Ed. CEA Milano
Genci Goga B. e AA Ispezione e Controllo degli alimenti Le Point Veterinarie Italia 2018
Regolamenti Europei
Hygiene and public health
Course syllabus
Foodborne diseases: a growing public health problem worldwide. Aetiology and epidemiology: data sources, main food contaminants (biological, chemical, physical) and associated risks, food contamination routes, main conservation techniques and hygiene issues; transmission models: sporadic cases and epidemic outbreaks; prevention and control: epidemiological surveillance, training of food industry personnel, control systems.
Microbiological and epidemiological characteristics, prevention and control of infections caused by bacterial agents (eg Campylobacter jejuni, C. botulinum, E. coli (VTEC), L. monocytogenes, Salmonella spp) and viral agents (eg HAV, HEV, Norovirus).
Teaching methods
The program will be carried out through lectures (7 credits) with the aid of didactic material (slide and/or video projections). All teaching materials will be available on the Ariel platform on the dedicated website.
Teaching Resources
Roggi C., Turconi G. Igiene degli alimenti e nutrizione umana. La sicurezza alimentare. EMSI, Roma
Galli Volonterio A. Microbiologia degli alimenti. Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, Milano
Daghetta A. Gli alimenti aspetti tecnologici e nutrizionali. ITEMS i temi della nutrizione. Istituto Danone
Ciappellano S. e AA Manuale della Ristorazione 2009 Ed. CEA Milano
Genci Goga B. e AA Ispezione e Controllo degli alimenti Le Point Veterinarie Italia 2018
Regolamenti Europei
M. Pontello, F. Auxilia, A. Amendola, E. Tanzi, S. Castaldi, M. Raviglione, G. Cesana. Igiene, medicina preventiva e salute globale. Piccin-Nuova Libraria, 2022
Applied medical techniques
Course syllabus
1. Sources of European law and principles of food law: general objectives, risk analysis, precautionary principle, food at risk, food traceability, recall and withdrawal;
2. EC Reg. 852/04: general and specific requirements, HACCP, Communication 2022/C 355/01;
3. Consumer Health Protection and the Competent Authority: LEA of "Collective Prevention and Public Health," official control management system;
4. Microbiological criteria and Plant contaminants and toxins in food: heavy metals, PAHs, mycotoxins control techniques - EC Reg. 2073/05 and EU Reg. 2023/915;
5. Pesticide residues: control techniques-Annex I of EC Reg. 852/04, Legislative Decree 150/2012, EC Reg. 396/2005;
6. Food supplements: definition, labeling, notification, recognition, Legislative Decree 169/2004;
7. Moca: obligations of the economic operator and official control techniques EC Reg. 1935/2004, EC Reg. 2023/2006, Legislative Decree 29/2017.
Teaching methods
The program will be carried out through lectures (7 credits) with the aid of didactic material (slide and/or video projections). All teaching materials will be available on the Ariel platform on the dedicated website.
Teaching Resources
Roggi C., Turconi G. Igiene degli alimenti e nutrizione umana. La sicurezza alimentare. EMSI, Roma
Galli Volonterio A. Microbiologia degli alimenti. Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, Milano
Daghetta A. Gli alimenti aspetti tecnologici e nutrizionali. ITEMS i temi della nutrizione. Istituto Danone
Ciappellano S. e AA Manuale della Ristorazione 2009 Ed. CEA Milano
Genci Goga B. e AA Ispezione e Controllo degli alimenti Le Point Veterinarie Italia 2018
Regolamenti Europei
Pisanello D. Guida alla legislazione alimentare - 3 ed. - EPC Editore
Inspection of foods of animal origin
Course syllabus
1- Framework of food legislation
2- Food safety criteria
3- The criteria for the inspection of animal origin' foods
4- Microbiological criteria
5- Complex production systems: collective and commercial catering
6- Drinking water
7- Safety criteria in the recovery of food for charitable purposes
8- Food control at the sales stage
Teaching methods
The program will be carried out through lectures (7 credits) with the aid of didactic material (slide and/or video projections). All teaching materials will be available on the Ariel platform on the dedicated website.
Teaching Resources
Roggi C., Turconi G. Igiene degli alimenti e nutrizione umana. La sicurezza alimentare. EMSI, Roma
Galli Volonterio A. Microbiologia degli alimenti. Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, Milano
Daghetta A. Gli alimenti aspetti tecnologici e nutrizionali. ITEMS i temi della nutrizione. Istituto Danone
Ciappellano S. e AA Manuale della Ristorazione 2009 Ed. CEA Milano
Genci Goga B. e AA Ispezione e Controllo degli alimenti Le Point Veterinarie Italia 2018
Regolamenti Europei
Applied medical techniques
Lessons: 10 hours
Food science and technology
AGR/15 - FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY - University credits: 1
Lessons: 10 hours
Professor: Masotti Fabio
Professor: Masotti Fabio
Hygiene and public health
MED/42 - HYGIENE AND PUBLIC HEALTH - University credits: 2
Lessons: 20 hours
Professor: Gianfredi Vincenza
Professor: Gianfredi Vincenza
Inspection of foods of animal origin
Lessons: 30 hours
Professor: Balzaretti Claudia Maria
by appointment
Department of Biomedical Sciences for Health, Via Pascal, 36
By appointment
Sezione Scienze e Tecnologie Alimentari - DeFENS