Final Examination

A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
The learning objective is to provide students with methods and tools to apply the acquired knowledge and make decisions to effectively solve complex problems / situations in their field of study, collect and interpret data to formulate independent professional judgments, activate a effective communication on clinical, social, scientific or ethical issues relevant to one's profile and lear independently.
Expected learning outcomes
The student must be able to elaborate in terms of classification and speech therapy assessment, specific counseling and planning of an appropriate intervention project, explaining short, medium and long term objectives and related strategies aimed at achieving them in reference to clinical cases / paradigmatic situations of professional practice concerning the main pathological areas related to adulthood and developmental age. Furthermore, the student must be able to conduct an autonomous and methodologically rigorous learning process in the field of clinical and / or bibliographic design and research, which contributes to the completion of his / her professional and scientific training related to subjects closely related to the professional profile .
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Course syllabus
In the practical test, the competences required by the professional profile of the speech therapist are investigated.
Regarding the choice of topic for the elaboration and dissertation of the thesis, the candidate may refer to:
(a) didactic, internship and laboratory activities offered by the Course of Study in Speech Therapy, in which he/she had the opportunity to verify his/her knowledge and skills of disciplinary and methodological character;
b) clinical problems, topics and issues related to the field of speech therapy;
c) results of other research.
The choice of the thesis topic arises from a question (research question). The undergraduate student aims to answer this question through a rigorous research process from a methodological point of view, hypothesizing implications for clinical practice and possible further developments.
Prerequisites for admission
The student must have all the professional knowledge acquired by all the exams foreseen in the study plan. The student is admitted to the final exam after having successfully passed the examinations of all the training and internship activities provided for in the study plan, for a total of 173 CFU.
Teaching methods
a) Practical test
The practical test is aimed at assessing the achievement of the skills required by the professional profile of the speech therapist. This test consists of the presentation of cases/situations paradigmatic of professional practice concerning the main pathological areas related to adulthood and developmental age that the student must develop in terms of speech therapy assessment and evaluation, specific counseling and planning an appropriate intervention project, explaining short, medium and long term goals and strategies to achieve them. For each clinical case, there will be closed-ended and open-ended questions. For open-ended questions there is a specific grid of correction for the content that students must develop.
The written test can be integrated with an oral interview where the Commission, in agreement with the designated representatives of the Order TSRM PSTRP, deemed necessary.
During the test, the competition rules apply:
- the student must present himself/herself with a valid identity document;
- the test is anonymous;
- the Commissioners proceed to the recognition of students, noting the details of the identity document of each student;
- the Commission explains to the students the procedures and the rules of conduct;
- the time available is clearly indicated by the Commission.

b) Dissertation
The dissertation allows to ascertain the ability of the student to conduct an autonomous and methodologically rigorous learning. The purpose of the dissertation is to engage the student in design and research work, which will contribute to the completion of their professional and scientific training. The content of the thesis must be related to issues closely related to the professional profile. The choice of the thesis topic stems from a question (research question). The student aims to answer this question through a rigorous research process from a methodological point of view, hypothesizing implications for clinical practice and possible further developments.
The types of theses foreseen within the CdS are:
(a) compilative (or bibliographic) thesis: this means a thesis that aims to analyze the state of the art on a topic
through a narrative review of the literature;
b) experimental (or research) thesis: means a thesis that poses an experimental question, establishes the methodology to
answer the experimental question (sample size, outcome measures, statistical analysis), collects experimental data to answer the question, and experimental data to answer the question and critically analyzes them. In other words, it involves executing an experimental design experimental design detailed in all its aspects;
(c) argumentative thesis: means a thesis that asks an experimental question and establishes the methodology to answer the experimental question (sample size, outcome measures, statistical analysis), but does not collect experimental data to answer the question. In other words, it involves executing a detailed experimental design but not getting to the point of implementation.
Normally, the student will have the supervision of a faculty member of the CdS, called the Rapporteur, and possible Correlators, also external to the CdS. The dissertation takes place in the presence of the Commissioners. The time available to the graduate student is 10 minutes for presentation and discussion.

The evaluation of the thesis is based on specific criteria that concern the methodological rigor of the thesis evaluated blindly by three members of the committee (from 0 to 7 points), autonomy and commitment of the student in the thesis path evaluated by the Supervisor or Co-Rapporteur (from 0 to 2 points) and the dissertation of the thesis evaluated by the graduate committee (from 0 to 1 point).
The guidelines for writing the thesis, the operating instructions and the evaluation criteria are published on the Ariel platform as well as available on the website of the Department of Biomedical and Clinical Sciences "Luigi Sacco".

Final Examination Score
The definition of the graduation grade, expressed in one hundredth of a percent (110) with possible honors, is determined as follows:
- 100 points (equal to 90%) for the weighted average of the curriculum in the three-year period including internship examinations;
- 10 points (equal to 10%) for the final practical test;
- 0 to 10 points for the thesis.
Honors can be awarded to students who have acquired in their career at least one honors in the curricular exams, excluding internship exams.

At the conclusion of the thesis session there is the communication of the final grade and the proclamation.
Teaching Resources
The guidelines for writing the thesis, the operating instructions and the evaluation criteria are published on the Ariel platform as well as available on the website of the Department of Biomedical and Clinical Sciences
Assessment methods and Criteria
The final exam takes place at the times and in the ways prescribed by a specific decree of the Ministry of University and Scientific and Technological Research in agreement with the Ministry of Health, before a Commission composed of no less than 7 and no more than 11 members, at least 2 of whom are designated by the Order of Medical Radiology Health Technicians and Technical Health Professions, Rehabilitation and Prevention (Order TSRM PSTRP) identified according to current regulations. The dates of the meetings are communicated to the MIUR and to the Ministry of Labour, Health and Social Policies, which may send their own experts, as representatives, to individual sessions. The composition of the Commission cannot vary during the two graduation sessions. Normally, the two graduation sessions are defined at the national level: the first in October-November and the second in March-April.
The calendar of the practical test and the discussion of theses is published on the Ariel platform within the deadlines. Students must submit the graduation application and the final paper by the deadlines indicated by the Student Secretariat.

The final exam consists of:
a) a practical test during which the student must demonstrate that he has acquired the knowledge and skills
theoretical-practical and technical-operational specific to the specific professional profile;
b) the preparation of a thesis and its dissertation.

Failure to pass the practical test, does not allow admission to the oral discussion of the thesis.
- University credits: 7
Individual study and practice: 0 hours