Final Exam

A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
The learning objectives consist in the development of the ability to produce a thesis autonomously using the knowledge and skills developed during the master's degree course.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course the student will know the basics of the genetic and epigenetic processes that are involved in the modulation of cognitive processes and in their related disorders; they will also be provided with the basics of the main methods and technologies utilized in the neuromodulation and in neuroimaging. Students will also be able to critically review the scientific literature devoted to the areas of cognitive neuroscience and in particular to studies that investigate aspects related to genetics, epigenetics and pharmacogenetics.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Course syllabus
Prerequisites for admission
The student must have all the professional knowledge acquired by all the exams foreseen in the study plan. In particular, the student is admitted to the final exam after having successfully passed the examinations of all the training and stage or internship activities provided for in the study plan, for a total of 102 CFU.
Teaching methods
The types of thesis are:
a) compilation thesis (or bibliography), which aims to analyze the state of the art on a topic through a narrative review of the literature;
b) experimental (or research) thesis, which aims to perform a detailed experimental project in all its aspects (sample size, outcome measurements, statistical analysis);
c) argumentative thesis, which does not collect experimental data but nevertheless establishes the methodology (sample size, outcome measurements, statistical analysis) to respond to an experimental question.
In the preparation of the thesis the student will be supervised by a professor of the CdS, who will play the role of Promoter, and by an eventual Co-promoter, that can be part or not of the University of Milan.
The oral dissertation of the thesis is carried out in the presence of the jury, usually with a time limit not exceeding 15 minutes.
Evaluation of the final test:
According to the Teaching Regulations, the definition of the degree vote expressed in one hundred tenths (110) with possible Lode, is determined by:
- the weighted mean of the two-year curriculum
- 0 to 6 points for the compilation thesis or 0-8 points in case of experimental or argumentative thesis.
Teaching Resources
Assessment methods and Criteria
The final exam consists in the drafting of an elaborate and its dissertation. The thesis will be discussed in front of a jury composed by a minimum of five members.
Usually, the degree sessions are held in June - July (first session) and in December (second session). It is also possible to organize a third degree session in September-October.
Students who choose the curriculum in Italian will be able to carry out their thesis in both Italian and English, while those who choose the curriculum in English will have to carry out the thesis in English.
- University credits: 18
Individual study and practice: 0 hours