Farm Irrigation
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
To gain a depth knowledge of quantitative models and monitoring techniques to describe the dynamics of water flows in the soil-crop-atmosphere system, in order to evaluate irrigation needs and plan irrigation supplies in a rational way.
Acquire full awareness of the link between water use, agricultural production and energy consumption with a view to the sustainable use of natural resources.
Know the main planning tools for irrigation and remediation activities at the district scale. Know the infrastructural components of collective irrigation systems.
Know the company irrigation systems, with particular reference to high efficiency systems.
Know the different components of the company's irrigation systems and their maintenance and management. Understand and apply the criteria for choosing the irrigation method and the pressurized system in the different environmental conditions. Addressing the preliminary and hydraulic design of the company irrigation systems and the verification of their irrigation efficiency.
Acquire full awareness of the link between water use, agricultural production and energy consumption with a view to the sustainable use of natural resources.
Know the main planning tools for irrigation and remediation activities at the district scale. Know the infrastructural components of collective irrigation systems.
Know the company irrigation systems, with particular reference to high efficiency systems.
Know the different components of the company's irrigation systems and their maintenance and management. Understand and apply the criteria for choosing the irrigation method and the pressurized system in the different environmental conditions. Addressing the preliminary and hydraulic design of the company irrigation systems and the verification of their irrigation efficiency.
Expected learning outcomes
Ability to use and manage dynamic water balance models in the soil-culture-atmosphere system and to apply them for planning optimal irrigation interventions.
Ability to carry out the preliminary and hydraulic design of corporate irrigation systems, also using calculation tools and GIS / CAD.
Ability to refer to technical and scientific sources related to the irrigation sector and to use them to evaluate the technical and economic implications of design choices.
Ability to carry out the preliminary and hydraulic design of corporate irrigation systems, also using calculation tools and GIS / CAD.
Ability to refer to technical and scientific sources related to the irrigation sector and to use them to evaluate the technical and economic implications of design choices.
Lesson period: Second semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course can be attended as a single course.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
3 CFU (Frontal lessons) - The hydrological cycle and the fundamental hydrological processes such as rainfall, interception, evapotranspiration, infiltration and percolation. The irrigation systems (irrigation intake structures; supply and distribution networks; irrigation methods; drainage networks; irrigation service). Irrigation systems and food-water-energy nexus. Water in the soil and subsoil, laws governing water movements in the unsaturated and saturated zones. The unsaturated zone: water content and potential, retention and unsaturated hydraulic conductivity curves, pedo-transfer functions, law of continuity, Darcy's law and its extension to non-saturated porous media, Richards equation for the unsaturated porous media, modification of the Richards equation in case of vegetated soils, evapotranspiration and laws governing the process, energy balance in vegetated areas. The saturated zone: laws governing water movements in the saturated zone. Tools and techniques for the monitoring of hydrological variables. Agro-hydrological modeling at the field and farm scales. The process of model building, calibration and validation. Classification of agro-hydrological models and examples of models supporting the irrigation management.
1 CFU (Esercitazione in aula informatica) - Calcolo del fabbisogno idrico delle colture con il metodo del Quaderno FAO-56 e programmazione degli interventi irrigui; stima dell'andamento nel tempo della fornitura irrigua per l'irrigazione di un'azienda con più colture e suoli (8 ore). Simulazione dei processi agro-idrologici alla scala di appezzamento agrario con un modello basato sulla risoluzione dell'equazione di Richards e sua applicazione per la gestione irrigua ottimizzata di un appezzamento a mais.
1 CFU (Practicals in computer lab) - Calculation of crop water needs according to FAO-56 method for different crops and soils, assessment of the irrigation water need at the farm scale (8 hours). Use of a physically-based model (solving the Richards equation) for the simulation of hydrological processes at the field scale and its application for the irrigation management of a maize field (8 hours).
3 CFU (Frontal lessons) - Gravitational irrigation methods (surface, flooding, furrow). Pressurized irrigation methods and systems: sprinkler irrigation with static irrigators and irrigation machines. Pressurized irrigation methods and systems: micro-irrigation (drip irrigation and micro-sprinklers). Advantages and limitations of gravitational, sprinkler and micro-irrigation methods. Theoretical efficiency of irrigation methods and systems. Hydraulic and technological characteristics of irrigators (sprinklers) and micro-irrigators (drippers and micro-sprinklers). Uniformity of distribution. Main components of pressurized systems: pumping group, water quality and filters, pressure reducers, special components, automation components, fertigation systems. Fundamental concepts for the irrigation scheduling: evapotranspiration, hydrological balance in agricultural soils and crop irrigation requirements. Irrigation scheduling: how to determine the amount and frequency of irrigation events with the different irrigation methods. Preliminary design of pressurized irrigation systems. Hydraulic design of pressurized irrigation systems.
1 CFU (Practicals in computer lab) - Examples of calculation for the different steps of the preliminary and hydraulic design of irrigation systems (8 hours). Design of a drip irrigation system for a maize farm, with the support of a spreadsheet with the implementation of all the main calculation steps, and using a GIS software (8 hours).
3 CFU (Frontal lessons) - The hydrological cycle and the fundamental hydrological processes such as rainfall, interception, evapotranspiration, infiltration and percolation. The irrigation systems (irrigation intake structures; supply and distribution networks; irrigation methods; drainage networks; irrigation service). Irrigation systems and food-water-energy nexus. Water in the soil and subsoil, laws governing water movements in the unsaturated and saturated zones. The unsaturated zone: water content and potential, retention and unsaturated hydraulic conductivity curves, pedo-transfer functions, law of continuity, Darcy's law and its extension to non-saturated porous media, Richards equation for the unsaturated porous media, modification of the Richards equation in case of vegetated soils, evapotranspiration and laws governing the process, energy balance in vegetated areas. The saturated zone: laws governing water movements in the saturated zone. Tools and techniques for the monitoring of hydrological variables. Agro-hydrological modeling at the field and farm scales. The process of model building, calibration and validation. Classification of agro-hydrological models and examples of models supporting the irrigation management.
1 CFU (Esercitazione in aula informatica) - Calcolo del fabbisogno idrico delle colture con il metodo del Quaderno FAO-56 e programmazione degli interventi irrigui; stima dell'andamento nel tempo della fornitura irrigua per l'irrigazione di un'azienda con più colture e suoli (8 ore). Simulazione dei processi agro-idrologici alla scala di appezzamento agrario con un modello basato sulla risoluzione dell'equazione di Richards e sua applicazione per la gestione irrigua ottimizzata di un appezzamento a mais.
1 CFU (Practicals in computer lab) - Calculation of crop water needs according to FAO-56 method for different crops and soils, assessment of the irrigation water need at the farm scale (8 hours). Use of a physically-based model (solving the Richards equation) for the simulation of hydrological processes at the field scale and its application for the irrigation management of a maize field (8 hours).
3 CFU (Frontal lessons) - Gravitational irrigation methods (surface, flooding, furrow). Pressurized irrigation methods and systems: sprinkler irrigation with static irrigators and irrigation machines. Pressurized irrigation methods and systems: micro-irrigation (drip irrigation and micro-sprinklers). Advantages and limitations of gravitational, sprinkler and micro-irrigation methods. Theoretical efficiency of irrigation methods and systems. Hydraulic and technological characteristics of irrigators (sprinklers) and micro-irrigators (drippers and micro-sprinklers). Uniformity of distribution. Main components of pressurized systems: pumping group, water quality and filters, pressure reducers, special components, automation components, fertigation systems. Fundamental concepts for the irrigation scheduling: evapotranspiration, hydrological balance in agricultural soils and crop irrigation requirements. Irrigation scheduling: how to determine the amount and frequency of irrigation events with the different irrigation methods. Preliminary design of pressurized irrigation systems. Hydraulic design of pressurized irrigation systems.
1 CFU (Practicals in computer lab) - Examples of calculation for the different steps of the preliminary and hydraulic design of irrigation systems (8 hours). Design of a drip irrigation system for a maize farm, with the support of a spreadsheet with the implementation of all the main calculation steps, and using a GIS software (8 hours).
Prerequisites for admission
In order to successfully follow the course, students should meet the following requirements: (a) good basis of hydraulics; (b) good familiarity with personal computers (Windows environment, word processing and spreadsheets).
Teaching methods
Both UDs are articulated into 3 CFU of frontal lectures (24 hours) and 1 CFU of practicals in computer lab (16 hours). During the computer classroom training hours, the following software will be mainly used: Excel (spreadsheets with the implementation of calculation procedures), QGIS, agro-hydrological models of different complexity. The attendance at lectures and practicals is strongly recommended. Missed lessons can be substituted by self-study using the reference material indicated by the course lecturer.
Teaching Resources
The material for UD1 and UD2 is available on the ARIEL sites, and consists of the slides shown during the lectures and of supplementary material, such as reference to book chapters, text of laws, scientific and technical papers and documents, websites.
Many of the contents of UD1 are covered in the text: ELEMENTI DI IDRAULICA E IDROLOGIA PER LE SCIENZE AGRARIE ED AMBIENTALI. Vito Ferro. Mc Graw Hill, Ferro V., 2006.
The reference text book for UD2 is: PROGETTAZIONE E GESTIONE DEGLI IMPIANTI DI IRRIGAZIONE - Criteri di impiego e valorizzazione delle acque per uso irriguo. Antonina Capra e Baldassarre Scicolone. Edagricole Editore, 2016.
Many of the contents of UD1 are covered in the text: ELEMENTI DI IDRAULICA E IDROLOGIA PER LE SCIENZE AGRARIE ED AMBIENTALI. Vito Ferro. Mc Graw Hill, Ferro V., 2006.
The reference text book for UD2 is: PROGETTAZIONE E GESTIONE DEGLI IMPIANTI DI IRRIGAZIONE - Criteri di impiego e valorizzazione delle acque per uso irriguo. Antonina Capra e Baldassarre Scicolone. Edagricole Editore, 2016.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam consists of a short, written test (15 min) with multiple choice questions, the passing of which gives access to the oral exam. The latter mainly focuses on the discussion of a report on the tasks assigned during the practicals in the computer lab; the report must be drawn up individually or in pairs and delivered within the deadline for registering for the exam. The final evaluation will be the sum of the evaluations of the written test (max 5 points), the report (max 10 points) and the oral exam (max 15 points). The outcome of the written test, that will be communicated short after its conclusion, is valid only for the appeal in which it is taken.
The partial exam related to UD1 may also be taken during the week of the teaching break (midterm test).
The exam consists of a written test and an oral test. It is precisely articulated as follows: (a) written test with 2 exercises to choose from 3 assigned (2 hours); (b) written report of the practical exercise carried out in the computer lab (project of the drip irrigation system), to be submitted by the exam registration date; (c) if the student has passed the written exam, oral test aimed at discussing the two previous points and at exposing the theoretical parts of the course not covered by the written test or the report. The three issues will constitute respectively 1/3, 1/3, 1/3 of the final grade. The result of the written test will be communicated to the students by uploading on the ARIEL website of the course a document containing the candidates' matric numbers and the exam results.
Consultation of supporting materials (slides, notes, textbooks, etc.) will not be allowed during the written test. During the oral exams the student will be allowed to consult both written reports and the selected scientific article.
The following aspects will be assessed during the exam for both UD1 and UD2: acquired knowledge, level of understanding, reasoning and connection skills, communication skills using appropriate sector terminology, ability to organize a detailed and effective technical document.
The final grade (UD1 + UD2) will be computed as the average of those obtained for the single UDs.
Students with SLD or disability certifications are kindly requested to contact the teacher at least 15 days before the date of the exam session to agree on individual exam requirements. In the email please make sure to add in cc the competent offices: [email protected] (for students with SLD) o [email protected] (for students with disability).
The exam consists of a short, written test (15 min) with multiple choice questions, the passing of which gives access to the oral exam. The latter mainly focuses on the discussion of a report on the tasks assigned during the practicals in the computer lab; the report must be drawn up individually or in pairs and delivered within the deadline for registering for the exam. The final evaluation will be the sum of the evaluations of the written test (max 5 points), the report (max 10 points) and the oral exam (max 15 points). The outcome of the written test, that will be communicated short after its conclusion, is valid only for the appeal in which it is taken.
The partial exam related to UD1 may also be taken during the week of the teaching break (midterm test).
The exam consists of a written test and an oral test. It is precisely articulated as follows: (a) written test with 2 exercises to choose from 3 assigned (2 hours); (b) written report of the practical exercise carried out in the computer lab (project of the drip irrigation system), to be submitted by the exam registration date; (c) if the student has passed the written exam, oral test aimed at discussing the two previous points and at exposing the theoretical parts of the course not covered by the written test or the report. The three issues will constitute respectively 1/3, 1/3, 1/3 of the final grade. The result of the written test will be communicated to the students by uploading on the ARIEL website of the course a document containing the candidates' matric numbers and the exam results.
Consultation of supporting materials (slides, notes, textbooks, etc.) will not be allowed during the written test. During the oral exams the student will be allowed to consult both written reports and the selected scientific article.
The following aspects will be assessed during the exam for both UD1 and UD2: acquired knowledge, level of understanding, reasoning and connection skills, communication skills using appropriate sector terminology, ability to organize a detailed and effective technical document.
The final grade (UD1 + UD2) will be computed as the average of those obtained for the single UDs.
Students with SLD or disability certifications are kindly requested to contact the teacher at least 15 days before the date of the exam session to agree on individual exam requirements. In the email please make sure to add in cc the competent offices: [email protected] (for students with SLD) o [email protected] (for students with disability).
Computer room practicals: 32 hours
Lessons: 48 hours
Lessons: 48 hours
Deangelis Maria Laura, Masseroni Daniele
Educational website(s)