Farm Animal Infectious and Parasitic Diseases and Herd Health Management

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
VET/05 VET/06
Learning objectives
Provide the information necessary to understand the most important infectious and parasitic diseases of domestic animals (cattle, sheep, goat, pig, avian and rabbit species), in an epidemiological, diagnostic and preventive perspective. The diseases are considered in the pathogen-host-environment relationship, taking into account the connotations of maintenance and diffusion in farmed animal species.
Expected learning outcomes
Knowledge and understanding
At the end of the course, the student must have acquired the theoretical and practical knowledge necessary to organize an epidemiological and diagnostic analysis path and to manage the organization of the control and prevention of infectious and parasitic diseases in the farmed species treated in the course.
Appling knowledge and understanding
The student, through the theoretical and practical knowledge acquired during the course must be able to formulate a suspicion of infectious or parasitic disease through the necessary epidemiological assessments, to propose the most suitable diagnostic path to identify the problem and to propose the most appropriate measures of prevention, control and therapy.
Making judgments At the end of the course, the student must be able to identify the direct and indirect risk factors linked to the appearance of an infectious or parasitic disease and suggest the most appropriate solutions, in compliance with current legislation.
The student will have to be able to expose what he has learned in a simple and clear way using a correct and appropriate terminology, in relation to the different operational areas.
Life long learning skills
The student will have to demonstrate the ability to continue, during his professional life, the study of the topics covered by the course in function of the new epidemiological situations that may arise, thanks to the mastery of the concepts and tools of critical analysis provided by teachings of the various modules.
All the skills acquired will be implemented during the practical activities carried out in the various modules and tested in the final exam.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
More specific information on the delivery modes of training activities for a.y. 2023-24 will be provided even if actually we don't have this problem but based on the evolution of the public health situation we will provide more info.
Prerequisites for admission
The student must have respected the prerequisites required by the regulations of the degree course in veterinary medicine. Specifically, the exams of: Veterinary general pathology and clinical biochemistry and Animal husbandry.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The student will have to take a written exam and a short interview/practical test for each didactic module. The start and end dates of examination periods are shown on the academic calendar.
Swine Infectious Diseases
Course syllabus
Sow reproductive syndrome (2 hours)
Opportunistic bacteriosis in intensive pig farming (1 hour)
Multifactorial syndromes of growing and fattening phases (2 hours)
Swine Infectious diseases subjected to eradication and control (3 hours)
Practical activity:
Health management of intensive pig farming (4 hours)
Biosecurity and Classyfarm checklist (4 hours)
Case studies (8 hours)
Teaching methods
The course of Swine Infectious Diseases aims to provide the basic knowledge on infectious diseases most widespread in intensive pig farming. The interactions among host-agent--environment according to the epidemiological model of multifactorial syndromes are considered. The basic knowledge of the most important infectious diseases subjected to eradication and control programs on national and international level is also provided.
Teaching Resources
Presentations and supplementary material available on the dedicated ARIEL platform.
Bovine Infectious Diseases
Course syllabus
Cattle Infectious diseases subjected to eradication and control (2 hours)
Bovine reproductive and respiratory Infectious diseases (2 hours)
Mastitis (2 hours)
Polyfactorial syndromes in intensive cattle herds (2 hours)
Practical activity:
Practical workshops and case studies on disease diagnosis and management in the field (14 hours)
Technical visits to cattle farms (2 hours for a total of 20 groups)
Teaching methods
The Course of Bovine Infectious Diseases aims to provide basic knowledge on infectious diseases that are most widespread in intensive cattle herds, with particular regard to multifactorial syndromes with a high economic impact. The topics are treated in their epidemiological, diagnostic, and preventive aspects, illustrating the fundamental principles of herd health management.
Teaching Resources
Presentations and supplementary material are available on the dedicated ARIEL platform
Infectious Diseases of Sheep and Goats
Course syllabus
Infectious diseases of sheep and goats subjected to eradication and control (3 hours)
Lentiviroses (1 hour)
Reproductive and respiratory Infectious diseases (2 hours)
Enteric infections and mastitis (2 hours)
Teaching methods
The Course of Infectious Diseases of Sheep and Goats aims to provide the basic knowledge on infectious diseases most widespread in small ruminant farms. The topics are treated in their epidemiological, diagnostic and preventive aspects, illustrating the fundamental principles of the health management of the farm.
Teaching Resources
Presentations and supplementary material available on the dedicated ARIEL platform
Avian and Rabbit Pathology
Course syllabus
Room lectures:
. Introduction to the course and the role of the avian pathologist - 1 hour
. Avian flu - 1 hour
. Marek's disease - 1 hour
. Avian laryngotracheitis - Fowl Pox infections - 2 hours
. Newcastle disease - infectious bronchitis - 2 hours
. Gumboro disease - Infectious Anemia - 1 hour
. Adenovirus Infections - Avian Encephalomyelitis - 1 hour
Colibacillosis - Salmonellosis - 2 hours
· Mycoplasma infection - TBC - 2 hours
Enteritis from Clostridia, Cholera Aviare - 1 hour
Viral hemorrhagic disease, myxomatosis and other rabbit diseases - 2 hours
Practical exercises of anatomy and pathology of avian species (pultry and wild species)- 4 hours
Practical exercises of anatomy and pathology of the rabbit - 4 hours
Practical exercises necropsy and diagnostic conducted of the poultry species - 4 hours
Practical exercises necropsy and diagnostic conducted of the wild birds - 4 hours
Teaching methods
The course aims to provide students with the basic knowledge on the main diseases of poultry and rabbit. Each disease is described the etiological, epidemiological, clinical, anatomopathological, diagnostic, therapy and prophylaxis aspects, as well as the economic impact in the context of national production and any references to existing health legislation, both national and European.
Teaching Resources
Teacher slides presentations made available on the dedicated ARIEL platform. (
Farm animals parasitology and parasitic diseases
Course syllabus
Protozoan infections of the gastrointestinal tract of ruminants (2 hours)
Gastrointestinal nematode infections of ruminants (2 hours)
Bronchopulmonary nematode infection of ruminants (1 hour)
Plathelminths infections of ruminants (1 hour)
Infections by tissutal protozoa in ruminants (2 hours)
Ectoparasitic infestations and myiasis in ruminants (2 hours)
Swine parasitic diseases: endo and ectoparasitic diseases (2 hours)
Control and therapy of parasitic diseases of ruminants (2 hours)
Control and therapy of swine parasitic diseases (2 hours)

Practical activity:
The practics consist in analyzing biological material (feces, blood, scarified) taken from ruminants, and pig by applying basic parasitological techniques (copromicroscopic tests, serological tests). The goal is to introduce the student to the techniques for diagnosing parasitic diseases of animals, to the correct medical reporting and choice of the antiparasitic drug (16 hours)
Teaching methods
The Course aims to provide basic knowledge on parasitic diseases that are most widespread in cattle and pig farming. Parasitic agents, pathology, epidemiology, diagnosis, control and therapy for each disease will be treated.
Teaching Resources
Taylor M.A., Coop R.L., Wall R.L. (2010, Edizione Italiana): Parassitologia e Malattie Parassitarie degli Animali. EMSI pp. 989
Garippa G., Manfredi M.T., eds (2011). Guida alla diagnosi e terapia delle Malattie Parassitarie degli Animali. Prima Edizione Italiana di Veterinary Parasitology di Foreyt J.W., EMSI Roma pp 276.
Teacher presentations and supplementary material available on the dedicated ARIEL platform (
Avian and Rabbit Pathology
Practicals: 16 hours
Lessons: 16 hours
Professor: Grilli Guido
1- 8 turni da 2 ore per gruppi di studenit
Professor: Grilli Guido
2- 4 turni da 2 ore per gruppi di studenti
Professor: Grilli Guido
Professor: Grilli Guido
Turno unico per tutti gli studenti
Professor: Grilli Guido
Bovine Infectious Diseases
Practicals: 16 hours
Lessons: 8 hours
1- 18 turni da 2 ore per gruppi di studenti
Professor: Moroni Paolo
2- 4 turni da 2 ore per gruppi di studenti
Professor: Moroni Paolo
Professor: Pilla Rachel Karine
Turno unico per tutti gli studenti
Professor: Moroni Paolo
Farm animals parasitology and parasitic diseases
Practicals: 16 hours
Lessons: 16 hours
1 - 4 turni da 4 ore per gruppi di studenti
Professors: Manfredi Maria Teresa, Villa Luca
2 .- 4 turni da 6 ore per gruppi di studenti
Professor: Villa Luca
Professor: Manfredi Maria Teresa
Turno unico per tutti gli studenti
Professor: Manfredi Maria Teresa
Infectious Diseases of Sheep and Goats
Lessons: 8 hours
Professor: Pilla Rachel Karine
Swine Infectious Diseases
Practicals: 16 hours
Lessons: 8 hours
Professor: Luzzago Camilla
Professor: Luzzago Camilla
Professor: Luzzago Camilla