Eu Administrative Law

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course focuses on the analysis of the system of a supranational European "community of administrative law". After an introductory general part, dedicated to the deepening of institutional mechanisms, administrative functions and the peculiarities of public action in Europe, the course includes the discussion of specific topics whose practical relevance, also in the context of national administrative law, allows to appreciate the extremely topical and primary importance of the European system, according to an administrative law perspective.
Expected learning outcomes
at the end of the course, the student who has successfully learned the subject will have a thorough knowledge of the topics of the course, with the acquisition of a method of reasoning suitable for dealing with more specific and complex legal issues than the institutional notions of the area.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
The course will focus especially on the following topics:
· The building of the EU administrative system
· Sources of EU administrative law
· The concept of public administration between national law and EU law
· The administrative organization of the European Union
· Direct and indirect EU administration
· Shared EU administration and its specific issues: analysis of case studies in relation to various areas
· National administrative procedure under the influence of European Union law
· The right to good administration
· EU law and procedural autonomy of EU Member States
Prerequisites for admission
It is necessary to have previously taken the exam: Administrative Law
Teaching methods
Lectures with discussion, group-work and individual work.
Teaching Resources
1) S. Battini, E. Chiti, D.U. Galetta, B.G. Mattarella, C. Franchini, G. della Cananea, M. P. Chiti (Ed. M.P. Chiti), Diritto amministrativo europeo, Giuffrè, Milan, 2018
2) D.U. Galetta (Ed.), Diritto amministrativo europeo: argomenti e materiali, Giappichelli, Torino, edizione 2020
Assessment methods and Criteria
The final exam will take place in the form of an oral examination which aims at assessing the knowledge and understanding of the subject, as well as the ability to communicate. In addition to knowledge of the basics of the subject, the ability to address and critically resolve legal issues through the reworking of acquired knowledge will be assessed. It will also be required to demonstrate an autonomous understanding in the field of study, in particular through the analysis of legal texts and case-law that must be read and commented on during the oral examination.
IUS/10 - ADMINISTRATIVE LAW - University credits: 6
Lessons: 42 hours
Professor: Galetta Diana Urania
To meet the Professor please write an e-mail to: [email protected]
Sabbatical leave from October 1, 2023 to September 30, 2024 in relation to the "Internationale Gastprofessur" won at the University of Heidelberg (Germany) in the context of the "Exzellenzinitiative 2022-2023".