
A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The aim of the course is to provide the basic knowledge on medicinal plants of ethnobotanical interest, with special regard to the Italian territory. The survey methodologies and the use of dedicated indices will be presented, with reference to case-studies.
The addressed topics will be those of the biocultural value of ethnobotany, of the methodological aspects of ethnobotanical research, with particular emphasis to the traditions of the Italian territory. The theme of ethnobotany as a tool to promote the environmental education, as a territorial resource to enhance the touristic value of the territory will be also addressed. The course will also include practical experience.
Expected learning outcomes
The participation to the frontal lessons will allow the student to acquire theoretical and basic knowledge for facing up ethnobotanical studies. In detail, the student will be able to:
- to know the ethnobotanical use of the main medicinal species, with particular attention to the Italian territory;
- to know the methodologies of ethnobotanical investigation;
- to understand the value of the plant heritage as a resource for the preservation of biocultural diversity and for the enhancement of the touristic development of the territory.
The verification of the ability to apply the knowledge learned during the course will be carried out by evaluating the results obtained in the practical experience proposed at the end of the course which includes the methodological approach and critical analysis of the data obtained, in relation to the topics specified in the educational objectives.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
The program includes the presentation and discussion of the following topics:
-Introduction to ethnobotany.
-Ethnobotanical research: sources and methodologies, archiving and processing of primary data.
-Knowledge of the traditions of use and enhancement of wild and cultivated plants, with special focus on species of medicinal, veterinary, food and cosmetic interest.
-Plants of therapeutic interest and content in active compounds.
-Ethnobotany and sustainable development.
-Case studies of ethnobotanical researches in variuos geographical and cultural contexts.
Prerequisites for admission
Basic knowledge of general and systematic botany is required to address the content of the course.
Teaching methods
The teaching consists of lectures and exercises that will be agreed upon during the course. Attending lectures and exercises is strongly recommended.
Teaching Resources
There is no book adopted. Study support material is developed together during the course or provided by the teacher. The slides relating to the lessons and other teaching material will be available on the MyARIEL platform, in pdf format.
Students are advised to use the following text.
Caneva G., Pieroni A. and Guarrera P.M. "Ethnobotany - Conservation of a cultural heritage as a resource for sustainable development." EDIPUGLIA, Bari 2013.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The verification of learning takes place through an oral test concerning the topics of the course. Autonomy of judgment and communication abilities will be assessed as well.
The final examination, providing an assessment of 30/30, is passed with a mark equal of greater than 18/30.
BIO/15 - PHARMACEUTICAL BIOLOGY - University credits: 3
Lessons: 24 hours
Professor: Giuliani Claudia