Ethiopathogenesis of Hereditary and Parasitic Diseases

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
AGR/17 VET/06
Learning objectives
The educational objective of the course is to introduce the students to the principles and methods of high-throughput genomic tools that are applied in research and diagnostics both in Academia and in Companies. Basics of the eukaryotic variability detection and function and mechanisms and machineries of inherited and parasitic diseases will also be provided. Some host-parasite molecular mechanisms of interaction will also be considered. The course will also illustrate the spontaneous and experimental animal models for the understanding of the genetic and pathogenetic basis of parasitic diseases.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course the student will possess: -knowledge of the principles of the construction of linkage and physical maps - knowledge of the main tools available for nucleotide sequencing both Sanger and high-throughput genome sequencing -knowledge of the main tools for high-throughput genotyping both by hybridization and sequencing - basic knowledge of gene mapping using genome-wide association analysis. Furthermore, the student will be able to - understand the terminology and the research approaches of molecular genetics and genomics used in science and reported in scientific publications - understand which tools might be the most appropriate for a high-throughput nucleotide sequencing and/or genotyping analysis, together with their pros and cons - understand which tools might be the most appropriate for an association study for different diseases, and which might be the limits and the power. Besides, the student will gain knowledge on the following topics: 1. Advanced analytical techniques for the study of the molecular mechanisms of parasitic diseases, for the understanding of the pathogenetic basis of parasitic diseases and for the selection of parasite-specific targets for disease control; 2. Immunopathology of parasitic diseases and parasitic strategies of immune response modulation and evasion; 3 Molecular mechanisms of resistance and sensitivity to parasitic diseases such as varroatosis, leishmaniasis, toxoplasmosis, and neosporosis in primary animal models and/or final animal hosts
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
Genomic analysis of inherited diseases (Prof.Longeri)
- Linkage and physical maps (2h).
- Databases for genome assemblies and annotations, Whole genome reference sequences (1h)
- Nucleic acids sequencing: Sanger vs high throughput genome-wide methods (3 h)
- Genome-wide variability detection and principle of SNP selection for microarray) (1h)
- High throughput genotyping by Sequencing (1h)
- High throughput genotyping by hybridization (microarray) (1h)
- Linkage/Association models and analyses using genome-wide SNP genotypes (GWAS) (2h)
- Genomic variability and mapping of parasite resistance genes (1 hs)

- Design of a genotyping assay from bibliographic data (in silico PCR, practice on Sanger sequences and genomic databases and genome browsers (UCSC, NCBI, Ensembl) (2h).
Genome browsers for visualization and variant detection in whole genome sequences (4h)
Genome-wide association analysis (using p-link and R studio) (4h)
- Visits to research and service centres equipped with high-throughput platforms when available or Journal clubs on gene mapping and identification of genes important in inherited and parasitic diseases (2h).

Molecular pathology of parasitic diseases (Prof.Mortarino).
Unit 1 - Leishmaniasis: immunopathological mechanisms and primary animal models (4hs)
Unit 2 - Role of individual and social honey bee immunity in the host-parasite interplay (2hs)
Unit 3 - Moonlighting proteins of parasites as determinants of host colonization (2hs)
Unit 4 - Neospora and Toxoplasma - genetic determinants of host specificity and immunopathology (2hs)
Unit 5 - Drug targets of parasites - insights from genome mining and biological pathways analysis (2hs)
Unit 1 - MicroRNA web resources (4hs)
Unit 2 - MicroRNA analysis - RNA extraction and retrotranscription (4hs)
Unit 3 - MicroRNA analysis - Quantitation (4hs)
Prerequisites for admission
No specific prerequisites are required.
Teaching methods
Lectures and practical sessions (the latter consisting of computer activities, visits to external labs, and seminars)
Teaching Resources
Course materials will be uploaded on myARIEL platform.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Written examination: The test consists of open-ended texts and multiple-choice questions concerning the topics of both Units. The student must pass both Units on the same day. The exam will be held in Lodi, in a computer lab using the Microsoft Forms platform. The evaluation will consider the quality and the accuracy of the student's open-ended text answers, including the adequate motivation of statements and analyses.
Practicals: 24 hours
Lessons: 24 hours
Esercitazioni per un gruppo di studenti
Professor: Mortarino Michele
Turno unico per tutti gli studenti
Professor: Mortarino Michele
By appointment to be requested via e-mail
Lodi Dipartimento di Medicina Veterinaria e Scienze Animali - floor III, room 3090
Wednesday 11.00-12.00
DIVAS - - Lodi Via Dell'Università 6